Submitted by anderson on

Consultancy - Data Processing and I.T. Infrastructure

Duration: 2 months


Since independence, Sudan conducted five Population and Housing Censuses (PHC), in 1956, 1973, 1983, 1993, and 2008. The last population census of 2008; was backed by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed by the government of Sudan and SPLM, as a tool for power and wealth sharing between the North and the South. The country is currently planning to carry its sixth PHC, which coming amidst huge political and socioeconomic changes the country witnesses. The preparatory activities will be executed beginning from the third quarter of 2021. 

UNFPA with other development partners is supporting the Transitional Government of Sudan in conducting the census – which will be integrated for the first time with the Comprehensive Agricultural Census - through building national technical and management capacities to plan and implement high quality censuses in accordance with scientifically established and internationally recognized standards and procedures. Results of the 6th PHC, like the previous censuses, will be used as inputs for development planning aimed at raising the standard of living of the Sudanese population, promoting good governance and maintaining equity and equality among all citizens, as well as for monitoring and evaluation of different development programs.  

Consultancy objectives and scope

In line with UN/UNFPA polices and guidelines, and in full harmonization with internationally established standards and recommendations for census undertaking, a Consultant on Census Data Processing Methodology and IT infrastructure will be hired to assist the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) in the review of plan and budget of Census data processing and IT structure component. The IT consultant will work with CBS to review the IT infrastructure, including hardware and software packages, and make recommendations for adjustment as needed.  The Consultant will be responsible for developing a graphic map outlining the flow of information from the field to the central office, to adequately illustrate the process to lay audiences as well as professionals.  

More specifically, the Consultant is expected to carry out the following specific duties and responsibilities:

  • Advise CBS on the readiness of the current IT infrastructure to meet the requirements of the census project. 
  • Conduct a feasibility test on how the equipment would work in relation to the new technology applied.
  • Work with CBS to harmonize existing infrastructure with additional needs of the census as needed. Cost-saving measures are welcomed.
  • Identify key applications to be developed with the team.
  • Transfer knowledge and share experience with census staff in digital census IT.
  • Train census staff in the area of expertise. 
  • Assessment of the calendar of IT activities and alignment with the overall Census calendar.
  • Review of IT documentation (IT procedures, plans of the IT manager, etc.).
  • Assessment of the computer infrastructure for the data collection and follow-up phases.
  • Assessment of the transmission system of field data to central servers.
  • Propose actions to safeguard the census process and development of contingency planning.
  • Assessment of the development methodology.
  • Assessment of the collection methodology and data analysis from IT perspective. 
  • Verification of the management of various security levels.
  • Assessment of the environment and software infrastructure intended for the applications.
  • Validation of the ergonomics of user interfaces.
  • Share the results with the CBS and UNFPA and discuss the implications of the findings with him as needed.

Products and deliverables

Expected deliverables:

  • A viable IT infrastructure design plan. 
  • Human and material resource plan needed for IT phase for the duration of the census.
  • System in place for data transfer with reliable and secure data feedback.
  • The report prepared by the Consultant should focus on the operational readiness of the project. The report must also provide recommendations on next steps in the short-, mid- and longer term.

Work Settings and Conditions

The consultant will be stationed in the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) of Sudan and will work under the overall guidance of the Director General of the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and the direct supervision of the Census Chief Technical Adviser (CTA). He/ She will work closely with the PHC Director and concerned staff of CBS and UNFPA. The consultant will also liaise with other national stakeholders and partners as relevant.

UNFPA shall provide the Technical Expert with office space for meetings, vehicle for official movements and meetings with donors and government institutions. 

The assignment may require some travel to the field. 

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements


Masters Degree in IT, computer sciences, or related field.


  • Seven years’ professional experience in the field of digital census IT and data processing, particularly in designing and costing and implementing censuses IT/Data processing component in developing countries.
  • Strong experience in the use of Census data processing software such as CSPro, SPSS, STAT… 
  • Good knowledge of existing technology and modern equipment in the census data processing, and of the challenging situations of developing countries in relation to population census. 
  • Proven experience in planning and implementation of Census data processing, and technical capacity building/training in developing countries.
  • Proven experience in teamwork, especially in the field of population censuses.
  • Experience in leading teams in a complex multi-cultural environment is desirable.


Fluent spoken and written English is essential, knowledge of Arabic is desirable.

How to Apply

Candidates who have the required/relevant qualifications and experience should submit their applications including a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) and motivational letter with a copy of qualifications to the following email:   Please specify in the email subject ‘Data Processing and I.T. consultant’.  

Type of contract
Duty Station
Khartoum, Sudan
Thematic Area
Workflow State
Closing Date