Submitted by Khinshein on

Duty Station: Home based with regular missions to Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon, Myanmar. The consultant is expected to initially spend 2-3 weeks in Nay Pyi Taw.

Duration: Up to December 2019 (need basis)

Closing Date for Application: 25 February 2019  (5 pm Yangon Time)

Starting date of Assignment: As soon as possible


The UNFPA Myanmar Country Office is seeking an International Specialist on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) to provide further technical support and guidance in the development of in and out of school CSE. The consultant will be responsible for preparing a road map for in-school curriculum development of CSE and initiating the implementation of the plan. In addition, the consultant will support the prepare and refine the CSE part of the HER-work plan of the full 5-year programme. 

Together with the Ministry of Education the consultant will support the development the CSE curriculum for in school adolescents (and children) and the development of a costed implementation plan. This will include supporting the development of a plan for CSE training and capacity development for in-service and pre-service teachers. The consultant will provide support to the development and review the monitoring tools for CSE within the HER-programme. S/he will also be supporting the development of out of school CSE curriculum. 

The international CSE consultant will work closely together with the national CSE consultant and SRHR team based at the Country Offices in Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw.


The international consultant will be responsible for the following duties and in consultation with the deputy representative, assistant representative and the SRHR Specialist, will determine the prioritisation of activities: 

The following activities will be undertaken: 

In school CSE curriculum:
1.    Develop a roadmap and framework for how to include CSE into life skills curriculum, for all grades in primary and secondary school (including e.g. guidelines for CSE inclusion, capacity development of curriculum development team on CSE)
2.    Advise on the steps for a costed implementation plan of in school CSE. 
3.    Oversee the development of teacher’s lesson plan books and student books for grade 4, 7 and 10. 
4.    Support the development of a specific field pilot testing plan for life skills education for grade 4, 7 and 10
5.    Support the national CSE consultant in the assessment of CSE inclusion in the already developed life skills curricula for grade 1-3 and 6 
6.    Advise on a capacity development plan for pre-service teachers training at teacher education colleges, including syllabus, textbooks and curriculum. 
7.    Advise on a capacity development plan for in-service teachers training, including on the job support and the training of master trainers
8.    Together with Ministry of Health and Sports and the national consultant on CSE support life skills Master Trainers and the development of a teacher training course 
9.    Recommend further actions to support and improve delivery of CSE
10.    Ensure a system for meaningful engagement of young people in the process of development. 

Out of school CSE
11.    Assessment of peer education work and development of a national peer education manual with the support of the national CSE consultant, together with School Health department at the Ministry of Health and Sports.
12.    Lead the development of a strategy for out of school CSE. 
13.    Together with the national CSE consultant support the development of out of school CSE curriculum together with the Ministry of Education including trainings, manuals, other materials (e.g facilitation guides) and M&E tools

Advocacy for CSE
14.    Support planning and facilitation of workshop with curriculum development team, subject wise committee and national curriculum committee. 
15.    Support high level advocacy meeting for parliamentarians
16.     Support development of CSE advocacy messages to parliamentarians, ministries and communities
17.    Support the development of a more comprehensive advocacy and communication strategy for CSE
18.    Support development and roll out a capacity development plan for key stakeholders (MoHS, Department of School Health and the Ministry of Education, several departments).

19.    Support the development of a monitoring and evaluation tools for in school and out of school CSE.
20.    Develop a plan for and support field testing of in school CSE
21.    Support the development of a plan for creating evidence for CSE in Myanmar



•    Advanced University Degree in public health, social science, demography, gender, international development, public administration, management or other related field; 


•    10 years of increasingly responsible professional experience within the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights, of which five years at the international level, preferably within the Asia Pacific region; 
•    Solid knowledge and expertise on comprehensive sexuality education is required; 
•    Demonstrated experience in designing CSE curriculum, for primary, secondary school, teachers and trainers; 
•    Demonstrated experience of developing CSE tools; such as manuals, guidelines, textbooks and M&E tools; 
•    Proven ability to produce good-quality, demonstrable results is required; 
•    Programmatic experience, including programme development, planning, monitoring and reporting, is required;
•    Experience with capacity building and developing trainings and training material is highly desirable;
•    Solid experience of working closely with government is highly desirable


Applicants with the required qualifications and experience should submit a written letter of application, a copy of curriculum vitae (CV), completed UN P11 form ( relevant education certificates and the names and contact information of three references.
Applications should be addressed to UNFPA Representative. 
Attention: International Operations Manager, Room A07, UNFPA, No.6, Natmauk Road, Yangon.

Please click on the following link for detailed Terms of Reference 

Type of contract
Job Category
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date