Submitted by Khinshein on

Duty Station:   Yangon, Myanmar (some travel to the field as required)

Duration:  6 Months (extendable to 11 months,  upon completion of  satisfactory performance)

Closing Date: 8 August 2017 (5 pm Yangon Time)

Starting date of Assignment: September 2017


UNFPA expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy and productive lives. We support countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV and AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.  Advancing gender equality and promoting the empowerment of women is a key programme priority of UNFPA defined in UNFPA Strategic Plan (2014-2017). This includes addressing gaps in gender equality, improving sexual and reproductive health services, responding to and preventing Gender Based Violence (GBV) and integrating gender equality and human rights perspectives into national policies, development frameworks and laws.

Myanmar is a signatory to the International Conference on Population Development Programme of Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and a Member State that participates in the Universal Periodic Review.  In support of the Government commitments and accountability frameworks, such as the National Strategic Plan for the Advancement of Women 2013 – 2022 (NSPAW), the consultant will support UNFPA to developed strengthened capacities to formulate and implement multi sectoral, rights-based policies and interventions that prevent and mitigate the impact of gender-based violence.

This will be achieved through the review and development of policies and coordination systems as well as support for the implementation of emerging laws, policies and protocols on gender-based violence, gender equality, women’s empowerment and sexual and reproductive rights.  Particular to this consultancy, UNFPA will seek to develop policy and support implementation under three priority areas of the NSPAW:  Women and Health, Women and Emergencies, Women and Violence. The development of specific policies under these key priority action areas will require the implementation of policy development cycles including stakeholder consultations and policy dialogues to engage Government, international and national organizations.

The work of the consultant will be guided by the global Essential Services Package for Women and Girls, United Nations Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000) and 2250 (2015) and the National Strategic Plan for the Advancement of Women. UNFPA will contribute to monitoring the recommendations of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Universal Periodic Review and other policies on sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender-based violence.

The international consultant will work under the overall guidance of UNFPA Representative and direct supervision of UNFPA Deputy Representative.


The international consultant will work with UNFPA Gender Programme Specialist, based in Nay Pyi Taw to support gender policy development as well as engage and support UNFPA advocacy efforts on laws and policies more broadly. This will entail the following description of activities.

Provide technical support for policy dissemination and policy development on gender, including through implementing partners.

• Develop a legal framework for norms and standards to which Myanmar is accountable for GBV and SRHR including an analysis CEDAW concluding recommendations, ICPD, CSW 57 Agreed Conclusions, Rights to Shelters and protection orders and Security Council Resolutions as they relate to Women, Peace and Security.
• Work closely with Ministry of Health and Sports (MoHS), Department of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement (MoSWRR), Office of the Attorney General, Myanmar Police Force, Members of Parliament, and other relevant authorities at the national, state and regional levels to ensure robust and active participation for the dissemination of the NSPAW;
• Support the operationalization of the NSPAW through coordination support through the proposed Technical Working Groups under the Myanmar National Committee for Women’s Affairs, UN Gender Theme Group, GBV Coordination Working Group and the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Sectoral Working Group;
• Work with Government to support development of National GBV Standard Operating Procedures, GBV Guideline for Ministry of Health and Sports; Standard Operating Procedures for Myanmar Police Force, Clinical Management of Rape Guidelines, Case Management Standard Operating Procedures for Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and Standard Operating Procedures for the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement hotline. The consultant will also support the development and approval of Standard Operating Procedures in the emergency response areas of Rakhine, Kachin and northern Shan States as well as approval of the Guidance on the Emergency Treatment of Patient Law 2014.
• Provide technical support to and identify opportunities for the organization of relevant advocacy and communication/information events to address gender (in)equality and GBV issues;
• Work with UN and implementing partners to support advocacy for gender equality.

Contribute to UNFPA advocacy on sexual and reproductive health and human rights for women and youth.

• Provide analyses of policy and legal developments with regard to the international legal and human rights concerns as well as the gender equality issues these raise, taking into account ICPD and Beijing agreements.
• Participate in gender coordination mechanisms such as the UN Gender Theme Group and UN Human Rights Theme Group and coordinate activities from the ‘Women and Girls First’ initiative with UN partners.
• Monitor UN rights conventions and instruments and provide technical assistance to the national counterparts.
• Analyse and Monitor Universal Periodic Review (UPR) recommendation and follow up with UNFPA response and action plan under UN coordinated effort.

Contribute to women and youth participation, peer education and advocacy on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).

• Participate in gender- and youth- related events and organize relevant campaigns on gender equality to support policy dissemination and involvement of stakeholders.
• Developing meaningful youth participation, advocacy and youth SRHR through supporting the establishment of young women’s and young men’s groups in the areas of the ‘Women and Girls First’ initiative.
• Develop youth participation and youth SRHR advocacy within the CO Adolescent s and Young people programme component.

Perform any other task required in the context of gender, policy and advocacy in support of the UNFPA CO programme.


1.   Follow up UNFPA workplan entailing Action Points recommendation for UPR

2.   Development of international legal framework for GBV and SRHR including Myanmar specific accountability

3.   Development of National GBV Standard Operating Procedures, GBV Guideline for Ministry of Health and Sports; Standard Operating Procedures for Myanmar Police Force, Clinical Management of Rape Guidelines, Case Management Standard Operating Procedures for Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and Standard Operating Procedures for the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement hotline.

4.   Development and approval of Standard Operating Procedures in the emergency response areas of Rakhine, Kachin and northern Shan States

Development of advocacy platform for (1) women who are survivors of violence and (2) adolescents and young people to support increased participation of women and young people in policy development on gender equality, SRHR an in the peace process.  


Reporting will be provided to direct supervisor by way of weekly meetings with the deliverables to be provided on time as outlined in the preceding section.
Monitoring will be also maintained by the direct supervisor who will participate in the meeting and trainings as well as stakeholder consultations to ensure quality control of facilitation and delivery. The direct supervisor will also be closely monitoring written outputs, such as policy papers and concept notes.


There may involve regular travel to the Myanmar capital, Nay Pyi Taw as well as to the field sites



• Advanced university degree in  Law or social science as it relates to gender and GBV, policy development and  or related field;

Knowledge and Experience 

• At least 5 years of increasingly responsible relevant professional experience, including experience in programme management, including large multi-sectoral projects, designing and appraising proposals and actively liaising with relevant and potential project partners;                                             
• Knowledge of and experience in policy development particularly as they relate to gender;
• Knowledge of legal systems and the justice continuum in order to support strengthened access to justice through strong policy development and justice sector engagement.
• Knowledge or capacity to acquire knowledge of health issues, and particularly sexual and reproductive health needs of women and girls to ensure support relevant and comprehensive policy development.
• Knowledge of gender issues in development, particularly GBV, including relevant international human rights standards;
• Prior training in gender and GBV issues and their application in humanitarian, conflict, recovery and development settings;
• Experience in utilizing the following internationals tools: GBV Standard Operating Procedures; GBV Information Management System; IASC GBV Guidelines; IASC Gender Handbook; GBV Coordination Handbook; WHO Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Researching, Documenting and Monitoring Sexual Violence in Emergencies;
• Experience in post conflict situation, particularly Myanmar is an asset.


Applicants with the required qualifications and experience should submit a written letter of application, a copy of curriculum vitae (CV), completed UN P11 form ( relevant education certificates and the names and contact information of three references.

Applications should be addressed to UNFPA Representative.
Attention: International Operations Manager, Room A07, UNFPA, No.6, Natmauk Road, Yangon.

For further details, please refer the attached detailed VAs and also at UNFPA website

Type of contract
Duty Station
Thematic Area
Workflow State
Closing Date