Submitted by Khinshein on

International Coultancy for Communication and Partnership

Duration: 6 months


The Position:

The Communication and Partnerships Consultant is located in the UNFPA Afghanistan Office. The Consultant works under the overall guidance of the Representative, direct supervision of the Deputy Representative, and in close collaboration with the members of the RH units, Gender Unit, Youth, Population & Development and Humanitarian Units.

How you can make a difference:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for reproductive health and rights and delivers a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.  UNFPA’s new strategic plan (2018-2021), focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices.

UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained results; we need principled and ethical staff, who embody human rights norms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full conviction; we need candidates who are transparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who commit to deliver excellence in programme results.

Assignment Purpose:

The Consultant will work in a highly complex operating environment with important programme partnership engagements and/or representations. S/He will be responsible for developing robust communication materials to ensure effective advocacy activities heighten the impact of the interventions. As this post is also related to partnership, S/He will be responsible to analyse, identify and work with senior management in targeting new partners, strengthening existing ones and nurturing them. S/He will also be responsible for scientific, creative and culturally sensitive communication and media materials/strategies development as well as partnership modalities/tools to  ensure  there  will  be  (i) synergies, consistencies and clarity of messages which promote positive changes in social norms, behaviours and attitudes to reduce GBV, (ii) successful awareness raising of the programme services addressing  Maternal Health, Family Planning, Adolescent & Youth as well as GBV, UNFPA COVID-19 Response and Data for Development related issues to regional and national audiences and (iii) promoting the achievements of the programme/visibility of the donor, both within Afghanistan and internationally. S/he will play an important role in advocacy, networking and other related activities for fundraising and resource mobilization of UNFPA in coordination with the respective Units and Senior Management.

You would be responsible for:


In the area of communication, overall, the consultant will provide substantive contribution to the formulation and design of the Country Office Communication Strategy accompanying the current Country Programme Document (2015 – 2021) and subsequent revisions and updates as required. In addition, provide oversight and guidance to the communication unit, national communication specialist imbedded in the respective thematic Units as well as active contribution in the UN Communication Group.

Specific responsibilities:

  • Design and manage the implementation of specific robust and innovative Communications both media, social media and others for the Country Office;
  • Plan, lead and manage the implementation of the Country Office Communication Strategy in close coordination with the respective Unit heads and Senior Management Team;
  • Improve the visibility of UNFPA in the country showing how UNFPA programme is delivering results and contributing to the UN coherent image and programming;
  • Provide critical analysis and communications guidance to the CO through scanning and reporting of the internal and external environment, and facilitate regular policy and programme updates to the regional office and HQ;
  • Work with respective Units and Senior Management and take a leading role in production and dissemination of communication and advocacy materials including brochures, posters, pamphlets, programme fact sheets, and press releases as and when needed ensuring UNFPA’s active and substantive contribution to joint UN statements/ press releases, events and materials’ production;
  • Work with respective Units to gather materials for social media, including Facebook and Twitter and others upon the approval of the Representative on frequent basis, at least 2 times a week;
  • Maintain a robust media and advocacy networks and relationships by helping regular media events, meetings of the Representative with key media persons, drafting and dissemination of media statements, speeches and press releases;
  • Undertake field visits to monitor / observe UNFPA supported activities and their impact so as to boost the visibility and advocacy on organisation’s good works and contributions;
  • Prepare and response to global, regional and national media and advocacy events linked to UNFPA’s mandate including International Midwifery Day, World Population Day, State of World Population Report launch, International Women’s Day, International Youth Day and the like.
  • Develop UNFPA bulletin, newsletters, brochures and situational reports on a regular basis, maintain issue-based photo-library and information materials that also reflect projects funded by donors;
  • Ensure editing quality assurance;
  • Prepare response to the queries of media, liaising as necessary with UNFPA Regional Communication Adviser and Headquarters Media Branch;
  • Regularly update UNFPA Afghanistan website with activities being conducted with UNFPA assistance;
  • Develop stories from the field, op-eds and podcast on UNFPA areas of concerns and assistance; and
  • Effectively represent UNFPA Country Office in the UN Communication Group (UNCG) and provide substantive contribution to the Group and feedback to the CO.


Overall, promote partnership with new and emerging donors and partners and nurture existing partnership through innovative methods. Show case lessons learned, good practices and package them to advocate UNFPA’s mission and mandate in Afghanistan, as well as, mobilise resources.

Specific Responsibilities

  • Engage key traditional and non-traditional partners, including government, civil society, private sector, development partners and others new as well as traditional actors on the ICPD and SDGs Agenda and the related role and impact in country;
  • Promote public engagement about the ICPD as a whole and in particular post ICPD25 in country, including through outreach initiatives;
  • Keep abreast with programme developments, UN/UNFPA global events and national development, and organise events to raise national awareness and champion the issues that UNFPA advocates through diverse and innovative approaches (including photo exhibition, drama, festivals, song/ poetry competition, concerts, sports, outreach events);
  • Maintain a system for constant scanning of UNFPA-produced research, surveys, assessments, field visit reports to enhance partnership and capacity building of UNFPA partners and staff;
  • Develop and maintain strategic and functional partnerships and network with Communications and Partnership Officers of UN Communication Group, key development partners, CSOs including faith-based organisations and national and international print and electronic media;
  • Organise and participate in field trips with donors and international/ national media to UNFPA programme sites and report on the events and progress;
  • Assist programme team in identifying and implementing ways to obtain impact and visibility of the results to bolster the partnership and advocacy efforts;
  • Perform any other relevant task assigned by the Representative.

Results/Expected Outputs:

  • A well-designed Country Communication/Partnership Strategy is developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated;
  • Strong visibility of UNFPA’s mandate and work in Afghanistan in conjunction with partners and donors is demonstrated to mobilise resources;
  • A well coordination and functional system in place for collecting stories, information and data from the respective Units and consolidated to mobilise additional resources;
  • A well scanned situation on partnership and resource mobilization undertaken to leverage resources and enhance partnership;
  • UNFPA effectively recognized and included in UN communication and partnership group publications, events and social media;
  • Enhanced visibility through different media and communication tools and materials of UNFPA Afghanistan’s contribution at the regional and headquarters levels.


Qualifications and Experience:


Postgraduate/Masters level degree in social/behavioural sciences, communication, partnerships, management, international relations, or related fields.

Knowledge and Experience:

  • At least 5 years of progressively responsible professional work experience in communication and partnership, planning and management of social development programmes;
  • Skills in building strategic alliances and partnerships; strong communication and networking skills; excellent organizational skills;
  • Knowledge of current developments in the fields of communication and partnership;
  • Proven management, coordination and of programme development skills;
  • Excellent analytical and advocacy skills, as well as writing skills;
  • Ability to self-manage; good level of emotional intelligence, empathy and conflict management;
  • High level of ability to negotiate and experience in team working in culturally diverse     contexts.


Fluency in written and verbal English is required. 

Knowledge of Pashto and/or Dari Languages would be an asset.

Submission Guidelines:

Interested Internationals may send the completed United Nations Personal History form (P-11) by e-mail along with an application letter to the e-mail address:   

Qualified women are particularly encouraged to apply.


Type of contract
Job Category
Duty Station
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date