#youthagainstCOVID19campaign – All That You Need To Know

Submitted by patwari on

To help channel the dramatic changes from the pandemic into positive action, the section on “My world” comprises a brief on engaging young people as communicators and influencers through the #YouthAgainstCOVID campaign and a brief containing key survey questions for use during the pandemic and after it has passed.

Adapting Child Marriage and Adolescent Girls’ Programming During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Submitted by patwari on

To help tackle how COVID-19 is upending young people’s lives, briefs under “My life” cover comprehensive sexuality education, risk communication with those young people left behind and girls’ empowerment, particularly as it relates to child marriage.

Risk Communication and Community Engagement with Young People Left Behind During COVID-19

Submitted by patwari on

To help tackle how COVID-19 is upending young people’s lives, briefs under “My life” cover comprehensive sexuality education, risk communication with those young people left behind and girls’ empowerment, particularly as it relates to child marriage.

Responding to the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Adolescents During the COVID-19 Crisis

Submitted by patwari on

To help address the impacts of COVID-19 on young people’s health, including on their sexual and reproductive health and rights, there are two briefs under the umbrella of “My body”. The first is a set of frequently asked questions on COVID-19 and young people, co-authored with WHO, UNESCO and UNICE. This second brief is on ensuring sexual and reproductive health services are still accessible to young people.

Adolescents, Youth and COVID-19 Q&A

Submitted by patwari on

To help address the impacts of COVID-19 on young people’s health, including on their sexual and reproductive health and rights, there are two briefs under the umbrella of “My body”. This first brief is a set of frequently asked questions on COVID-19 and young people, co-authored with WHO, UNESCO and UNICEF. The second brief is on ensuring sexual and reproductive health services are still accessible to young people.