Submitted by Atieno on

This post is non-rotational.
(*) No expectancy of renewal in accordance with UN Staff Regulations 4.5


The Director of the Evaluation Office is located in the UNFPA Headquarters in New York and reports to the Executive Board and administratively to the Executive Director. Leading the Evaluation Office, he/she serves as the Evaluation Executive of UNFPA and will provide leadership, management and supervision of the work of the Evaluation Office.

With support from the Executive Director of UNFPA, The Evaluation Office is accountable, for implementing the revised evaluation policy approved by the Executive Board of UNFPA in June 2013.

Reporting administratively to the Executive Director, the Director of the Evaluation Office is  responsible for:

  1. Leadership and overall management of the Evaluation Office
  2. Development of the quadrennial budgeted evaluation plan for all evaluations, based on input and consultations with the Executive Board, UNFPA management and other stakeholders, for the Executive Board’s approval
  3. In accordance with the approved Evaluation Plan, conduct of corporate evaluations (Thematic, Country Programme); and approval of Terms of Reference and pre-qualification of evaluators for programme-level evaluations which are managed by business units;
  4. Leadership in development and provision of state of the art evaluation methodological guidance
  5. Facilitation of learning; dissemination of knowledge; knowledge management and capacity development
  6. Provision of advisory services to the Executive Director and senior management on evaluation matters
  7. Representation and Partnership Building, provide UNFPA Leadership in UN Evaluation Group


1.     Provides Leadership and overall Management of the Evaluation Office

1.1.   Identifies the Evaluation Office priorities in support of UNFPA’s Strategic Plan and UNFPA priorities

1.2.   Leads the preparation of a budget and an Evaluation Office Work Plan

1.3.   Monitors the implementation of the work-plan and use of available resources to ensure the timely delivery of high quality outputs

1.4.   Ensures that the Office maintains an adequate level of expertise

1.5.   Promotes a team-based, harmonious working environment that recognizes initiative, openness and performance

1.6.   Responsible for performance management of the Evaluation Office and ensures an ethics-based approach to management of all human and financial resources

2.     Develops the quadrennial budgeted evaluation plan for all evaluations

2.1.   Gets input and consults with the Executive Board, UNFPA management and other stakeholders; consult on any other issues pertaining to the mission of the EO

2.2.   Prepares the evaluation plan in accordance with the Evaluation Policy

2.3.   Prepares the document for presentation to and approval of the Executive Board

3.     In accordance with the approved plan, conducts corporate evaluations (Thematic, Country Programme) in accordance with the Evaluation Plan and approve Terms of Reference and pre-qualify evaluators for programme-level evaluations managed by business units

3.1.   Ensures the efficient and effective execution of the quadrennial corporate evaluation plan

3.2.   Leads the operationalization and ensures quality assurance of the evaluation function through the use of internal and external resources

3.3.   Presents results of evaluation reports, as needed, for decision to the Executive Committee

3.4.   Prepares and presents the Annual Report of the Evaluation Office to the Executive Board; presents, at the discretion of the Executive Board, the results of selected evaluations

4.     Provides leadership in development and provision of state of the art evaluation methodological guidance

4.1.   Promotes the use of state of the art evaluation and knowledge sharing methods and approaches in line with the UNEG Norms and Standards and international best practices

4.2.   Lead and manage the development of evaluation methodologies, guidelines and tools to support and enhance the quality of corporate and programme-level evaluations

5.     Facilitates knowledge dissemination, management and capacity development

5.1.   Ensures that the EO’s products are of use in the development of UNFPA’s strategic  plans and programming processes and become an integral part of UNFPA’s performance management strategies

5.2.   Leads the dissemination and sharing of knowledge generated by evaluation through UNFPA’s knowledge management networks and practices

5.3.   Oversees the management of evaluation training and capacity development programmes for UNFPA

5.4.   Maintains a publicly accessible on line repository of evaluation reports and management responses

6.     Provides advisory services to the Executive Director and senior management

6.1.   Regularly alerts senior management to emerging evaluation-related issues of corporate significance

6.2.   Advises the Executive Director on how evaluation findings  may be of help in positioning UNFPA on relevant substantive and UN systems’ issues

6.3.   Regularly reports on evaluation results and strategic developments  to management and governing bodies

6.4.   Oversees the review and update of the Evaluation Policy as needed

7.     Represents UNFPA, builds Partnership, provide UNFPA leadership in UN Evaluation Group

7.1.   Represents UNFPA in international and inter-agency meetings on matter related to Evaluations ensuring that UNFPA’s interests are well represented at all times

7.2.   Participates in the development of inter-agency frameworks, initiatives and partnerships, including networking with other UN bodies and professional institutions on evaluation matters

7.3.   Manages the collaboration with UN evaluation units and other organizations and networks dealing with evaluations;

7.4.   Actively promotes dialogue with partners and maintain partnerships with other evaluation bodies in the UN System to keep abreast of/share ideas on best practices and lessons learned and to collaborate on the development of evaluation knowledge management products and tools;

7.5.   Actively participates in and contribute to the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) for the development of evaluation policies and best practices;

7.6  Provides leadership in UNEG in accordance with UNFPA’s mandate to play an innovative and catalytic role in relation to Sexual and Reproductive Health/Population and Development within the overall UN system for development cooperation.



  • Advanced university degree (equivalent of Masters) in one or more of the following population related fields: Management, Economics, Public Administration, Population/Demography and/or Social Science disciplines   

Knowledge and Experience

  • 15 years of professional experience in evaluation work at progressively increasing levels, at least 8 years of work related experience at the international level
  • Professional experience in international development at field level
  • Excellent technical knowledge of evaluation design, data collection, including quantitative statistical methods/methodologies and analysis and reporting and skills needed to provide substantive guidance to staff on evaluation design, methodology and reporting
  • Excellent knowledge of emerging global issues and evaluation trends that impact on the work of the Office
  • Proven ability to lead and manage teams to achieve demonstrable results with at least 3 years of managing and supervising a team of professional staff
  • Excellent software skills e.g. Access, Excel, statistical applications

Please submit your resume and cover letter to



Type of contract
Job Category
Duty Station
New York, USA
Workflow State
Closing Date