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POST TITLE:               Intern – Engaging Men and Boys: EECA MenEngage Platform

SECTOR:                     Gender Equality      

DUTY STATION:          Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia- Istanbul

DURATION:                 Minimum 2 months with possible extension up to 6 months based on the  performance – starting from 1June 2016

A.           Background

Gender transformative programming (GTP) seeks to challenge and transform rigid and inequitable gender norms and relations that perpetuate inequalities and slow progress towards achieving gender equality and universal access to sexual and reproductive health. Working with men and boys in gender equality and addressing masculinities is one of the approaches to GTP.   The field of engaging men and boys has grown over the past 20 years and UNFPA has been a thought leader in promoting their roles. Globally, UNFPA has more than 30 years of experience on male engagement and has supported more than 400 'engaging men and boys' initiatives worldwide by working in close partnership with international and national civil society organizations, networks and government representatives.

Since 2011, UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (UNFPA-EECARO) and their civil society partners across the region have engaged in a partnership to integrate gender-transformative approaches, including engaging men and boys, in order to address stereotypical gender norms, eliminate violence against women and girls, combat harmful practices those foster injustice and increase access and utilization of sexual and reproductive health services. In a mapping of gender-transformative programming being implemented in the region, and a series of regional workshops and training conducted in 2014-2015, many countries reported struggling to identify evidence-informed programming that challenge harmful gender norms as well as conceptual approaches to engage men and boys in gender equality. They also desired a space to share and exchange best practices, challenges and lessons learned on engaging men and boys and gender-transformative approaches, and continue to receive technical assistance from experts, participate in knowledge generating activities and conduct joint advocacy on specific issues. In this respect UNFPA EECA RO will support establishment of the regional platform called the EECA MenEngage Platform in joint efforts with Promundo and Global MenEngage Alliance.

EECA MenEngage Platform is planned to be an alliance comprising of non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and UN partners across 17 countries in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. The EECA MenEngage Platform members aim to work collectively and individually to generate, disseminate and exchange knowledge and information on engaging men and boys in gender equality and addressing masculinities as an approach to gender-transformative programming. This platform will function as an issue-based coalition and serve as a space for technical assistance and exchange on engaging men and boys and gender-transformative approaches as well as joint advocacy efforts on specific issues. The platform is governed by a Coordinating Committee agreed upon among the members of the EECA MenEngage Platform, with technical assistance provided by Promundo-US and the MenEngage Alliance.

B.         Supervision

This intern reports to the Technical Advisor on Gender at UNFPA EECARO (Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region)

C.         Duties and Responsibilities

Overall function is to support the Gender Equality portfolio programming, with a special focus on EECA MenEngage platform, for engagement of boys and men in promoting gender equality and combating gender based violence.

I.                 Establishment of Online Platform space:

·        Act as the administrator to maintain the Platform webpage design, creation and management of content for organization’s web presence (requires working with content management software as well as design of logos for the platform)

·        Since the Platform webpage will be used as a resource hub, the intern will assist in collecting publications/resources/materials from partners and Platform members, classify, upload them and keep updating

·        Facebook page – create the page and host ongoing dialogues online in social media

·        Support in establishing an E-mail listserv and facilitate easier and more immediate communication among members;

·        Support in organizing Webinars - where experts can share best practices on specific topics related to gender transformative programming, engaging men and boys, and more;

·        Maintain a consistent look and feel throughout all web properties

·        Monitor, review and respond to users feedback and comments in consultations with EECA RO gender team

II.               Facilitate communication between members within the Platform:

·        Support the coordination mechanism for the information flow between members of the platform and EECA RO Steering Committee including capturing main messages and action points for key meetings and following up to ensure outcomes are achieved;

·        Liaise directly with Platform members and ensure that information on GTA produced by them is uploaded and widely available to other members and the general public

·        The listserv is a powerful tool, but without constructive moderation it often becomes a burden for members who get flooded by spam or private conversations being conducted – the intern will moderate the listserve, on-boarding new members and maintaining the rules and procedures established for the listserv

·        Maintain the Platform’s Facebook page (ensure that items get cross posted from the website), follow up on all messages sent to the Facebook page

·        Support in collecting information for E-newsletters, support EECA RO Implementing Partner-Promundo in disseminating newsletters and in later stage development of  the newsletters independently. 

·        Copyedit and proofread all web content

·        Oversee design (ie: Facebook Timeline cover, profile pic, thumbnails, ads, landing pages, Twitter profile, and blog).

III.              Support knowledge building and knowledge sharing within the Platform:

  • Ensure that Platform members are noticed in advance of all webinars to be hosted on the Platform
  • Ensures due follow up or preparation for webinars (sharing key documents, working materials);

·        Disseminate and exchange information on engaging men and boys in gender-transformative programming being implemented in the region and beyond, in particular on the issues outlined in the section “Key issues in the EECA region”;

·        Broaden network / broaden field of actors in the region who work with men and boys on gender transformative approaches;

·        Provide opportunities for long-distance capacity building, such as through webinars and invitations to training events and conferences;

·        Be a collective to initiate joint advocacy, campaigns, initiatives and actions on the key issues of the alliance in the region, so as to amplify voices for gender justice along with collaborating with the existing women’s rights and social justice movements and groups.

·        Keep current with emerging web technologies through relevant blogs, listservs, and events

·        Assure web-based information is archived for future needs and reference

D.         Qualifications and Experience:

  • Active enrollment in or completion of a degree university programme in Political Sciences, Journalism, Gender studies, Technical Writing etc. 
  • Written and spoken proficiency in English is mandatory. Knowledge of other working languages of the UN is an asset.
  • Extensive experience and familiarity with social networks (preferably, experience in managing social media accounts for social engagement projects) is considered an asset
  • Interest in the field of development.
  • Ability to adapt to new environments and to establish and maintain good working relations with individual of different cultural backgrounds.
  • Results oriented and conscientious
  • Have strong communication skills: excellent listening skills and empathy, ability to write clearly and concisely
  • Exceptional organizational skills
  • Excellent collaborative and team working capability
  • People focused: high level of concern and interest in delivering excellent customer service to internal clients
  • Demonstrate the ability to build and sustain effective working relationships with staff at all levels in the organization
  • Integrity: exercising the appropriate discretion when working with confidential and sensitive matters and information
  • Advanced knowledge of HTML
  • Ability to manage multiple projects in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment
  • Basic Adobe Photoshop skills
  • Experience managing content and production for high traffic websites
  • Passion, Integrity and Energy!

E.         Competencies

·        Values: Integrity, commitment, embracing diversity, embracing change

·        Core Competencies: Achieving results, accountability, developing professional expertise, analytical thinking, working in teams, communicating for impact

·        Required Skillset: Providing logistical support, Managing data, Managing documents, correspondence and reports, Managing information and work flow, Planning, Organizing and multitasking; Generating managing and promoting the use of knowledge and information.

F.         Financial Aspects

Interns do not receive a salary or any other form of remuneration from UNFPA. The costs associated with an intern's participation in the programme must be assumed either by the nominating institution, which may provide the required financial assistance to its students, or by the students themselves, who will have to meet living expenses as well as make their own arrangements for accommodation, travel and other requirements. In addition, applicants must have medical insurance for the duration of the internship. Proof of insurance will need to be submitted before the internship begins.

G.        Status of Intern:

Interns are not staff members of UNFPA. The intern does not enjoy the privileges and immunities accorded to the United Nations and its officials.

Interns shall:

·        Not represent UNFPA in any official capacity;

·        Provide the substantive unit with a copy of all materials prepared by them during the internship.   UNFPA shall be entitled to all property rights, including but not limited to patents, copyrights and trademarks, with regard to material which bears a direct relation to, or is made in consequence of, the services provided under the internship. At the request of UNFPA, the concerned intern shall assist in securing such property rights and transferring them to UNFPA in compliance with the requirements of the applicable law;

·        Respect the impartiality and independence required of UNFPA and the United Nations and shall not seek or accept instructions regarding the services performed under the internship from any Government or from any authority external to the United Nations;

·        Interns may not communicate at any time to the media or to any institution, person, Government or any other external source any information which has become known to them by reason of their association with UNFPA, that they know or ought to have known has not been made public. They may not use any such information without the written authorization of the appropriate official, and such information may never be used for personal gain. These obligations also apply after the end of the internship with UNFPA;

·        Refrain from any conduct that would adversely reflect on UNFPA or the United Nations and will not engage in any activity which is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations.

·        No remuneration or financial support from UNFPA:

Liability and third-party claims:

·        UNFPA is not responsible for any illness, injury, accident or death incurred during or in connection with the internship, or any costs associated with such events.

·        UNFPA is not responsible for any claims by any parties where the loss of or damage to their property, death or personal injury was caused by the actions or omission of action by the intern during the internship.

Passports, visas, travel during the internship:

·        The intern is responsible for obtaining a passport and all necessary visas. UNFPA will only issue a letter stating acceptance of an individual as an intern and the conditions governing the internship.

·        The intern may not undertake travel on UNFPA official business during the internship period.

Employment Prospects:

·        The UNFPA internship is not connected with employment and does not give rise to any expectancy of future employment.

·        Inters with UNFPA shall not be eligible for recruitment as a staff member within a 3 month period following the conclusion of their internship.


·        The internship is normally performed on a full-time basis; the intern is expected to work during normal working hours[1].

·        The intern shall provide written notice in case of illness or other unavoidable circumstances which might prevent him/her from fulfilling his/her obligations.

Extension of internship:

·        In the event that the internship is extended, the intern shall sign a new UNFPA internship agreement, which shall be submitted through the substantive manager to DHR (for Internships at Headquarters) or directly to the manager (for internships at filed duty stations).

H.      How to Apply

Interested candidates please send a motivational cover letter and CV to the following email address:  before 24 May 2016 under the subject: Internship MenEngage- EECARO.


[1] Note: flexible working hours will be provided by a supervisor to the intern to attend classes and complete educational assignments during the Internship.


Type of contract
Duty Station
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date