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GBV has been exacerbated by the conflict, as well as by inadequate living conditions and the lack of privacy which IDPs face in camps and elsewhere. Vulnerable women and girls in areas of conflict need support to prevent risks of GBV, in particular to reduce their exposure, for example during movements for water or firewood. Limited mobility, lack of information on available services and the distance to services, social exclusion and fear of social stigma hamper the ability of vulnerable people to access adequate social protection and assistance. Insecurity, low economic status and lack of livelihood opportunities, lack of community awareness on women’s rights and GBV due to cultural and societal norms also contribute to GBV risks for women & girls. The protection response is often hampered by difficulties of accessibility to conflict affected areas affecting timely response to the needs of survivors, limited presence and capacity of GBV actors including government, national and international NGOs, and UN agencies.

Ongoing Interventions:

Several interventions are ongoing to deliver quality GBV programming in some target localities including women centres, provision of CMR services, establishment and support to community structures as well as capacity building through ECHO, Japan MoFA, SIDA, Denmark MoFA, SHF, CERF and SLF funds. Sudan is also one of the 4 beneficiary countries of the Comprehensive Coordination Support to Child and Adolescent Survivors of Sexual Abuse in Emergencies Initiative’s (Child Survivor Initiative) objective is to improve the quality of and access to services for child and adolescent survivors of sexual abuse in emergencies.

Sudan suffers from lack of human resources with experience and skills to handle GBV cases. GBV case management is almost non-existent and this affects GBV survivors access to other available services in a safe and confidential manner. This has also affected the availability of functional referral mechanisms. One off trainings without mentorship and coaching will be insufficient in improving the service delivery. This thus calls for a dedicated and enhanced capacity building on case management to ensure better quality service provision. This is also tied to other capacity building interventions such as CMR trainings, CCS trainings and coordination workshops.

The bulk of the GBV response activities concentrated in Darfur states and the areas with high density of refugees and migrants. GBV response activities are envisaged to provide technical assistance to government and non-government organizations to implement GBV prevention and protection interventions at all level. The GBV component of UNFPA humanitarian program aims to ensure linkages between development and humanitarian actions towards GBV and health intervention by introducing the evidencebased modules of response and internationally accepted Minimum Standards for GBV Prevention and response in emergencies. Gender based violence remains a life-threatening, health and human rights issue that violates international human rights law and principles of gender equality in crisis affected areas of Sudan and contributes to lack of access of women and girls to basic social and protection services. Project support officer is required to provide technical assistance to CO and filed level GBV response activities engaged to implement the projects on SLF funding as well as other GBV response projects funded by bilateral donors. In emergencies, such as conflict or natural disasters, the risk of violence, exploitation and abuse is heightened, particularly for women and girls. guidelines and GBV standards has a Project support officer is intended to provide support to CO to timely implement the SLF project. The monitoring and evaluation tools and guidance is expected to be part of overall performance of the specialist to support UNFPA CO in Sudan for both development and humanitarian program components to ensure sustainability of the interventions. The technical support to IPs will require on-job capacity y building to strengthen the capacity of local communities and systems to improve the referral pathways for GBV survivors. The GBV case management activities supervision and support will be required to sustain UNFPA supported interventions on integration of GBV response and protection interventions and improve access to CMR services.

Scope of work:

The consultant is expected to contribute towards timely implementation of UNFPA supported GBV response projects:

  • Contribute to providing technical support to the CO and field offices/staff, to ensure that all project activities are implemented in effective and efficient manner;
  • Support project implementation while ensuring compliance with existing UNFPA policy and guidance on external reporting, identify ways of working to provide donors and their constituents with information on the impact of their funding and therefore moving beyond dry activity-based reporting.
  • Review reporting requirements and the challenges they pose in terms of management and operational time and other resources, including human and financial, and propose mechanisms to streamline
  • Contribute to the preparation and implementation of results-based monitoring and Evidence Based Programming (EBP) plans in the CO;
  • Contribute to capacity building activities on GBV response and prevention: on-job training on case management, GBV in Emergency, caring for child survivors, coaching; revision and support to adaptation of training materials, handouts and other information on GBV.
  • Regular information sharing to highlight UNFPA supported interventions in the filed addressing GBV prevention n and response;
  • Facilitate Field offices in Darfur to collect and analyse GBV data for further planning and processing;
  • Coordinate with CO, UN Agencies and partners to provide assistance in their using up-to-date information in Situation Analysis, Common Country Assessment, UN SF, Annual, Mid-term and Final Reviews, and Annual Reports or other progress reports, as applicable;
  • Assist to both development and humanitarian program unit in tracking and ensuring implementation of donor funded projects in Darfur states in line with donor agreement.
  • Any other duties assigned by the supervisor

Required Qualifications and Experience: 

  • Undergraduate degree in social science or related discipline, advanced degree is desirable
  • At least seven years of experience working in GBV program and coordination (Seven years with Bachelor degree and 5 years with Master)
  • Significant experience in GBV in humanitarian settings.
  • Strong technical skills in monitoring and evaluation of GBV program/project implementation
  • Good communication skills in English and Arabic
  • Documentation and reporting skills

Duration:  11 months

How to apply:

Candidates should submit their Curriculum Vitae/Resume with letter of motivation with "Consultant:  Gender Based Violence Programme"  as the subject to by 13 January 2020.

Type of contract
Duty Station
El Fashir, Sudan
Workflow State
Closing Date