Submitted by Khinshein on


 Consultant for development and implementation of capacity building of a community based organizations working on HIV prevention among sex workers affected by the HIV epidemic situation in Myanmar

Closing date: 11th July 2016

Duty Station: Yangon, Myanamar

Duraiton: Aug 2016 to Dec 2016 (estimates of 45 working days)

The HIV epidemic in Myanmar is concentrated among key populations: female sex workers (FSW), men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID). HIV prevalence in the adult population aged 15 years and older was estimated at 0.54% in 2014 (latest resource of information- GARP 2014-2015). Data from HIV Sentinel Sero-Surveillance (HSS) indicates higher prevalence in 2014 among key populations: FSW 6.3%, MSM 6.6% and PWID 23.1%.  National Guidelines A Core Package for HIV Prevention amongst Key Populations in Maynamr clearly stated that there is need for better integration of HIV and SRH services creating more opportunities for reaching FSW as well as young FSWs. 

Myanmar National Strategic Plan (NSP) on HIV and AIDS III (2016-2020)
Vision of National Strategic Plan III is by 2030, end HIV as a public health threat in Myanmar through fast tracking access to continuum of integrated and high quality services that protect and promote human rights for all. Under the Strategic directions SD1: Reducing HIV infections. the priority interventions will be increase scale of combination prevention interventions, maximizing HIV testing and linkage to ART treatment, maximize efficiency and enhance integration opportunities with MNCH, SRH, and others including Hepatitis B and C, work towards the elimination of MTCT and model pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Key results will be 90% of priority populations reached by HIV prevention programme (disaggregated by priority population), 90% condom use among priority populations at last sex, 90% of those who reached with prevention programme tested and know their status (disaggregated by priority population).

UNFPA CO strategic focus
UNFPA country office (CO) has been working on HIV prevention among key population especially female sex workers and their clients since 2004. UNFPA’s current Country Programme (extended to 2017)  aims to increase availability and use of integrated sexual and reproductive health services (including family planning, maternal health and HIV) that are gender-responsive and meet human rights standards for quality of care and equity in access.
As outlined above UNFPA has participated in developing the National Guidelines a Core Package for HIV prevention amongst key populations in Myanmar and supported partners to effectively apply the Core Package in their work. Also through working with three community based sex worker organizations (Sex Worker in Myanmar SWiM, Aye Myanmar Association AMA and Sabae Phyu) (CBOs), UNFPA has assisted in efforts to reduce new infections through peer education programmes among key affected populations, to enabling them to access sexual and reproductive health services, condom supplies and work with police to improve understanding and protection.

Sex workers CBO partners supported by UNFPA and rationale for conducting capacity assessment of CBO partners
Sex Worker in Myanmar (SWiM), Aye Myanmar (AMA) and Sabai Phyu are CBOs supported by UNFPA since 2012 and they are working on HIV prevention activities such as peer outreach to reach high risk sex workers and do referral networks with health and social services. They also involved in legal review process as well as development of HIV prevention package and now development of National Strategic Plan (2016-2020).
However, their status for legal binding as organization is limited and they have no registration at this moment. For this reason their activities are under the supervision of NGO like Alliance Myanmar and Pyi Gyi Khin. When UNFPA country office started to work with them it was found out that their capacity is no doubt in the area of outreach but concerning with financial management, recruitment of staff, monitoring and reporting to donors all are still need to improve.
In this regard, UNFPA is committed to strengthen their capacities in a sustainable and long term manner – both in their capacity to deliver on the Core Package and to engage in policy processes that benefit from ensuring the voices and experiences of sex workers are heard when their human rights, safety and gender equality are compromised. For these reasons UNFPA worked with an international consultant to assess the capacity of the CBOs including governance/ organizational and technical capacities; providing action plan and key recommendations for strengthening the capacity of CBOs and responding to their needs for technical assistance.

CBO capacity assessment conducted in 2015 and more work on capacity development.

UNFPA thus supported a capacity assessment of three sex worker networks in 2015 from 3rd to 6th November. The assessment was conducted by the international consultant from APMG and focused on the organizational development programme for SWiM, AMA and Sabe Phyu in the area of governance, financial management, strategic planning, grant management, programme development, resource mobilization/estimation/allocation, human resource management, monitoring and evaluation, as well as advocacy partnership building and networking.

The findings from the assessment report was shared to all partners in the workshop in November 2015. The results of the workshop came up with the prioritize areas of organizational capacity building most critical to each organization. The workshop report also included recommendations on the areas on effective linkages between HIV and sexual Reproductive Health, integrating TB, HIV and hepatitis Testing and treatment management, Case management and Continuum of Care in HIV management, Community Based HIV testing and counselling including outreach, mobile services and partner’s testing and prevention and response to gender-based violence. This technical capacity building would be designed as a collective package of technical capacity improvement to meet the vision 90-90-90 under UNAIDS fast track addressing structural, managerial, technical and substantive areas.

Purpose & Objectives
The purpose of this assignment is to strengthen the capacities of three sex workers Community Based Organisations (CBOs) - Sex Worker in Myanmar (SWiM), Aye Myanmar Association (AMA) and Sabae Phyu to advance the health and rights of sex workers.

The specific objectives are to:
• Design and implement capacity building support to the three CBOs to strengthen their capacity to:
o Advocate effectively to advance the health and rights of sex workers and
o Deliver effective community outreach  that support sex workers’ access to and uptake of HIV and SRH services including GBV. . 
• Prepare a comprehensive Capacity development work plan for 2017. 

Scope of assignment 
a)  Preparation of detailed work plan for 2016

Review Organizational Assessment Report (November 2015) and the recommendations of Capacity Building Work plan on Organizational Strengthening and technical capacity strengthening (Dec 2015).

Meet with UNFPA CO, the 3 CBOs and other partners as needed to inform preparation of a detail capacity development  plan, including conduct key informant meetings with Pyi Gyi Khin, MHDC Myanmar Health Development Consortium and Alliance Myanmar to understand what role they currently play in providing organizational, managerial and technical capacities support to CBOs.

b)  Develop a detail work plan for capacity development 2016 based on the outcomes of 1.

This plan will include:
• A range of capacity development methods training, coaching and reflective practice sessions best suited to each CBOs needs;
• Address technical capacities for effective demand generation, outreach, & BCC related to sexual and reproductive health including dual method contraception; case management/ effective referral to FP, MCH/PMTCT; HIV treatment and care; GBV services including health, legal and psychosocial support - in line with the National Guidelines: Core Package for HIV Prevention amongst Key Affected Population in Myanmar, December, 2014 and aligned with National Strategic Plan 2016-2020.
• Address advocacy skills and opportunities for CBOs to working in partnership with UNFPA CO to address HIV, SRH and GBV issues for sex workers
• Specific deliverables and time lines for implementation during 2016.

The draft work plan will be reviewed and finalised in collaboration with the UNFPA CO and the three CBOs.

3. Implement the work plan and provide deliverables as specified in that plan.

4. Provide a final report on capacity development outcomes for 2016 and a work plan for capacity development in 2017.

Job Requirements

• Submitting individuals/team members in organizations must have Masters Degree in Population/Sociology/Law management or other relevant subjects.
• A minimum of 5 years’ experience of working in Myanmar on HIV, sex work and network capacity strengthening including: training, managing and mentoring on governance, organizational and technical capacity strengthening on integration of HIV and SRH, 
• Proven ability to work with diverse populations on sensitive issues in a respectful, non-judgmental and ethically sound manner.
• Excellent analytical skills and competency to train CBOs on HIV and SRH integration and advocacy skills development , with proven ability to develop training and coaching tools / curriculum;  pre-and post-training evaluation.
• At least 5 years proven experience in adult experiential training and expertise in capacity building on organizational development as well as in technical capacity building. Provision or ability to conduct this in Myanmar is required.

Payment Schedule
Payment will be based on receipt and acceptance by UNFPA CO of the following deliverables, and made in two installments:

• 20% on satisfactory completion of draft detail capacity development plan

• 80% on acceptance of final report and capacity development plan for 2017.


Applicants with the required qualifications and experience should submit a written letter of application, a copy of curriculum vitae (CV), completed UN P11 form (, relevant education certificates and the names and contact information of three references.
Applications should be addressed to UNFPA Representative. Attention: International Operations Manager, Room A07, UNFPA, No.6, Natmauk Road, Yangon.

For further details, please refer the attached detailed VAs and also at UNFPA website (

Only those candidates in who meet all qualifications and experience will be contacted for further consideration.


Type of contract
Duty Station
Yangon, Myanmar
Thematic Area
Workflow State
Closing Date