Submitted by anderson on

Duration:    Fouty (40) working days between 15 August and 30 November 2021)
Location:    This position will be done remotely with all work being submitted electronically


UNFPA ESARO seeks an international consultant/consulting institution to conduct a Rapid Assessment of in Africa with a specific focus in East and Southern Africa. 

In the 2020-2030 Decade of Action for Sustainable Development, accelerated actions to ensure Healthy Ageing need to take into account healthy habits through adolescence and adulthood to older age groups, to avoid negative outcomes in old age. Recognizing the increasing population ageing in the East and Southern Africa region, UNFPA ESARO is seeking an international consultant to undertake a rapid assessment of Healthy Aging and Old Age Care Systems including Sexual and Reproductive Health Care in Africa (with a specific focus on East and Southern Africa) with a view to guiding policy actions required to ensure healthy ageing within an integrated system of care and support services. 

The work will be under the overall direction of Population Policy Dynamics Advisor with collaborations from relevant Technical Advisors. 

Scope of Work

The consultant will be responsible to perform and assessment that is expected to include under the scope of inquiry: 

  • Population ageing in Africa and ESAR, including identifying the implications for sustainable development (this should include Healthy Life Expectancy (male and female)). 
  • How is the old age care system supporting older people in ESARO organized, delivered and financed?
    • In the context of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and inclusive social protection systems are health care systems and complementary protection services able to provide the elderly with accessible, quality age-appropriate integrated care and support needed to ensure quality of life and wellbeing?
    • How are older women cared for in ESARO? Are the reproductive and sexual health needs of older people met in ESAR? (i.e. HIV population needs older age care, menopause, older persons living with disability, etc.) within integrated approaches?
    • What is the multi-sectorial coordination mechanism at regional and national level that ensures appropriate interventions are in place to ensure the dignity, wellbeing and quality of life for older persons in ESAR? 
    • What are the measures in place to ensure continuity of Care and Protection services in emergencies (technology, innovation)?
  • What are the (preliminary) suggested policy options - institutional, community and family (towards 2030 and beyond)?

Delivery Dates of Expected Activities

Expected Activities:

  1. Inception phase detailing the methodology and refining the scope of enquiry through an assessment framework
  2. Draft reports 
  3. Final reports 


  1. Inception Report with methodology, assessment framework, clear deliverables, and timeframe - 15th September 2021
  2. Draft Reports – 31st October 2021
  3. Final Reports – 30th of November 2021



  • Master’s or PhD from a recognized University in Public Health or related social science.

Knowledge and Experience

  • Expertise in Aging in Africa and in old age care systems.
  • Should have 10 years of progressive experience in public health or related discipline with a focus on Aging and Reproductive Health, with at least three years at international/regional level. 
  • Experience of having worked on strategic analytical assessment before.
  • Good written and spoken English/French. 
  • Examples of previous reports should accompany applications 

How to Apply

Interested applicants should send a cover letter and detailed Curriculum Vitae/resume to Please specify in the email subject “International Consultant- Old Age Care”. 

UNFPA will only respond to those applicants in whom the Regional Office has further interest. In the event that UNFPA does not contact you by 27 August 2021, please consider your application unsuccessful.

UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Fraudulent notices, letters or offers may be submitted to the UNFPA fraud hotline
UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, teamwork, Embracing diversity in all its forms, integrity and a healthy balance of work and life. We are committed to maintaining our balanced gender distribution and therefore encourage women to apply. UNFPA promotes equal opportunities for all including persons with disabilities.

Type of contract
Job Category
Duty Station
Remote/Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office
Thematic Area
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date