Submitted by Khinshein on


Duty Station: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Country Office

Duration: The total duration of the contract will be for 100 working days, during the period commencing from July to December, 2021.  

Closing date: 28 July 2021


Purpose of consultancy:

UNFPA expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy and productive lives. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV and AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect. Advancing gender equality and promoting the empowerment of women is a key programme priority of UNFPA defined in the UNFPA Strategic Plan.
The Spotlight Initiative is a global, multi-year partnership between the European Union and the United Nations to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls by 2030. Launched in 2017, the Spotlight Initiative in the Pacific prioritises a focus on addressing and preventing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) as a leading form of violence against women and girls in the region. The initiative aims to drive transformation in IPV through work across six pillars: laws and policies; strengthening institutions; prevention of violence and social norm change; delivery of quality services; gender based violence (GBV) data availability and capacities; and supporting the women’s movement and civil society. 
Under the Spotlight Initiative three-year programme, UNFPA is working with government and non-government partners to support quality, specialised and multi-sectoral services for survivors of gender based violence. UNFPA works closely with the National Department of Health, Provincial Health Authorities, Family Support Centres and other key health actors to ensure women and girls who experience violence have access to specialised GBV health services as per the Minimum Essential Service Package. In Papua New Guinea, Family Support Centres were initially developed based on a “one stop shop” model that aimed to utilise health facilities as a primary entry point for survivors to receive specialised health, case management and psychosocial support services in line with their wishes. They were introduced to address referral gaps by providing health centre-based facilities that are dedicated safe spaces for women and children to seek treatment, counselling, and legal advice. The first Family Support Centre was established at Lae hospital in 2003, which was closely followed by the establishment of the Port Moresby General Hospital Family Support Centre in 2004. Despite the Secretary of Health issued directives for the integration of Family Support Centres into all Provincial Hospitals along with their adequate resourcing, they continue to face financial, human resource and technical capacity constraints. Under the Spotlight Initiative, UNFPA is working to support the strengthening of Family Support Centres through: the roll-out of new and revised technical guidelines including the SGBV Clinic Guidelines and Family Support Centres Standard Operating Procedures; training and ongoing capacity building in specialised health services for survivors including mobile service delivery as well as adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health services; and advocacy for improved and sustainable resourcing of Family Support Centres. This work seeks to build upon and complement current support for Family Support Centres and is informed by prior assessments, most notably the 2016 Independent Formative Evaluation of Family Support Centres. The work will also support UNFPA’s other complementary programmatic interventions focused on health-system strengthening.
UNFPA seeks a primary consultant to oversee and lead this work

Scope of work:

The work will be conducted in support of the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Office.

The consultant will support the finalisation of the health sector GBV capacities assessment. This assessment considers Family Support Centres service delivery quality, availability and accessibility as well as a costing analysis. The consultant will write the final report and executive summary using data collected by UNFPA. In coordination with UNFPA, the consultant will utilize assessment findings to develop advocacy and communication materials targeted at national and sub-national stakeholders to promote sustainable financing and support for specialised GBV health services.
The consultant will lead the development of a GBV training and capacity building strategy for health workers. They will develop and/or adapt a training toolkit targeted towards health workers on GBV. This will include at a minimum facilitation guides, training materials as well as monitoring and evaluation tools. Once finalised in cooperation with UNFPA and partners, the consultant will lead training roll-out in key provinces.
The consultant will support the finalisation of Family support Centre Action Plans, informed by the assessment findings and UNFPA prior consultations. Action plans should include a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework including indicators, targets and timelines for strengthening and expansion of Family Support Centre support to allow for clear and specific documentation of service capacity, availability and coverage and improvements in service provision.
The consultant will support the organisation and facilitation of a national Essential Service Package Health Sector workshop. The aim of the workshop will be to review the FSC action plans and support the development of a national health sector GBV plan. The consultant will be expected to support the design and planning of the workshop in coordination with partners, as well as in facilitation and generation of workshop outcomes including drafting of the plan.
The consultant will work closely with UNFPA and key stakeholders including the  National Department of Health, Provincial Health Authorities, Family Support Centres and other actors as relevant. 
UNFPA reserved the right to amend the scope of work subject to changing priorities in consultation with the consultant during the work period.

The total duration of the contract will be for 100 working days, during the period commencing from July to December, 2021.  
Payments are calculated on the basis of a daily rate and number of days attributed to that deliverable and issued upon completion of said deliverable
The consultancy may commence remotely or in PNG. It is anticipated that travel to PNG will be required for the latter deliverables. Internal travel between provinces is expected during in-country work. 

The consultancy may commence remotely or in PNG. It is anticipated that travel to PNG will be required for the latter deliverables. Internal travel between provinces is expected during in-country work. 

Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

Reporting will be provided to the Programme Specialist, as the direct supervisor by way of weekly meetings to ensure deliverables to be provided on time as outlined in the preceding section.

Supervisory arrangements: 

The consultant will work under the overall guidance of the Programme Specialist, UNFPA PNG.

Expected travel:

The consultancy may be based remotely for the assessment and development of technical materials. In-country presence is required for national and sub-national workshops and action planning, however this will be subject to COVID-19 related restrictions and context. Where feasible to travel in-country between provinces, travel is expected to provinces such as Morobe, East New Britain as well as Southern, Eastern and Western Highlands




Advanced university degree in public health, international development or related field.


Knowledge and Experience:


●          At least five years experience working in the field of GBV and/or sexual and reproductive health and rights with a focus on specialised health services for survivors of violence;

●          Expert knowledge in GBV with strong understanding of sexual and reproductive health and rights;

●          Experience developing GBV advocacy, technical and communication materials;

●          Experience developing and delivery training on GBV, in particular to the health sector;

●          Experience organising and facilitating workshops;

●          Strong familiarity with relevant international technical standard including the Essential Service Package, WHO Clinical Management of Rape and Intimate Partner Violence Survivors;

●          Experience and/or familiarity working on GBV in a Pacific context, in particular PNG is strongly preferred.






•                       Fluency in oral and written English is required.


Other Desirable Skills:


•                       Prior experience in Pacific and/or PNG;


The position is open to international and national consultants. The selection will be based on the following qualifications and competencies relevant to the lead consultant


The consultant will work under the oversight of the Programme Specialist by way of weekly meetings to ensure deliverables to be provided on time as outlined in the preceding section.


How to apply:


Submission of applications:

Interested applicants should submit their applications of interest to:

The UNFPA Representative, UNFPA,  Level 14, Kina Haus, Douglas Street, PO Box 1041, Port Moresby  on Email: no later than 28th  July, 2021.

This should include:

Letter of Interest, CV, and UN Personal History Form




Type of contract
Duty Station
Port Moresby
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date