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Update the SADC Minimum Standards for the Integration of HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health, including for adolescent and youth and key population, within the context of universal health coverage.



The development of the Minimum Standards for the Integration of HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) was supported by Save the Children and the UNFPA/UNAIDS Linkages Project and approved by SADC Committee of Ministers of Health and those responsible for HIV and AIDS in 2015. The Minimum Standards are aligned to, and seek to operationalize, the SADC SRH and HIV-related strategies, policies and guidelines. For instance, the SADC Protocol on Health, SADC SRHR strategy (2006-2015) and SADC HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan, all of which recognize the linkages and the need to integrate SRH, HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis activities.

In 2018, the 2gether 4SRHR programme, which is implemented by UNFPA, UNAIDS, UNICEF and WHO), supported the development and adoption of an updated SADC SRHR Strategy (2019-2030) and a corresponding score card. The strategy provides a policy and programming framework for SADC Member States to accelerate the attainment of sexual and reproductive health and rights for all people in SADC. The scorecard is an accountability tool that will be used to measure progress across the region. Both documents are aligned to the global and continental frameworks, including:

  • 2018 Lancet Guttmacher Commission Report titled: “Accelerate progress, sexual and reproductive health and rights for all;
  • Global Strategy for Women’s Children’s and Adolescent’s Health (2016-2030);
  • WHO/UNAIDS Global standards for quality health-care services for adolescents (2015);
  • The revised Maputo Plan of Action (2016-2030);
  • SADC HIV 2020 Prevention Roadmap and its Score card (2018);
  • WHO Recommendations for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (2018); and
  • The UNFPA/UNAIDS Guide to strengthening integrated HIV programming for adolescent girls and young women and their partners (2018).

The strategy identifies adolescent and youth and key populations as target populations, the latter in line with the SADC Strategy for HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights among key Populations, which was adopted in 2018 with support from UNFPA, UNAIDS, UNDP and other partners.

Goal: To update the SADC Minimum Standards for the Integration of HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health.

Study Objectives:

  • To review the updated SADC SRHR Strategy (2019-2030), the SRHR scorecard and the SADC Strategy for HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights among key Populations, as well as the most recent available global and regional technical guidance for SRHR, ASRHR, HIV and GBV.
  • To identify discrepancies between global, continental and regional frameworks, technical guidance and strategies and the 2015 version of the SADC Minimum Standards for the Integration of HIV and SRH.
  • To revise and update the 2015 version of the SADC Minimum Standards for the Integration of HIV and SRH to align it with global, continental and regional frameworks, technical guidance and strategies.

Interest of the study:

The update of the Minimum Standards is within the mandate of the SADC Secretariat of “promoting and harmonization of policies and strategies of Member States”. As a result of increased movement of citizens of Member States across SADC Member States borders, there is a need for citizens to access harmonized integrated SRH and HIV services in each of the 16 Member States. SADC Member States have committed themselves to addressing the SRH and HIV challenges, and more specifically, integrating the two thematic areas.

The Minimum Standards for the Integration of HIV and SRH in the SADC Region are to be aligned to, and seek to operationalize, other SADC SRH and HIV-related strategies, policies and guidelines.

The purpose of the Minimum Standards is to “benchmark and harmonize the provision of integrated SRH and HIV interventions and services among SADC Member States, with a view to accelerating the effective delivery of quality and comprehensive health and related social services for all people, irrespective of age, sexual orientation, marital status and gender”.

Duration and working schedule:  This work will require 30 working days over a period of three months. The contract will start on 15 July and end on 15 October 2019.


Place where services are to be delivered: This is a home-assignment.


Delivery dates and how work will be delivered:

The consultant is expected to:

  • Prepare an inception report outlining the timeline and approach to the assignment and participate in a virtual inception meeting with SADC, UNFPA and other key partners (3 days);
  • Collate and review existing global, continental and regional frameworks, technical guidance and strategies and the SADC Minimum Standards for the Integration of HIV and SRH (7 days);
  • Provide an outline and overview of proposed updates of the SADC Minimum Standards for the Integration of HIV and SRH, incorporating GBV and addressing the needs of youth, key populations, and persons with disabilities (3 days);
  •  Prepare draft update of the SADC Minimum Standards for the Integration of HIV and SRH (10 days);
  • Support the organization and co-facilitation as part of the SADC SRHR Managers Meeting (3 days);
    •  A presentation outlining the key findings from the review;
    • A presentation on draft updated SADC Minimum Standards for the Integration of HIV and SRH;
    • Assist in structuring the group and plenary discussions during the meeting to ensure that relevant inputs are obtained.
  • Incorporate the inputs from the SRHR Managers Meeting into the draft Standard and prepare an annotated summary for inclusion in the agenda of the Ministers of Health (3 days);
  • Guide and respond to queries from the proof-reader/editor and designer (1 day).

Delivery dates:

  • The inception report will be delivered by 31 July 2019.
  • The zero draft report will be delivered by 31 August 2019.
  • The first draft report will be delivered by 20 September 2019.
  • The final report will be delivered by 15 October 2019.

Expected travel:  The consultant will be expected to travel to participate and present the draft report at the meeting of the SADC SRHR Managers from 23-27 September 2019.


Qualifications and Experience


  • A university degree, at minimum at Masters level or equivalent in public health, social sciences, medicine or a related area;

Knowledge and Experience

  • A university degree, at minimum at Masters level or equivalent in public health, social sciences, medicine or a related area;
  • Minimum of 10 years of working on SRHR in the ESA region and globally;
  • Previous experience from development/adaptation of SRHR global guidance into regional/national documents;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of SRHR programming for adolescent and youth and key populations;
  • Experience in working with Governments, Regional Economic Communities, UN agencies, CSOs and youth on SRHR;
  •  Proven experience in working with a wide range of partners and reaching consensus and accommodating their critical inputs into the process; and
  • Excellent English speaking and writing skills.



Interested candidates should submit their CV and cover letter to the email address with copy to at latest by 10 July 2019.

Type of contract
Duty Station
Johannesburg, South Africa- home based
Thematic Area
Workflow State
Closing Date