Audit Ratings - Definition
Effective - The assessed governance arrangements, risk management practices and controls were adequately designed and operating effectively to provide reasonable assurance that the objectives of the audited entity/area should be achieved. The issue(s) and improvement opportunities identified, if any, did not affect the achievement of the audited entity or area's objectives.
Some improvement needed - The assessed governance arrangements, risk management practices and controls were adequately designed and operating effectively but needed some improvement to provide reasonable assurance that the objectives of the audited entity/area should be achieved. The issue(s) and improvement opportunities identified did not significantly affect the achievement of the audited entity/area objectives. Management action is recommended to ensure that identified risks are adequately mitigated.
Major improvement needed - The assessed governance arrangements, risk management practices and controls were generally established and functioning but need major improvement to provide reasonable assurance that the objectives of the audited entity/area. Prompt management action is required to ensure that identified risks are adequately mitigated.
Not effective - The assessed governance arrangements, risk management practices and controls were not adequately established or functioning to provide reasonable assurance that objectives of the audited entity/area should be achieved. The issues identified could seriously compromise the achievement of the audited entity or area's objectives. Urgent management action is required to ensure that the identified risks are adequately mitigated.
Implementation Rate
Implementation rate (% IR): The implementation rate reflects the progress made in addressing the issues raised by the audit. The implementation rate per audit report is first displayed three months after the report's public disclosure, or the closes date to the recommendation follow-up completed by OAIS; rates are periodically updated following OAIS reviews. Audit recommendations are normally expected to be implemented within 18 months. A list of audit recommendations that are outstanding for 18 months or more is included in the OAIS annual report to the Executive Board on audit and investigations. An audit recommendation that remains outstanding more than 18 months is typically one that requires structural adjustments or that is outside the direct control of UNFPA.