Submitted by Gill on

Introduction and Background

UNFPA is the lead agency of the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility (GBV AOR) in Somalia and co-chairs GBV clusters at national and regional levels with the Ministry of Gender and active GBV focussed NGOs and other stakeholders. The Somalia GBV humanitarian response has active GBV coordination hubs across Somalia. However, the operations of the Coordination hubs in ensuring effective coordination of GBV programmes, sharing of information and data, showing leadership through improved visibility and presence for GBV programming is greatly inhibited by the ability of the GBV coordination platform to harness information and data to show results, challenges and gaps to advance advocacy for improved funding opportunities to broaden scope and quality of programming. As a result, the GBV coordination and response in Somalia requires the services of an information management officer to increase effectiveness, improve coordination, visibility and advocacy for GBV programming. This will also strengthen UNFPA’s leadership.

The strategic objective is to contribute to more effective GBV coordination and programming through robust information management for the GBV sub cluster coordination.

Role Description: Under the overall supervision of the GBV Sub-Cluster Coordinator, this position is responsible for development and maintaining GBV sub sector interactive dash boards, production of graphic representation of monthly/quarterly gender and age disaggregated GBV field service provision information products for the GBV sub sector. The GBV Sub-Cluster is an “area of responsibility” under the Global Protection Cluster and the mechanism through which gender-based violence in emergencies is coordinated within the inter-agency humanitarian system. The GBV Sub-Cluster’s objective is to ensure more predictable, accountable and effective GBV prevention and response in emergencies. In countries where the Cluster System has been initiated, UNFPA has the responsibility for either establishing and/or leading a GBV coordination body (often called a “GBV Sub-Cluster”) under the Protection Cluster or for actively identifying and supporting another agency to take on this role.  Most clusters have recognized having an information management capacity as part of cluster coordination as good practice. Under the Transformative Agenda (“TA”), specifically as explained in the “Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at Country Level”,  Information Management (IM) is an essential cluster function during any emergency (L3 or other). In Cluster countries, the IMO consultant will work in an inter-agency capacity to support information management within pre-existing GBV coordination bodies in order to promote the highest standards of GBV prevention and response, in line with global guidance and the phases of the Humanitarian Program Cycle (HPC), in particular in needs assessments, strategic planning and implementation and monitoring

Improved information management is a core responsibility necessary to feed into elaboration of programming strategies, humanitarian funding processes, mainstreaming GBV into other sectors, engaging in advocacy and preparing situation reports (“sitreps”).  Information management is therefore an integral part of a coordinated approach to GBV.

Data Collection and Management
●    In line with WHO’s Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Researching, Documenting and Monitoring Sexual Violence in Emergencies:
●    Develop and administer relevant datasets and/or databases including content, structure, file location, backup system, using accepted international standards;
●    Generate maps and other information graphics to support planning and decision-making;
●    Develop simple, user-friendly data reporting tools, in consultation with supervisor; ensuring sex, age and vulnerable groups disaggregation are taken into account;
●    Consolidate existing assessments on the GBV situation and/or work with relevant agencies, the displaced and host populations to conduct relevant participatory analyses of GBV.  
●    In collaboration with national and international GBV actors, map current institutional response capacities for GBV field responses.
●    Create and maintain an interactive GBV sub cluster dashboard for humanitarian response.

Programme Support
●    Support the GBV Sub-Cluster in the Information Management Working Group (IMWG) with relevant operational partners for efficient coordination of Information Management activities.
●    Ensure that the GBV Sub-Cluster activities documents are regularly shared and uploaded in the relevant platform and website (e.g
●    Ensure that information collected contribute to strategic documents, such as the Humanitarian Needs Overview, Strategic and Humanitarian Response Plans, and Flash Appeals.
●    Work with the GBV sub cluster leads and Gender/GBV specialist to determine people in need and target population for the HRP development; in collaboration with the Protection cluster.
●    Assessment of the sub cluster’s information management needs, development and implementation of GBV Sub Sector’s information management strategy.

Knowledge Sharing and Communications
●    Ensure gender and sex aggregated data and inputs relevant to the GBV Sub-Cluster are provided.
●    Ensure continuous communication with other sectors/agencies’ Information Management Officers (IMOs) or enhanced coordination and mapping of humanitarian response activities and tools including harmonization of tools where necessary.

Required Qualifications and Experience
●    A Master's degree in Information Science, Geographical Information Systems, Computer Science or other relevant field  or;
●    A first degree combined with extensive relevant professional experience   may be accepted in lieu of a Master's degree
●    Familiarity with Excel, desktop publishing (Microsoft publisher, adobe in-design, adobe illustrator & adobe photoshop) software, and basic website management. 
●    Excellent command of Microsoft Office suite (with emphasis on data manipulation in MS Excel or MS Access).
●    Professional experience with GBV or any other aspect of protection in emergencies, including demonstrated understanding of monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
●    Minimum five (5) years of work experience in the field of Information Management;
●    Knowledge of the UN cluster system and how it operates.
●    Demonstrate knowledge on gender/GBV in Emergencies work, protection related guidelines, standards and indicators.
●    Relevant experience in working with the UN or other humanitarian organizations in emergency setting.
●    Experience using ArcGIS and Adobe Suite software.
•    Excellent command of Microsoft Office suite (with emphasis on data manipulation in MS Excel or MS Access); 
•    Knowledge in data management systems such as PostgreSQL, MySQL or MS SQL Server;
•    Conversant in application programming languages like .NET, Java, PHP, Python and HTML/CSS)

Fluency in Somali and English is essential (written and spoken).

UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Fraudulent notices, letters or offers may be submitted to the UNFPA fraud hotline
How to apply
Interested candidates are requested to register in our roster through the link below: and to send their expression of interest, curriculum vitae and information on previous similar work to  on or before by Monday 27th August, 2018.


Type of contract
Job Category
Duty Station
Mogadishu, Somalia
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date