UNFPA Administrative Agent Annual Report 2019
Since 2007, UNFPA started to perform as an Administrative Agent (AA) for pass-through fund mechanism and continued to work actively with sister agencies in 2019 and took part in multi- stakeholder action that capitalizes on the consolidated strengths of UN entities under UN Development System pooled funding mechanisms.

UNFPA Administrative Agent Annual Report 2018
UNFPA continued in 2018 to actively work with sister agencies and take part in multi-stakeholder action that capitalizes on the consolidated strengths of UN entities under UN Development System pooled funding mechanisms, while leveraging further commitments from a broader range of stakeholders.

UNFPA Administrative Agent Annual Report 2017
UNFPA continued in 2018 to actively work with sister agencies and take part in multi-stakeholder action that capitalizes on the consolidated strengths of UN entities under UN Development System pooled funding mechanisms, while leveraging further commitments from a broader range of stakeholders.

Five things you didn’t know about practices that harm girls
Every day, hundreds of thousands of girls around the world are harmed physically or psychologically, with the full knowledge and consent of their families, friends and communities.

UNFPA Administrative Agent Annual Report 2016
In 2016 UNFPA as AA continued to strengthen systems, building capacity to support quality design and administration of global, regional and country-level joint thematic programmes, empowering UN partners to work together to accelerate progress on key transformative results and ensure that no one is left behind.