Submitted by Khinshein on

Duty Station: Sub-Office at Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Duration: 4 Months

Closing date: 4 August 2018 (5 pm Dhaka time)

Starting date: As soon as possible



According to Interagency Sector Coordination Group (ISCG), 688,000 refugees from neighboring Rakhine State in Myanmar have arrived in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh since 25th August 2017. More than half of these new arrivals are women and girls. Refugees, especially women and girls are being disproportionately affected by forms and patterns of GBV including rape, conflict-related sexual violence, intimate partner violence, sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, child and forced marriages, sexual exploitation, survival sex, and forced engagement in drug and sex trade.


There are significant safety and security concerns for women and girls in the camps from a number of challenges. Just moving in public to access water points, latrines, bathing areas, and safe spaces put them at risk. Women and girls lack adequate clothing and personal dignity items which increases risk. Increased overcrowding and limited privacy across all refugee sites elevate safety and security risks. Many Rohingya refugee family units are female-headed (up to one in five), leading to greater vulnerability. In addition, the burden of care women assume for children and others can make it difficult for them to take proper care of themselves, women often neglect their own needs as they care for their families and neighbors.


In response, UNFPA is supporting 19  Women Friendly Spaces (WFS) in in the Rohingya Refugee Camp and adjacent host community and conducting community outreach to prevent GBV/mitigate the risk of GBV.  At the WFS  caseworkers are trained to offer specialized case management services for survivors of GBV, psychological first aid, and deliver information and awareness raising sessions for women and girls at risk of gender-based violence. UNFPA is introducing caseworkers into the health facilities to ensure all women seeking SRH have access to GBV awareness and response. In addition, midwives will be placed at the WFS to provide health education as well as family planning and clinical management of rape services. Since the women and girls are attending WFS activities every day and taking part in awareness-raising session on several issues including PSS activities, there is a demand from women and girls to provide the livelihood skill training as part of the psychosocial intervention and part of GBV prevention intervention on the ground. In response to this request, UNFPA will establish Women Led Learning Centers where livelihood activities can be provided.  Therefore, based on the community need and demand, UNFPA is in a position to deploy a SURGE, GBV and Livelihood integration Specialist to support Cox’s Bazar GBV team to introduce an intervention on ‘ integration of livelihood component in GBV intervention’ for the Rohingya and host community.



Under the overall supervision of the Head of Sub-Office / GBV Program Specialist in Cox’s Bazar, in collaboration Gender Unit Chief, the GBV and Livelihood Integration Specialist will closely work with GBV team in Cox’s Bazar and Dhaka and liaise with relevant livelihood provider agencies to ensure that integrated and expanded services addressing livelihood and GBV interventions/psychosocial needs of women and girls are successfully implemented for GBV prevention and response.



  • Conduct/Lead rapid assessment/s of current GBV intervention and scope of integration of livelihood component
  • Provide technical support to GBV staff (UNFPA and partners) to foster greater linkage between GBV and livelihood remembering ‘ do no harm’ principles
  • Assist in developing/adapting protocols for Women Led Community Centers (WLCCs) and greater GBV and livelihood integration
  • Support planning and designing the livelihood intervention from the protection point of view.
  • Support the planning conversations on livelihood and on GBV concepts and guiding principles at both WLCCs and community
  • Ensure integration of GBV and livelihood into existing data systems of the programmes to mutually reinforce each other
  • Support UNFPA programme staff to create systems to reinforce integration such as briefing sessions
  • Oversee functions of the implementing partner who will implement GBV and livelihood integrated intervention
  • Ensure that all programme activities create a neutral and supportive protection environment for women and girls
  • Ensure that compliance and guiding principles are maintained among all staff and survivors/ clients have easy access to psychosocial support and case management services in an appropriate and timely manner.
  • Assist community mobilizers to plan community education and awareness-raising activities on livelihood and GBV.
  • Provide inputs for SitReps and other communication products, as required.
  • Support data management flow and reporting from WFS on timely basis

Monitoring, Evaluation and Resource Mobilization:

  • Support to prepare regular progress/after action reports and document lessons learned and challenges related to GBV and livelihood  and share with the relevant UNFPA Regional Office, UNFPA Humanitarian and Fragile Contexts Branch, and other units as may be necessary
  • Proactively engage in the emergency fundraising initiatives as needed.

Capacity Development:

  • Capacity development of UNFPA and partners on GBV and livelihood and life skills programming and its implementation as a tool of GBV prevention (in line with IASC guidelines) 
  • Provide coaching to the staff and consultants, where appropriate.
  • Coach and build capacity of staff members and staff of implementing partners responding to emergency/humanitarian crisis, as needed.


  • Support in strengthening linkages between existing GBV, SRHR, adolescent girls and livelihood programming initiatives of UNFPA and other agencies to ensure synergies between programmes.
  • Represent UNFPA in sector/coordination meetings related to GBV prevention and livelihood-life skills

Any other tasks that may be required to achieve the objective of this assignment.



Specific work plan, monthly reports on progress, mission reports to be submitted in electronic copy



  • Progress will be monitored on a monthly basis, sharing electronic updates against the terms of reference and deliverables as per approve paragraph.
  • All the reports and documents prepared during the assignment is the property of UNFPA Bangladesh. The reports/documents or any part cannot be sold, used and/or reproduced in any manner without prior written approval of UNFPA. During the consultancy, if additional time is required to complete the assignment beyond the time previously agreed, UNFPA’s written approval will be required.

The consultant will have access to all relevant available written/web based background information necessary for this assignment. The consultant will also have the possibility to organize regular meetings with the UNFPA project management and if necessary, with other relevant stakeholders.




  • Master degree with a specialization in areas such as social work, gender, law/human rights, international relations, and/or other related social science disciplines

Professional Experience

  • 5 to 7 years of relevant experience in livelihood/GBV program development and management, preferably in an emergency context.
  • Field experience in complex emergencies, including humanitarian emergency response, is desired.
  • Demonstrated leadership and management experience within a multinational and multicultural environment.
  • Ability to develop and coordinate livelihood /GBV programs that target refugees, IDPs/returnees, and their host communities.
  • Proven relevant experience in working as a livelihood specialist/officer for GBV prevention program
  • Excellent understanding of human rights-based, survivors-centered and participatory approach.
  • Experience in capacity development/training.
  • Experience in developing SOPs, guidelines, tools for livelihood component for GBV prevention.
  • Proven communications and inter-personal skills, IT literacy, as well as organizational skills and time-management
  • Good understanding of international GBV best practices and guidelines
  • Experience of working at a global or regional level especially in the developing countries.


  • Fluency in oral and written English.



The consultant will work at UNFPA Cox’s Bazar Sub-Office with Gender/GBV Team. S/he will be provided with working space in the Cox’s Bazar Sub-Office.  The Consultant will bring/use her/his own laptop computer.

The consultant will be provided with office vehicle support whilst working on mission and travelling for official purposes in Dhaka  and Cox’s Bazar.


Payment will be made on a monthly basis and will not be paid any DSA for Cox’s Bazar stay.




Applicants with the required qualifications and experience should submit a copy of curriculum vitae (CV), completed UN P11 form ( relevant education certificates and the names and contact information of three references.


Send your application electronically to dedicated email inbox of


For further details, please refer the attached detailed VAs and also at UNFPA website:


Note: Only those candidates in who meet all qualifications and experience will be contacted for further consideration. Kindly note that incomplete applications will be automatically disqualified.






Type of contract
Duty Station
Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh
Thematic Area
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date