Submitted by Atieno on

Duration: 11 months

Purpose of Consultancy

Provide technical support to the overall UNFPA Country Office Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) processes; undertake quality assurance of programme results and reports; lead on the GATES project’s performance monitoring and reporting, support the capacity building of country office staff and implementing partners in results-based programming; contribute to country office knowledge management and documentation and reporting.

Scope of Work

UNFPA Sierra Leone is implementing its 6th Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) 2015 – 2019 focusing on Population and Development; Reproductive Health and Rights; Empowerment as well as promoting community advocacy and multi-sectoral partnerships for strengthening implementation of the ICPD Agenda. Implementation of the current CPAP is mainly through Implementing Partners (IPs). The Country Office is implementing the “Girls’ Access to Education and Services” (GATES) project and has a large number of IPs and projects, requiring an efficient and well-coordinated M&E system that is able to track implementation of planned activities as well as achievement of outputs and outcomes as outlined in the CPAP.

The Consultant will:

Lead the GATES project monitoring and evaluation processes

  • Coordinate the development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation guidelines to ensure that the GATES project generates evidence
  • Design and manage knowledge-sharing events. Generate the production of knowledge products based on lessons from the work of implementing partners.
  • Conduct field missions to monitor the work of implementing partners and advise management accordingly
  • Produce data analysis and generate reports on results and lessons arising from the work implementing partners and advise the programme team and management accordingly.
  • Develop an automated M&E system for real-time IP data collection and analysis.

Provide Quality Assurance

  • Provide quality assurance for data collection and analysis of UNFPA supported projects and services.
  • Review project proposals and ensure log frames are technically sound with appropriate targets.
  • Support corporate performance monitoring and reporting, and provide advice to the UNFPA programmes
  • Facilitate and contribute to the development of monitoring indicators, field monitoring plans, and quality assurance processes.
  • Contribute to annual work plan monitoring, reviews and reporting.
  • Provide technical support to ensure that the strategies of the UNFPA CPAP are monitored regularly and the Results Frameworks of donor programmes (including GATES, SLP and Joint programme on Child Marriage) are used effectively as tools to manage corporate performance.
  • Conduct data analysis on strategic results which can be used effectively for communications and resource mobilization.

Capacity development of staff and Implementing Partners to ensure that they have the skills necessary to manage projects effectively, monitor and report results

  • Support capacity development of UNFPA staff and Implementing Partners on RBM, including project planning, management, monitoring and evaluation;
  • Provide technical support for capacity development on Results Based Management (RBM) for staff and implementing partners;
  • Ensure that implementing partners and IP focal persons comply with the mandatory requirements for effective project M&E particularly for the GATES and other Irish Aid funded projects;
  • Support Programme officers to identify implementing partners that may need additional capacity development support or advice and provide one-on-one coaching as necessary;
  • Provide direction, guidance, and coaching of M&E staff;

Delivery dates and Mode of delivery

  • Monthly reports will be through electronic and hardcopy.

Progress Monitoring

  • Monitoring consultant will be required to submit quarterly progress reports for the M&E components of the GATES project and monthly update reports.


  • Under the guidance of the UNFPA Sierra Leone Country Office Representative and the direct supervision of the Cluster Lead.

Expected Travel

  • As soon as possible.


  • Advanced university degree in statistics, international development or in the field of social sciences or other relevant field.


  • Minimum of seven years’ experience working in monitoring and evaluation;
  • Experience working on development of plans, tracking results, reporting to different constituencies;
  • Evaluation design – competency to formulate well-focused evaluation terms of reference with minimal supervision; good understanding of monitoring and evaluation methodologies;
  • Data collection and analysis – good understanding of baseline data issues; questionnaire design; interviewing skills;
  • Familiarity with evaluations and RBM;
  • Experience of the UN context and UNFPA project monitoring is highly desirable


  • Fluency in English is required.

Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g. support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:

  • Office space and administrative support


All applications should be addressed to The International Operations Manager and sent to the following email address: on or before the closing date of 10th February 2018. 

     *** Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted ***




Type of contract
Duty Station
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date