UNFPA Uruguay

Despite the fact that Uruguay has seen a significant decline in the poverty rate since 2005, deep social, territorial, generational ,and ethnic inequalities persist. UNFPA supports the development of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services across the country by generating evidence, promoting capacity development, and strengthening public policies and civil society. Efforts are also geared towards addressing the needs of adolescents and youth. Data is also being generated to support public policy development in the areas of population and development, gender equality, and gender-based violence.

Data overview View more


Población, por grupo de edad, porcentaje
    Población de 0 a 14 años, en porcentaje
    Población de 15 a 64, años, en porcentaje
    Population aged 65+

Salud sexual y reproductiva

Nacimientos atendidos por personal sanitario calificado, porcentaje, 2014-2019
    Nacimientos atendidos por personal sanitario calificado

Planificación familiar

Proportion of demand satisfied with modern methods, women aged 15-49, per cent, 2022
    Modern method  


Total net enrolment rate, percent

Gender, Rights, and Human Capital

Prácticas nocivas

Paneles disponibles para Uruguay