Submitted by Khinshein on

Duration:  20 working days

Duty Station:  Yangon, Myanmar (Travel to Nay Pyi Taw and to States/Regions where the project was implemented will be expected)

Starting date of Assignment:  November 2019 (as soon as possible)



UNFPA is the lead agency within the multi-agency PBF-funded project “Empowering Young Women and Men as Agents in Peace Building” funded under the GYPI mechanism of the UN Peace Building Fund (PBF). Within this project, UNFPA and UNICEF are implementing agencies each working with local partner organisations within their respective thematic areas.


In support of realization of the ground-breaking United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security, this UNFPA-UNICEF-UNV Joint PBF project recognizes the positive role and constructive potential role of young women and men in peace building and conflict transformation in Myanmar. The project has three key strategies to increase participation of young people by 1) creating an inclusive youth peacebuilding platform for raising a collective voice of the youth, 2) strengthening the capacity of young people and 3) increasing their engagement in formal and informal peace process.


The project ends in December 2019 and UNFPA, UNICEF and UNV wish to hire services of an experienced consultant to undertake the final evaluation of the project, in order to draw lessons and inform future programming in the area of youth and peace.




The consultant will work under the overall guidance of the Representative of UNFPA Myanmar, with day-to-day supervision of the Technical Specialists (P&D and Youth).




The primary aim of the evaluation is to draw lessons learned and develop a basis for the design of potential future youth and peace programs. The evaluation should document good practices and lessons learnt and make recommendations for future programs operating especially in similar geographic and thematic areas.


The insights gained in this evaluation – in particular concerning what worked well, cost-effectiveness of different models, and the circumstances which have had an impact on the implementation as well as the challenges encountered - will be valuable for partners and other organisations in Myanmar that design and implement youth and peace programs, both in Myanmar and globally.


The evaluation will focus on the following aspects of the project:

  • Relevance: Identifies the relevance or significance of the intervention regarding local and national requirements and priorities.
  • Effectiveness: The extent to which the project objectives were achieved, or are expected to be achieved, taking into account their relative importance.
  • Efficiency: Measures the outputs -- qualitative and quantitative -- in relation to the inputs. This generally requires comparing alternative approaches to achieving the same outputs, to see whether the most efficient process has been adopted.
  • Impact: Positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by the project, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended
  • Sustainability: Extent to which positive effects or impacts are sustainable.

To meet the above objectives, the consultant will undertake the following:

  1. Conduct a desk review of the peace and security context of Myanmar and the relevant documents, reports and reviews related to youth and peace in Myanmar
  2. Prepare and submit an inception report outlining the methodological approach for data/information collection and analysis; description of the final evaluation questions for investigation; an evaluation matrix mapping evaluation questions (and any sub-questions) to data sources and proposed analytical approaches; detailed work plan and outline of the evaluation report.
  3. Undertake interviews (structured and focus groups) with key informants, including implementing partners, peace advisers and other key stakeholders working in the area of peace, young people, direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project, and other relevant stakeholders.
  4. Prepare and present a draft evaluation report to the reference group of the evaluation for review
  5. Prepare and present a final Evaluation Report to stakeholders. The final report shall not exceed 15 pages (not including annexes)

The consultancy will be for a duration of 20 working days commencing in November 2019, and will follow the following indicative schedule:


Week 1:

  1. Review of background documents (PBF guidelines, GYPI documents, project document, reports, etc)
  2. Briefing with UNFPA, UNICEF, UNDP and UNV (reference group)
  3. Preparation and presentation of inception report to reference group
  4. Preparation of data collection tools and setting up appointments with stakeholders
  1. Delivery dates and how work will be delivered:

The Consultant is expected to prepare and submit the following key deliverables:

  • Electronic copies of all the instruments used, including any research protocols, interview questionnaires, interviewer handbooks, guidance notes, etc which might be used according to the chosen methodology.
  • A database or databases with all the underlying qualitative and quantitative data in a commonly used format, anonymised and safeguarding confidentiality, and accompanied by together by clear metadata and documentation
  • Draft and final evaluation reports in electronic version

If any deliverable submitted is not meeting the required specifications set out in the TOR UNFPA will request the Independent Evaluation Team the resubmission of deliverables at no additional costs.


The Consultant will have regular meetings with UNFPA and UNICEF technical teams.  The consultant will provide regular updates to UNFPA management on progress.

  • Masters level/Post graduate qualification in social sciences, peace and conflict studies or a related field;
  • At least 10 years monitoring and evaluation experience in development settings in the area of youth and/or peacebuilding;
  • Extensive experience in evaluation design and writing evaluation reports;
  • Verifiable experience in evaluating similar programs in fragile contexts;       
  • Demonstrable competencies in strategy planning and program design;
  • Analytical, methodical, and succinct style of writing, in plain English.
  • Dedication and belief in upholding the highest ethical standards and respect for data confidentiality;
  • Creativity, adaptability and ability to work with people from different socio-cultural backgrounds and across different managerial levels
  • Desirable: Familiarity with the socio-political and geographical contexts of Myanmar
  • Payment will be made on a lumpsum basis upon satisfactory completion of the assignment and submission of all deliverables. 

Terms and conditions will be in accordance with UN service contract procedures. Remuneration will be based on years of work experience in the relevant field and standard rates for UN consultancy.




Applicants with the required qualifications and experience should submit a written letter of application, a copy of curriculum vitae (CV), completed UN P11 form ( relevant education certificates and the names and contact information of three references.


Applications should be addressed to UNFPA Representative and to be sent to


Attention: International Operations Manager,

Room A07, UNFPA, No.6, Natmauk Road, Yangon

Type of contract
Job Category
Duty Station
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date