Submitted by Gill on

Purpose of Consultancy -

The 2gether 4 SRHR Programme, a joint UN Regional Programme, brings together the combined efforts of UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO to fast track the attainment of SRHR targets of the sustainable development goals.


This Terms of Reference invites interested individual consultants to submit their CVs and a technical proposal that will indicate how they will support the development of the advocacy strategy in relation to the key areas indicated in this TOR. They will include a financial proposal that outlines their daily fees.


While significant progress has been made in advancing the SRHR targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3, 4 and 5, all indications are that the region is unlikely to reach these targets without a concerted effort that brings together all stakeholders in support of the SDGs.


The purpose of the advocacy strategy is to identify key issues, stakeholders and messages and actions to advance SDG 3 and 5 in the short to medium term. The strategy is to be informed by the ICPD Programme of Action and the integrated definition of SRHR as proposed by the Lancet-Guttmacher Commission Sexual and Reproductive Health that defines both the rights and the key elements the constitutes SRHR, and the current SRHR environment in the ESA region. It will build upon the consultative process that has been initiated in support of the development of the advocacy strategy, that includes the convening of a series advocacy dialogues with key stakeholders that is intended to identify and define the key advocacy issues to be advanced in relation to different thematic areas.


It will make recommendations regarding the structure and functioning of a regional advocacy platform that brings together key stakeholders working on SRHR in the East and Southern African region to coordinate joint advocacy efforts on SRHR. It will identify and make recommendations on identifying, selecting and engaging champions for SRHR drawn from a range of sectors.


The development of the SRHR advocacy platform and strategy is being overseen by a Steering Committee comprising of UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO working in partnership with AfriYAN, APHRC, East Africa National Networks of AIDS and Health Service Organizations (EANNASO), IPPF (Africa), SRHR Africa Trust (SAT), SAfAIDS, SADC SRHR Community of Policy & Practice (CoPP); and Y+.


Scope of work

1.    Review the recordings and participate in future dialogues and develop a brief report capturing the key issues to be addressed through the advocacy strategy. 
2.    Develop the advocacy strategy drawing upon the inputs from the advocacy dialogues that includes:  
-    The current situation
-    Vision
-    Objectives
-    Theory of change
-    Audiences for advocacy
-    Key actions to bring about change 
-    Risks and opportunities to bring about change (including those that are regional specific)
-    Monitoring and evaluating the advocacy strategy
3.    Conduct a review, comprising of a desk top interview and individual in-depth interviews, of existing regional advocacy networks or platforms that explores their mandate, structure, and functioning both within and beyond the East and Southern African region and make recommendations for an ESA SRHR Advocacy platform. 
4.    Engage with key regional stakeholders to identify champions from different constituencies (political leaders, civil society, researchers, social media influencers, and media) that can be mobilised to support issues around SRHR in the region. 

Durtion and work schedule
This contract will comprise of 40 working days to be delivered over the period 01 July – 15 September 2021. 

⮚    Inception report outlining approach and work plan (3-days)
⮚    Report and presentation on review of existing regional SRHR advocacy networks or platforms and recommendations regarding the functioning of the ESA Regional Advocacy Platform and Champions (15 days) 
⮚    3 x summary reports from three dialogues (5-days) 
⮚    Draft Regional Advocacy SRHR Strategy and Platform and presentation (15-days) 
⮚    Presentations to relevant stakeholders (2-day). 



The following deliverables are expected during the duration of this consultancy:
a)    Inception report, 6 July 2021
b)    Summary reports from five dialogues (as completed)
c)    Report on existing SRHR advocacy networks and their functioning.
d)    Report on possible champions for SRHR in the ESA region and recommendations on roles, functioning and engagement of the champions. 
e)    Advocacy Strategy and platform developed, 10 August


 The consultant will contractually work under the supervision of the Programme Manager for the 2gether 4 SRHR at UNFPA in consultation with the technical experts and Steering Committee overseeing the development of the advocacy strategy.

Required qualifications

The consultant will be selected based on the following criteria:           

  • An advanced degree in the social sciences, political sciences, and/or public health.
  • At least 7 years working on SRHR in ESA Region, that includes the development of advocacy strategies.  
  • Previous experience in strategic planning that includes the development of advocacy strategies.
  • Knowledge of key actors and stakeholders working on SRHR in the ESA region.
  • Technical proposal that outlines approach to including: a) The approach to the review of existing SRHR networks; b) the development of the advocacy strategy and c) Approach to identifying champions for SRHR in the ESA region.

How to apply

All applications should be sent to with a clear email subject line "International Consultant - Regional Advocacy Strategy".  Closing date is 29 June 2021 5pm Johannesburg time.


Type of contract
Duty Station
Workflow State
Closing Date