Submitted by zerzan on

The security situation in Syria remains volatile and unstable. Idlib, Aleppo, Daraa, Al-Hassakah, Deir-ez-zor, North Lattakia and North Hama governorates remain primary hotspots. The most recent data by the World Health Organization shows that between December 2018 and July 2019, the number of people in need has increased by more than 534,000 to reach 13.72 million due primarily to the impact of hostilities.

The current situation has put the lives of women, men, girls and boys at risk every day and has significantly impacted their psychosocial well-being with reportedly high levels of trauma. According to a rapid needs assessment conducted by REACH, safety and security concerns severely restricted freedom of movement, while damage to civilian infrastructure prevented access to essential services. This exacerbates the vulnerability of communities, making the provision of humanitarian assistance in these areas even more critical.

Access to health care continues to be an essential need for newly displaced individuals and for host communities, including pregnant women and adolescent girls. Multiple displacements and lack of access to basic services further exacerbate the needs of individuals and communities, in addition to significantly increasing the risks of gender-based violence. Additional displacements further strain already-stretched coping mechanisms of individuals and families, leading to desperate measures that further increase the likelihood of protection threats, such as sexual exploitation, forced and early marriage, amongst others.

In response to these dire needs, UNFPA continues to provide services to people in need of sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence integrated services, with a focus on the needs of women and adolescent girls. A variety of services are being delivered, including antenatal care, family planning, normal delivery services, postnatal care, referrals, treatment of reproductive tract/urinary tract infection, treatment of trauma, and others. UNFPA also addresses the needs of women and adolescet girls by providing gender-based violence response services such as case management, psycho-social support, clinical management of rape, and referrals.

Meanwhile, recent months have seen additional displacements to Al Hol camp in Al Hasakah due to instabilities in Deir ez-Zur governorate. The population at the camp today stands at 73,654 people, 90 per cent of whom are women and children. Escalating violence and displacement often exacerbate women’s vulnerability to higher risks of maternal mortality and morbidity, and increase the threat of gender-based violence and harmful practices. 

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The security situation in Syria remains volatile and unstable. Idlib, Aleppo, Daraa, Al-Hassakah, Deir-ez-zor, North Lattakia and North Hama governorates remain primary hotspots. The most recent data by the World Health Organization shows that between December 2018 and July 2019, the number of people in need has increased by more than 534,000 to reach 13.72 million due primarily to the impact of hostilities.
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