Submitted by zerzan on

Armed clashes continue along the Al Hudaydah coastline displacing an estimated 750 households since 12 May. Humanitarian partners estimate that some 140,000 more people are at risk of being displaced from the three southern Al Hudaydah districts – Zabid, Al Garrahi and At Tuhayat. If the conflict reaches Al Hudaydah City, projections are that an additional 200,000 people are likely to be displaced, mostly within Al Hudaydah Governorate.

UNFPA along with other humanitarian partners in Aden and Al Hudaydah hubs ramped up the delivery of assistance to accessible areas and refined contingency plans in anticipation that humanitarian needs will increase as the conflict expands across the west coast.

On 23 May 2018, tropical cyclone “Mekunu” swept through the island of Socotra flooding it heavily. On 24 May, the Government of Yemen declared a state of emergency and called on humanitarian organizations to support relief efforts.

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Armed clashes continue along the Al Hudaydah coastline displacing an estimated 750 households since 12 May.
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