Submitted by opal on

Within the context of the 3rd and 4th Programme Cycles of Assistance 2018-2020 and 2021- 2025, respectively, between the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), with funding support from European Union (EU), UNFPA will implement a project whose main objective is to accelerate social economic empowerment of youth in Somalia.

UNFPA strives to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. In Somalia Country Office, this mandate is delivered by providing services and skills development in Youth centres, life skills training, advocating for reproductive rights, gender equality, youth empowerment and promoting evidence-based decision-making in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Somali population has a young median age, indicating a high proportion of youth in the overall population. In general, a youthful population provides significant labour for the country’s growth. Policies that promote education, civic knowledge, training and employment among the youth will harness the energy of young people in a constructive manner. This is especially important considering that the large number of females of reproductive age will result in further population growth.

Eight out of 10 Somalis are younger than 35 years old. Approximately 81.5 percent of the Somali population is under 35 years of age according to the Population Estimation Survey 20141. However, avenues for youth to obtain an education and gainful employment opportunities are limited while opportunities to engage politically, economically or socially remain weak or non-existent. Somali youth, if not engaged in productive enterprises, may become radicalized, and/or disenfranchised, contributing to violent conflict and migration.

Space and opportunities for youth engagement and participation in mainstream development activities is further restricted for women and girls as a result of unequal socio-cultural norms that guide social and gender relations in Somalia. Continuing gender inequality within the labour market contributes not only to limiting the potential for increasing the country’s GDP and economic stability, but also sustains the high levels of poverty and health issues currently experienced within the country. Somalia is at a crossroads after decades of complex and protracted conflicts with regional disparities in socio-economic and political development. While several parts of the country have experienced years of fighting and lawlessness, others have achieved a fragile semblance of peace and stability. Efforts to build a stable and prosperous Somalia require inclusive participation and representation where all people feel empowered and have the capabilities and opportunities to improve their lives. Young people hold the key to unlock the potentials of a prosperous and peaceful Somalia. They need to become primary drivers of sustainable development and need to be brought to the forefront of the labour market.

This consultancy has been initiated by UNFPA Somalia with funding support from the European Union to undertake the “Accelerated Socio-Economic Empowerment of Youth in Somalia Project” baseline assessment to serve the project’s evidence-based planning process


This action has the objective of building peace, mitigating radicalization, and contributing to stability in Somalia by improving opportunities for youth to engage in peace-building, skills development, income-generation, entrepreneurship, sports and culture. The specific objective is to ensure that youth have access to safe spaces where they can realize their full potential as productive and independent agents of positive change in Somalia.

The goal would be reached through a combination of three expected outcomes as explained below:

Outcome 1: Improved Access of Youth to youth-led initiatives and micro-financing that provide services and safe spaces in key locations across Somalia.


  • Number of Youth in targeted communities that are gainfully engaged in productive activities.
  • Number of youth-led initiatives supported by Government at national and/or local levels.
  • Youth Fund is in place and operational.  Number of boot camps for business development incubation.  Number of youth-driven initiatives supported by youth fund.
  • Number of youth from ‘poorest households’ who accessed grants to ‘improve livelihood opportunities

Outcome 2: Increased Utilization of services and Interventions that increased the income-generating Potentials of Youths.


  • Percentage of participating Somali youth who report increase in income and better livelihood situations as a result of the programme interventions.
  • Increased percentage of Youth’s employment opportunities.
  • Number of female-headed households that have accessed the income generating opportunities.
  • 400 local economic and social enterprise incubators that are in place within the poorest communities.
  • 2,500 of young people trained and mentored.
  • 10 youth spaces improved.
  • Number of youth-related toolkits and curricula developed to support young entrepreneurs.

Outcome 3: Youth Participation in Public Policy formulation and Decision-making at National, Local and Community levels.


  • At least two empowerment-responsive policies/action plan related to youth’s peace building, economic security and equal economic opportunities.
  • At least 300 Youth organization and association members provided with capacity building to enhance youth inclusion.

Required Qualifictions and Experience

  • Masters’ Degree in Social Sciences, Statistics, Gender, M&E, Economics or other related fields.
  • Comprehensive professional experience in the conduct of project assessments and evaluations of no less than 7 years. (The applicant is requested to send samples of prior reports written by him/herself).
  • Excellent experience and knowledge of data collection, data analysis and interpretation and technical reporting using evidence-based information and results. Solid understanding of evaluation methodologies, and/or a proven expertise of research in social sciences relevant for the exercise, including proven experience in designing qualitative methodologies (Focal Group Discussions and interviews including with younger age group, etc.) and analysing qualitative data;
  • Demonstrated capacity for strategic thinking and policy advice are essential.
  • Excellent writing/reporting skills.
  • Prior experience with projects targeting young men and women beneficiaries.
  • Prior experience with projects related to employability skills an advantage; 
  • Preferably prior experience with projects targeting innovation;
  • Knowledge of the national/regional and EU public policies targeting prevention of gender-based violence and promotion of gender equity;
  • Advanced degree in Social Sciences, public health, international development, and/or an associated field;
  • In-depth knowledge of humanitarian settings, UN system, government policies (preferably in Somalia), and previous experience in working on project evaluations is an asset.

Duration:  45 working days

How to apply:

Please submit the following requirements to Detailed personal Curriculum Vitae including the relevant and past experience in similar domain and scope of work, including at least 3 references.  A cover letter articulating why he/she is the most suitable candidate for this consultancy and scope of work.  Financial offer details including the daily consultancy rate.  All payments are based upon outputs, i.e. upon satisfactory delivery of the services specified in the Terms of Reference and approval from UNFPA.   Previous work samples (at least 2 work samples) related to the consultancy scope of work, ideally baseline evaluation reports along with a copy of National passport.

Type of contract
Job Category
Duty Station
Mogadishu, Somalia
Thematic Area
Workflow State
Closing Date