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Consultant/Team Leader for assessment of data flows and development of information mapping for civil registration system in Tajikistan

Closing date: 31st of July 2016

Duty Station: Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Duration: Aug 2016 to Sep 2016 (estimates of 35 working days)


In December 2015, UNFPA and UNDP Tajikistan has launched Phase I of the ‘Support to Civil Registration Reform in Tajikistan’ project that builds on (a) the outcomes of the Functional Review of Civil Registration Offices initiated by UNDP Tajikistan in 2014 under the ongoing ‘Access to Justice in Tajikistan’ project funded by SDC, and also (b) the extensive consultations with the state institutions at the national and local levels, UN Agencies, international and local NGOs, as well as the population.  The project is in line with the Judicial and Legal Reform Programme of the Government of Tajikistan (2015-2017) and directly contributes to implementation of the on-going reform of civil registration offices (ZAGS).

The project will be implemented by jointly with UNFPA and UNDP in close cooperation with the Ministry of Justice. The project will work with the different actors at different levels to make civil registry institutions and mechanisms more responsive to the populations needs and more functional, by developing capacities among the relevant institutions and stakeholders and by simplifying and standardization the processes. This will include more refined capacity development approaches and creating strategic partnerships with other institutions, such as the jamoat bodies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agency on Statistics under President of RT, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, and the Ministry of Interior. The project will adopt a human rights based approach and will work on both the supply and demand sides of civil registration service provision enabling each side to substantively contribute to implementation of the civil registration reform process.


Tajikistan is located in the south Central Asia and has population of 8 million (Stat Agency 2012).  The population is predominantly young, with youth under the age 24 accounting for nearly 60% of population. For the last three decades the country’s population growth has slowed considerably, from almost 3.7% in the 1980s to 2.1% in 2010 (2010 census). The country faced significant decline in fertility with the total fertility rate decreasing from 6.3 in the beginning of the 1990s to the current 3.2 (DHS 2012). Between 1993 and 2012 the officially reported maternal mortality ratio decreased from 96 to 33 (DHS 2012).

The goal of the UNFPA country programme is to contribute to improving the quality of life in Tajikistan by supporting the following United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) outcomes: (a) Good governance and economic and social growth are jointly enhanced to reduce poverty, unlock human potential, protect rights, and improve core public functions; (b) Enhanced access to and utilization of quality essential social services; (c) There is improved access for the vulnerable to quality basic services in health, education and social protection.

UNFPA Tajikistan focuses its assistance on three main areas: i) Population and Development; ii) Reproductive Health; and iii) Gender Equality. The Population and Development (PD) component contributes to the national priorities of good governance, including national capacity to use population data for planning and policy making. UNFPA Tajikistan key Implementing partners under Country Programme are Ministry of Health and Social Security, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Agency on Statistics, Ministry of Labour and Migration, Ministry of Education, Committee on Women and Family Affairs, Committee on Religion, Committee of Youth, Sport and Tourism, NGOs and other relevant partners.

Objectives and scope

The overall objectives are: (i) overall assessment data flow of CRVS system (ii) assess the registration practices and; (iii) create information mapping of CRVS system.

The specific objectives are:

1.         To provide an independent assessment of the data flow of vital events registration, between involved stakeholders: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, and National Statistical Office with special focus on practices that may compromise data timeliness and quality. It includes identifying bottlenecks in the data flow(s) and redundancy in reporting practices.

2.         Preparing the flowcharts for civil registration events registration, with particular attention to be paid to the role of each agency involved civil registration practices. Flowcharts should show all the relevant administrative structures of national CRVS systems, how data flow and how all the different system components interact.

3.         Final report which includes the results of assessments of registration practices, data flows coordination of civil and vital registration between state and recommendation on streamlining registration and reporting practices to improve the timeliness, consistency and data quality of the vital statistics system;

Responsibility of Team Leader

Team Leader will be responsible for the production and timely submission of the expected deliverables of the assignment including inception report, draft and final assignment reports. She/he will lead and coordinate the work of the consultant’s team and will also be responsible for the quality assurance of all assignment deliverables.

Job Requirements

Team Leader will be responsible for the production and timely submission of the expected deliverables of the assignment including inception report, draft and final assignment reports. She/he will lead and coordinate the work of the consultant’s team and will also be responsible for the quality assurance of all assignment deliverables. Team Leader will be an international expert with rich background on CR reform projects with the following necessary competencies:


•           An advanced degree in development studies, Population studies, Social studies, Economics or any other relevant area

•           Extensive previous experience in leading CRVS reform project, specifically consulting assignments with international organizations or development agencies, including in capacity of Team Leader. Previous experience in conducting assignment of CRVS information flows and policies for UNFPA will be considered as an asset.

•           Familiarity with UNFPA’s work and mandate

•           Familiarity and experience of working in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region (EECA) and preferably in Tajikistan.

•           Excellent analytical, communication and writing skills

•           Good management skills and ability to work with multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams

•           Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of Russian or Tajik is preferable.

Payment Schedule
Payment will be based on receipt and acceptance by UNFPA CO of the following deliverables, and made in three installments:

1. First Payment (20 percent of total) – Upon UNFPA’s approval of inception report

2. Second payment (40 percent of total) – Upon the submission of the first draft assignment report; and

3. Third payment (40 percent of total) – Upon UNFPA’s acceptance of the final assignment report.



Applicants with the required qualifications and experience should submit a written letter of application, a copy of curriculum vitae (CV), completed UN P11 form, relevant education certificates.
Applications should be addressed to UNFPA Tajikistan, Vefa Center, Bokhtar Street 17/A, Room 502, and Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Email:

Only those candidates in who meet all qualifications and experience will be contacted for further consideration.

Type of contract
Duty Station
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date