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The Position:

The post is located in the GBV AoR Coordination team in the Inter-Agency and External Coordination Unit (IECU), Humanitarian Office, Geneva. Under the direct supervision of Global Coordinator GBV AOR, the incumbent support the overall AOR with GBV data and information management.

The overall purpose of the Humanitarian Office is to facilitate the delivery of the UNFPA mandate by supporting humanitarian preparedness, response, and recovery actions in increasingly complex humanitarian situations, within globally agreed frameworks (2030 Agenda, Grand Bargain Commitments, Sendai Framework, etc.). The Humanitarian Office leads in leveraging and increasing effectiveness, efficiency and capacity of UNFPA staff and partners to scale up UNFPA’s role as a key global humanitarian actor. Through the Inter-Agency Standing Committee for Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (IASC) and other associated entities, the Humanitarian Office acts as a point of convergence on humanitarian activities, including policy, coordination, programming, advocacy, field capacity development, financing, innovation, partnerships, technical guidance and, crucially, thematic integration, ensuring complementarity between humanitarian and development action within the organization.

HO advocates among humanitarian agencies to include sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence prevention and response, the empowerment of young people, and population data into the overall humanitarian preparedness and response frameworks. The HO facilitates the development of UNFPA capacities to prepare and respond to emergencies and to ensure the fund is well equipped to deal with the context of fragility and disaster risk reduction. Furthermore, HO advances UNFPA’s strategic global leadership for the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility for the development system.


The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Specialist, Information Management (IM) works as part of the GBV Area of Responsibility (AoR) Coordination Team within the GBV AoR based in Geneva. The GBV AOR Strategy (2018 – 2020) highlights that data and IM is a crucial part of coordination and quality response and requires greater investment.

The GBV Specialist (IM) will develop IM capacity within the GBV AoR, in line with the GBV AoR Strategy. He/she will participate in all relevant GBV-related data initiatives and provide direct technical support to GBV colleagues in the field in collecting, analyzing, sharing, disseminating and using GBV-related data. S/He will function as the technical backstop and be in charge of developing the methodology related to GBV IM. He/she will represent the GBV AoR in inter-agency groups such as the Information Management Working Group (IMWG), the Protection Information Management (PIM)/Analysis Task Team, liaise with the GBVIMS Inter Agency Project and other relevant initiatives as well as close collaboration with other clusters such as the Global Protection Cluster, other AORs, and other clusters. S/He will be responsible for ensuring that GBV risk indicators are collected and used in different tools to develop and rollout GBV AoR IM products and toolkits as well as develop best practice guidance for colleagues.

Qualification and Experience:



Advanced Degree or equivalent in gender studies, social anthropology, law and women’s rights, sociology, cultural studies, public health, demography, socio-economics, or other related field.


Knowledge and Experience:

  • 5 years of increasingly responsible professional experience in areas relevant to Information Management, analysis, and needs assessments
  • Knowledge of the UN system, the Cluster Approach and the Transformative Agenda.
  • Strong track record of programme monitoring and evaluation.
  • Demonstrated skills in communication, and training and mentoring to GBV and non-GBV specialists in GBV IM standards and principles.
  • Strong interest and motivation for inter-agency coordination.



Fluency in English and French is required. Working knowledge Arabic is desirable.

Type of contract
Job ID
Duty Station
Geneva, Switzerland
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Closing Date