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UNITED NATIONS, New York –The Executive Director of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin,  welcomes the appointment of Ahmad Alhindawi of Jordan as the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth.

Ahmad Alhindawi Credit: UN Photo

Mr. Alhindawi has an extensive international record of promoting the rights of young people, and a deep commitment to youth issues.

Dr. Osotimehin welcomed his appointment, acknowledging the important contributions Mr. Alhindawi has made to advance the sexual and reproductive health, and reproductive rights of young people and his strong support for UNFPA.

Mr. Alhindawi previously served as the Youth Programme Associate at the UNFPA Iraq office, and until recently supported the UNFPA Arab States Regional Office as a member of the youth team. In Jordan, he has also served as the focal point for Y-Peer, a youth peer-education network established and supported by UNFPA.

“In his role as the Special Envoy for Youth Mr. Alhindawi will play in instrumental role in keeping the rights of young people on the forefront of the development agenda,” said Dr. Osotimehin. “We look forward to working closely with Mr. Alhindawi to ensure that the rights of every young person are met.”

“As incoming co-chair of the United Nations Interagency Network on Youth Development, UNFPA is fully committed to the implementation of the Secretary-General’s Action Plan on Youth, and will closely coordinate our efforts with Mr. Alhindawi.”

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Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin welcomes the appointment of Mr. Ahmad Alhindawi of Jordan
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<p>UNITED NATIONS, New York –The Executive Director of UNFPA, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, welcomes the appointment of Ahmad Alhindawi of Jordan as the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth.</p>
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