Submitted by opal on

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy and productive lives. Since UNFPA started working in 1969, the number and rate of women dying from complications of pregnancy or childbirth has been halved. Families are smaller and healthier. Young people are more connected and empowered than ever before.


In Syria, UNFPA has been at the forefront of providing life-saving services through GBV case management and psychosocial support, including timely referrals to health care services and specialized psychiatric care. UNFPA Syria country office has embarked on a cash and voucher assistance (CVA) approach as part of its COVID-19 response programming, which will strengthen the continuity of service delivery in a flexible and more dignified manner, aimed at building the resilience of the targeted vulnerable population across different governorates of Syria. 

CVA is integrated into UNFPA holistic sexual and reproductive health and GBV prevention and response programming include awareness raising, dignity kit distribution, capacity building and vocational training through women and girl safe spaces operating in 14 governorates in Syria as well as 126 integrated GBV/SRH mobile teams. CVA is particularly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic, with distributions paused and distancing measures requiring more flexible approaches to reach beneficiaries, who are suffering from income loss.

UNFPA seeks to promote safe, cost effective and timely access to essential items and services by vulnerable groups including women of reproductive age living with disabilities, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly while at the same time, providing opportunities for these vulnerable groups to make their own choices (according to their priorities and needs) about what kind of essential items they wish to buy while supporting local markets

Job Purpose


The UNFPA Syria country office seeks a consultant to provide technical and strategic advice to senior management in the country office outlining key decisions focusing on: 

  • Clear objectives for CVA to focus on e-vouchers for essential hygiene and protection items and on multi-purpose cash for the most vulnerable women and girls, with justifications based on existing programming and gaps
  • Concrete measures to integrate gender/protection/GBV risk mitigation into e-voucher and multipurpose cash assistance;
  • Validation or proposed updates of the targeting and selection process in collaboration with UNFPA and WFP
  • Multi-channel feedback measures and data protection considerations
  • Other CVA related considerations that may arise

The consultant will leverage existing CVA interventions in Syria, particularly those of WFP UNFPA partner for e-vouchers) and UNICEF, and will also stay up to date on market surveys, inflation and sanctions that are all likely to affect CVA implementation. The consultant should propose adaptations and options to ensure continuity of CVA, leverage UNFPA and its presence in health facilities, safe spaces and mobile teams to ensure that CVA reaches women and girls most at risk of being left behind, without exacerbating their protection and GBV risks. A protection/gender/GBV lens is critical for this work, and will be considered equally with CVA technical expertise.  There is a strong and growing foundation of evidence on CVA, GBV and SRH particularly in the MENA region. The consultant should adapt existing tools and refer to best practices in the region as appropriate. 


Main Tasks and Responsibilities

On behalf of UNFPA and guided by the UNFPA Syria Head of Office, the Syria GBV Specialist and the headquarters based CVA Specialist, the consultant will undertake the following duties, subject to updates based on the context through December:

  • Carry out an inception meeting to ensure clear understanding of the TORs and agree on expected outcomes and deliverables.
  • Gather the most updated assessments from the Cash Working Group and key actors such as WFP, UNICEF and others. 
  • Carry out virtual meetings as necessary with country-level stakeholders.
  • Consult with UNFPA staff and partners.
  • Develop draft deliverables for adequate time for consultation before finalization, to be agreed with the country office.
  • Modify and finalize the deliverables based on UNFPA feedback.


The consultant should produce the following written deliverables for UNFPA:

  • Short document (to be presented to country office) outlining proposed decision points as described above
  • Standard Operating Procedures for two different CVA modalities (e-vouchers and MPCA)
  • Monitoring plan with roles and responsibilities for the various partners
  • Key Informant Interview template for qualitative monitoring of GBV and SRH outcomes, based on existing UNFPA tools and adapted to the Syria context.

Required Competencies:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism.

 Functional Competencies:            

  • CVA programming
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender or GBV or Protection programming and/or integration
  • Ability to listen and integrate opinions of country office and local partner staff
  • Ability to communicate complex information and ideas in a simplified manner;
  • Strong written and oral communication skills in English; Ability to work under pressure and to deliver on time.


Required Qualifications and Experience:

  • Master’s degree in International Relations, Social Sciences, Gender Studies, Development Studies;
  • Minimum 7 years relevant work experience;
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience in CVA programming and monitoring related to women’s health, protection/gender/GBV;
  • Demonstrated understanding of issues related to privacy, data safety/security and other ethical concerns related to sensitive health and GBV related data;
  • Experience in strategic analysis and report writing; x Familiarity with the Syria humanitarian context;
  • Demonstrated organizational skills, including the ability to work independently and productively, with multiple stakeholders in a fast-paced environment; 
  • Previous experience with UNFPA, WFP and/or other UN agencies is desirable;
  • Proficiency in oral and written in English is essential. Proficiency in Arabic is an additional asset.


Duration and Location: 


This is a remote/home-based consultancy due to COVID-19 restrictions.   Duration:  40 working days starting 1 September 2020 through 31 December 2020

How to apply

Interested individuals that are readily available to take up this task should submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications by 24 August 2020 through the email link:  with "Consultant Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA)" in the subject:

  • A cover letter with a brief presentation of your consultancy explaining your suitability for the work and previous work portfolio, and ability to meet the requirements, method of engagement and other relevant information;
  • Updated and relevant Personal CV; and UN Personal History form (P-11)
  • Financial proposal inclusive of daily and lump-sum rate

Incomplete submission can be a ground for disqualification.

Note to applicants:

UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process.  Fraudulent notices, letters or offers may be submitted to the UNFPA.via various means or reporting:

UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, teamwork, embracing diversity in all its forms and integrity.  UNFPA is committed to maintaining a balanced gender distribution and therefore encourages women to apply.  UNFPA promotes equal opportunities for all including persons with disabilities.








Type of contract
Duty Station
Damascus, Syrias
Thematic Area
Workflow State
Closing Date