Submitted by karkara on

On 30 April 2019, UNFPA Evaluation Office and EvalYouth hosted a Twitter chat on Youth and Evaluation (#YEvalChat) to advocate for participation of youth in evaluation processes and capacity development of young and emerging evaluators. The panelists included Marco Segone, Director, UNFPA Evaluation Office, and EvalYouth representatives, Antonino Rishko-Porcescu and Dr Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead.

About 136 people posted 824 posts during the chat. The chat reached nearly 378,000 people, resulting in more than 2.7 million impressions.

The conversation was framed around the following questions.

  1. Why should young people be involved in evaluations?

  2. How can youth participation in evaluation contribute to the achievement of SDGs?

  3. How can we ensure meaningful participation of youth in evaluation?

  4. How can we support adolescent girls and young women to participate in evaluation?

  5. In what ways is your organization supporting youth in evaluation?

  6. What are some ideas for building capacity of young evaluators?

Read the highlights from the conversation, curated in the Twitter moment.

This social media event is among the several activities planned as part of UNFPA Evaluation Office and EvalYouth’s partnership. This collaboration affirms UNFPA vision, captured for the first time in its Evaluation Policy 2019, that young evaluators should be engaged in evaluations, and evaluation capacities of young and emerging evaluators must be strengthened.

Supporting young and emerging evaluators is critical in meeting the increasing global demand for evaluators and high quality evaluative evidence to support decision and policy making. Youth must also be meaningfully involved in evaluations of programmes and policies that impact them. As we mark the 25th anniversary of the ICPD, youth participation in evaluation, as stakeholders and as young professionals, is even more critical to accelerate the implementation of ICPD Programme of Action, and thereby to achieve SDGs by 2030.

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Hosted in partnership with UNFPA Evaluation Office and EvalYouth
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