Submitted by Gill on

Timing/Duration of Contract: 5 months: 1 June to 30 November 2018

Duty Station: UNFPA Baghdad and Erbil, with travel in the different governorates


Around the globe, women and children, girls in particular, are threatened by violence. During armed conflict, exposure to violence increases due to forced displacement, separation of families and communities, and weakened or destroyed infrastructure that erode the social and legal protections in place during times of stability. The result is an escalation in violence – including sexual violence – against women and girls. Emergency situations also exacerbate other forms of gender-based violence (GBV) that women and girls are exposed to in times of peace and stability, such as domestic violence.

According to the advanced summary of Humanitarian Response Plan for Iraq 2018, the humanitarian crisis in Iraq is entering a new phase. Combat operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have ended and hundreds of thousands of displaced people are returning to their homes and communities.

During 2018, humanitarian partners estimate that 8.7 million people across Iraq will require some form of humanitarian assistance. Of the 8.7 million people who require humanitarian assistance, 4.3 million are female and 4.1 million, nearly half of the total people in need, are children. In addition to displaced and host families, 250,000 Syrian refugees are expected to remain in Iraq and require continuing assistance.

Nearly 80 per cent of the estimated 8.7 million people requiring assistance are concentrated in Ninewa, Kirkuk and Anbar governorates.

Needs are also concentrated in Dahuk, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah governorates in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, which together host 30 per cent of all displaced people in Iraq and 226,000 refugees from Syria. (2018 Humanitarian Response Plan, Executive Summary)

The GBV Sub-Cluster in Iraq is responsible for the overall coordination of GBV prevention and response within the humanitarian response. The cluster approach ensures clear leadership, predictability and accountability in international responses to humanitarian emergencies by clarifying the division of labor among organizations and better defining their roles and responsibilities within the different sectors of the response. It aims to make the international humanitarian community better organized and more accountable. National-level GBV Sub-Cluster is currently co-chaired by UNFPA and IMC, with a Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) consisting of GBV specialists from UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNWomen, UNAMI, and IMC. Local-level coordination occurs via GBV Working Groups (WGs) in 8 governorates: Baghdad (covering Salah al-Din, Anbar), Basrah, Kirkuk, Sulaymaniyah, Diyala, Erbil, Duhok, and Ninewa. At all levels the GBV Sub-Cluster collaborates with the Government, the Protection Cluster and associated Sub-Clusters.

The international community has increasingly recognized the need to prioritize collective action to address gender-based violence in emergencies (GBViE).

In 2015, a revision of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action: Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery (“GBV Guidelines”) was launched following multi-year, consultative process to make the guidelines more effective. The implementation and rollout of the GBV Guidelines is part of the global and inter-agency effort to provide comprehensive guidance to humanitarian actors in the field who can make a difference in the lives of women and children around the world.

Context to the Assignment:

In 2016, Iraq hosted an initial roll out of the 2015 IASC GBV Guidelines in Erbil among 5 key clusters: Protection, Food Security, WASH, Shelter/NFI, CCCM and Health. This effort involved an orientation workshop for Erbil-based cluster partners on the GBV Guidelines and consultations for the creation of action plans among the concerned cluster coordinators. While the action plans were not finalized by Clusters, in 2016 and 2017, the GBV Sub-Cluster continued to support mainstreaming efforts through various means, including site-level trainings for service providers, technical guidance notes, reviewing Iraq Humanitarian Pooled Fund projects, mentoring site planners, etc.

In 2017, Iraq was selected as one of two pilot countries for the Real Time Accountability Partnership (RTAP). The RTAP convenes key humanitarian agencies and organizations to promote accountability for GBV prevention and response in humanitarian emergencies. It focuses on strategic actions falling within the responsibility/mandate of donors, humanitarian coordinators, humanitarian country teams, protection lead agencies, cluster lead agencies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) during each phase of the Humanitarian Program Cycle to promote system-wide accountability. The objectives for the consultant align with this commitment to accountability and help follow through on three key recommendations from the RTAP baseline assessment:

·       A renewed focus on including and building the capacity of GBV focal points within clusters on GBV Risk Mitigation and prevention to facilitate integration of select indicators from the IASC GBV Guidelines into cluster action plans.

·       Focus on mitigating the negative impacts of high staff turnover via fast-tracking appointment of key GBV mainstreaming specialists and building the capacity of a pool of national technical experts who would be available in the future to provide ongoing/refresher training. This pool of technical experts could be drawn on for refresher training to new incumbents in key positions and also on the GBV Guidelines before each new planning cycle.

Review cluster action plans that were an outcome of the GBV Guidelines trainings to ensure accountability to commitments.

Objectives: Support the roll out of 2015 IASC GBV Guidelines across targeted clusters (Health, Shelter/NFI, Protection, CCCM, WASH and Food Security) in Iraq, with a particular focus on improving the protective environment for women and girls at risk, including GBV survivors, through mitigation and prevention of GBV.

Purpose of Assignment and Scope of work:

On behalf of UNFPA and in close collaboration with the Iraq GBV Sub-Cluster, the Iraq GBV SAG, and the global ISAC GBV Guidelines team, the consultant will work with selected clusters (Health, Shelter/NFI, Protection, CCCM, WASH and Food Security) at the inter-agency level to:

Contextualize the 2015 IASC GBV Guidelines for Iraq and create/design practical GBV mainstreaming tools to be used in trainings for the various sectors separately accordingly for targeted cluster coordinators and members, cluster GBV focal points, and GBV specialists within agencies who are cluster leads.

·       Equip a team of GBV specialists and technical specialists from the targeted clusters (GBV focal points) with practical checklists, and templates to be able to support GBV mainstreaming efforts, including facilitating a Training of Trainers (ToT), supporting trainings and on-site mentoring, across all governorates in addition to coaching and mentoring.

·       Train targeted cluster coordinators on GBV mainstreaming and create actions plans for GBV mainstreaming.

·       Facilitate and/or support site-level trainings for service providers within displacement sites in in selected sites alongside local GBV service providers, where present for coaching and mentoring methodologies.

Equip local GBV service providers and selected clusters service providers on sites in selected governorates with skills and knowledge to continually identify GBV risks and advocate for site-level risk reduction within other cluster responses.


While based within UNFPA, the GBV Guidelines Consultant will work closely with GBV Sub-Cluster and SAG members and will be responsible for providing dedicated, cluster-specific training and technical assistance to key clusters on the GBV Guidelines, to facilitate the integration of GBV prevention, mitigation and response efforts into all clusters of humanitarian response.

UNFPA will be responsible for providing additional costs related to this consultancy, such as:

·       Accommodation, road transport to/from field sites, and flights for the consultant throughout the country

·       Training costs, including transportation and accommodation for participants from governorates and venue hire, refreshments, stationary/supplies, etc.

  • Arabic/Kurdish interpreters, if necessary

Qualification Requirements:

Applicants should hold the following education background, skills and work experience:

·        Master in gender studies, public health, social work, political science, human rights and international law or other related degree, or equivalent programming experience.

·        At least 8 years of GBV program management experience, preferably including at least 2 years implementing a GBV program in a humanitarian context and 5 years of experience on training and capacity building related to addressing GBViE.

·        Experience in GBViE-related prevention, including on mainstreaming prevention across sectors of humanitarian response (e.g. CCCM, WASH, Health, Protection, Shelter/NFI, Food Security).

·        Experience in building knowledge and commitment among technical and management staff in terms of addressing GBViE.

·        Deep understanding of GBV guiding principles and what it means to provide a survivor-centered response.

·        Experience developing and facilitating workshops.

·        Good computer skills, including MS Word, Excel, etc.

·        Demonstrated organizational skills, including the ability to work independently and productively, with multiple stakeholders in a fast-paced environment.

·        Flexible work attitude: the ability to work productively in a team environment as well as independently, and the ability to handle requests or issues as they arise.

·        Demonstrated understanding of issues related to confidentiality, data safety/security and other ethical concerns related to the sharing of sensitive data between humanitarian agencies.

·        Excellent interpersonal and communication skills: the ability to successfully and effectively liaise with people in a wide range of functions in a multi-cultural environment.

  • Knowledge of Arabic language is an added advantage

How to apply:

Application Process and Deadline: 

Interested consultants should submit their curricula vitae, and motivation statement with a monthly lump sum package which includes accommodation and subsistence costs. UNFPA will provide an Economy Class return ticket if required. UNFPA will also make security, travel and accommodation arrangements for the consultant outside of the duty station in Erbil. 

Applications should be received by 1 May 2018 to Mr. Hanna Firas at



Type of contract
Duty Station
Erbil, Iraq
Workflow State
Closing Date