Submitted by Khinshein on

Duration: Maximum 75 working days

Duty Station:   Home-based

Closing Date for Application: 9 October 2020 (5 pm Yangon time)

Starting date of Assignment: October 2020 (as soon as possible) 


UNFPA provides assistances to Myanmar Government to strengthen the national capacity for production, analysis, utilization and dissemination of high-quality disaggregated data on population and development issues, which allows for mapping of demographic disparities and socioeconomic inequalities, policymaking and for programming in development and humanitarian settings. In collaboration with Department of Population (DOP), UNFPA is implementing the Demographic Dividend project and 2019 Inter-Censal Survey (ICS). According to the urgent needs of the policy recommendations to response the COVID-19 pandemic, the reports of Demographic Dividend project and thematic analysis on mortality based on 2019 Inter-censal Survey have to be drafted by November 2020. 

Department of Population Myanmar Development Institute (MDI) and UNFPA has undertaken a jointly effort on the first Status of Demographic Transitions Report, labeled Roadmap for Harnessing the Double Demographic Dividend (Gender and Youth) in Myanmar as the first element of a periodic report that evaluates the demographic transition with special focus on key policy objectives. As the country develops and implements its national development strategy, the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (MSDP), it is pertinent that a clear roadmap is developed to ensure that Young People and Women are prioritized as the engine for attaining the vision of the MSDP and other national and global development objectives. Such a roadmap will guide the reaping of the double demographic dividend in Myanmar: Youth and Gender.
Roadmap for Harnessing the Demographic Double Dividend (Gender and Youth) in Myanmar aims to be a reliable up-to-date information source for policy-makers, practitioners and researchers. By tracking the demographic dividend using an intersectoral perspective, the report identifies strategic synergies between government offices and other policy-relevant institutions. Six Chapters in report are presenting the information and evidence on the Demographic Transition with focus on Demography, Health, Education, Economy and Labor, Governance, and Demographic Dynamics. This is aimed at an audience that needs high-level results and recommendation with particular emphasis on the main policy recommendations and their alignment with the MSDP. Data gathering for the Double Demographic Dividend was completed in the Mid-August 2020 and the data has been processed. The report writing has also been initiated for some of the chapters. 

The data collection for Inter-Censal Survey was implemented in 2019. The provisional and main reports of Inter-censal survey were drafted. To make timely response to the current pandemic, the thematic analysis on mortality based on 2019 ICS need to be done in an urgent manner.

This support to DOP in the development and finalization of both reports is important to help to establish the baselines that will help to measure the impact of COVID19 and to better define the response in a comprehensive manner.

The consultant will work under the overall guidance and supervision of the Deputy Representative of UNFPA Myanmar and the day-to-day collaboration with the Programme Analyst (P&D). S/he will work directly with the MDI and DOP technical team.

The objectives of the assignment are to provide the technical assistance for the preparation and finalization of the report for Roadmap for Harnessing the Demographic Double Dividend (Gender and Youth) and for the drafting the report of the thematic analysis based on 2019 ICS. Specifically, the consultant will undertake the following tasks:

For Demographic Dividend
1.    Based on the gathered data produced by MDI and DOP officials, prepare report frame for Roadmap for Harnessing the Demographic Double Dividend.
2.    Based on the gathered data produced by MDI consultant, analyse the tables, discuss with DOP officials about findings and prepare reports together with Policy recommendations to maximise the Demographic Dividend of Myanmar which is also aligned with the MSDP
3.    Out of six chapters, draft the narrative parts especially for Demography, Health, Governance chapters as other three is being primarily drafted by MDI
4.    Coordinate with former consultant from MDI who led the project whenever necessarily
5.    Review, proof read and edit where necessary in report

For Thematic Analysis on Mortality

1.    Provide a comprehensive but compact literature review highlighting status of research and knowledge (including available/emerging methodologies), and policy considerations in the thematic area. Give due consideration to past and current government policy frameworks and global development goals.
2.    Develop/adopt a population and development theoretical/analytical framework to ensure that the research is policy relevant, especially in the context of sustainable development goals (SDGs)
3.    Identify and outline key indicators in mortality thematic area
4.    Estimate the possibilities of under-reporting of mortality data where necessary/ possible.
5.    Describe clearly the methods and procedures used. The methods must be internationally accepted or recommended.
6.    Highlight aspects of the thematic report relevant to achievement of government policy framework.
7.    Provide a comparative analysis of Myanmar and selected countries (in ASEAN, other developing countries, developed countries) where possible and applicable.
8.    Provide forecasts (projections) of key indicators, where necessary/ possible. 
9.    Provide adequate citations of all resources and published material used in the thematic report, according to internationally accepted conventions. Consultant is encouraged to use peer-reviewed material and published policy documents. 
10.    Make adequate references to the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, especially revision 2. And any other relevant materials.
11.    Familiarize with and make adequate reference to current and past censuses methodologies in Myanmar.
12.    Build capacity of the national staff who they are working with in their teams.

The consultancy will be undertaken for a maximum of 75 working days from October 2020 to February 2021 for the followings.

For Demographic Dividend report, the number of working days is 30 Days and will be scheduled as follows:
•    Preparation of report frame 
•    Analysis of findings and discussion with DOP, MDI and UNFPA 
•    Preparation of reports 
•    Review, proof read and edit where necessary 

For Thematic Analysis on Mortality report, the number of working days is 45 Days and work will be scheduled as follows:
•    Preparation of report frame 
•    Analysis of findings and discussion with DOP and UNFPA 
•    Preparation of draft reports 
•    Review, proof read and edit and provide the final report

The Consultant is expected to prepare and submit the following key deliverables.

By the end of October, the Demographic Dividend reports as follows:
•    Electronic version of report frames, report in English Version
•    Report will be provided in electronic format (MS Word and/or Excel format)
By the end of November, the Thematic Analysis on Mortality report as follows:
•    Outline of the thematic report and list of tables required for their production 
•    Thematic report (Analytical/Technical)
•    Policy Brief 
•    Analytical spreadsheets/models
•    Presentation of the highlights
 The Consultant will have regular virtual meetings with UNFPA, MDI and DOP Technical Teams.  The consultant will provide regular updates to UNFPA management on progress.

  An advanced university degree in the area of Demography and Population Studies or related field; 

Knowledge and Experience 
•    At least ten (10) years of experience in the areas of Policy analysis, discussion and recommendations with the demographic techniques
•    Proven experience in the development of the strategy on reaping the demographic dividend and thematic analysis on mortality or other close thematic areas, based on Census and Survey data
•    Demonstrated ability to work closely with national counterparts and in complex environments. 
•    Have strong competency in written and spoken English.
•    Preferably, have experience working with UN agencies, international organizations, and government partners.
•    Strong analytical and presentation skills;
•    Dedication and belief in upholding the highest ethical standards and respect for data confidentiality;
•    Adaptability and ability to work with people from different socio-cultural backgrounds and across different managerial levels

Applicants with the required qualifications and experience should submit the application, which includes following documents: 
•    a written letter of application (please indicate the vacancy number and consultancy title that your application letter).
•    a curriculum vitae (CV),  
•    UN P11 form completed and signed by the applicant (, education certificates and  the names and contact information of three references. 
Applications should be addressed to:  
Attention:     International Operations Manager,  
Room A07, UNFPA, No.6, Natmauk Road, Yangon 
UNFPA reserves the right to offer comparable positions to those qualified candidates that may not have been selected for the position which they applied for. These offers will be based on the needs of the organization, appropriateness and relevance to the candidate’s educational backgrounds and work experience. Only those candidates in whose qualifications and experience the Office has further interest will be contacted for subsequent interviews. 
(i)    This vacancy is open to applicants of either sex. 
(ii)    UNFPA provides equal opportunities to all citizens in Myanmar.  The conditions governing employment are defined in the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules of UNFPA.  (iii) There is no application, processing or other fee at any stage of the application process. 
(iv)    UNFPA does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status. 
(v)    UNFPA regrets its inability to reply individually or to attend to telephone queries on the above advertised post.  



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Closing Date