Submitted by Khinshein on

Duration: 6 Months


Postition Summary:

UNFPA’s third Country Programme in Myanmar approved by the Executive Board in 2011 for 4 years from 2012 to 2015 and it consists of three main components, namely 1) reproductive health and rights, 2) population and development and 3) gender equality, synchronized with the United Nations Strategic Framework for Myanmar 2012-2015 and in alignment with revised UNFPA Strategic Plan 2008-2013. The extension of country programme has been recently approved by UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board up to 2017.

The extended country programme is aligned to UNFPA Strategic Plan (2014-2017) with more results focus interventions with four key programme areas: 1) sexual and reproductive health (including HIV/AIDS) 2) youth and adolescents, 3) gender equality and women’s empowerment and 4) population dynamics. UNFPA is partnering with Government departments, UN agencies, INGOs and local NGOs in programmatic interventions covering 89 townships in seven states/regions including Rakhine State. Emergency preparedness and humanitarian assistance are integrated into the UNFPA’s third country program and remains an important function of the organization. UNFPA in line with global strategy contributes to strengthening national capacity to provide sexual and reproductive health services, gender based violence prevention and response and data issues in humanitarian settings.

The Myanmar maternal mortality ratio, according to 2010 Ministry of Health data, the number of women who die in pregnancy and childbirth is 200. This can be compared to the Southeast Asia average, which is 140. Deaths are significantly higher in rural areas, where women have limited access to reproductive health services. The infant mortality rate is also high at 62 per 1,000 live births. 76 per cent of deliveries take place at home, where nearly 90 per cent of maternal deaths occur. The 2014 national population and census main data result revealed that young people account for about 28 per cent of the total population. Young people include adolescents (aged 10-19) and youth (aged 15-24). Nearly half of all new HIV infections in Myanmar occur among young people aged 15-24 years. HIV prevalence in the adult population aged 15 years and older was estimated at 0.54 per cent in 2014, a decline from 0.94 per cent in 2000. However, HIV in Myanmar is concentrated among key populations: people who inject drugs (23.1 per cent), men who have sex with men (6.6 per cent) and female sex workers (6.3 per cent).

Myanmar is vulnerable to a wide range of natural disasters and it is one of the most at-risk countries in Asia-Pacific Region. While the country’s coastal regions are particularly exposed to cyclones, tropical storms and tsunamis, rainfall-induced flooding is a recurring phenomenon across the country. The whole country is at risk from earthquakes, droughts and fires, while the country’s mountainous regions are also exposed to landslide risks. Unresolved conflict or inter-communal violence in Kachin and Rakhine States has resulted in an estimated 1,020,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance in Myanmar in 2016.

According to the 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census, Rakhine state is home to more 3.1 million people. Rakhine is one of the least developed State in Myanmar, with a diverse ethic and religious population. It has the highest poverty rate in the country (78 per cent, compared to 37.5 per cent nationally). The reproductive health situation in Rakhine is alarming and urgent interventions are needed. The Reproductive Health Five Year Strategic Plan (2014-2018), Five Year Strategic Plan for Young People’s Health (2016-2020) and the Costed Action Plan to meet commitments for Family Planning 2020, have to be implemented carefully in Rakhine State.

UNFPA’s interventions in Rakhine state aim to: 1. Strengthened health systems to improve availability of high quality and equitable SRH information and services among target groups, including emergency setting and conflict sensitive approach of program implementation; and 2. Improved availability of SRH services, including the prevention of HIV , STIs, and reproductive tract infections (RTIs) among populations. 

The International RH Consultant will monitor the implementation of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights programme, including humanitarian component according to the Minimum Initial Services Package (MISP). The incumbent will promote reproductive health and linkages with Gender Based Violence (GBV) programme during crises, early recovery and development phases.

In coordination with the UNFPA Yangon Office and Ministry of Health and State Health Department, the incumbent will facilitate procurement and delivery of emergency medical supplies and equipment, orients on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, HIV&AIDS, GBV, and Youth related issues and ensure utilization of supplies and equipment, and assist in establishing partnerships with other development and humanitarian stakeholders, NGOs, donors and government counterparts. 

Duties and Responsibilities:

Under overall guidance of Deputy Representative and direct supervision of the Humanitarian Affairs Specialist and Assistant Representative based in Yangon, the International RH Officer will facilitate the implementation of UNFPA’s sexual and reproductive health programme and will coordinate organisations working in the area of RH programme in Rakhine State.

Expected Results:

  • Quality RH services including ante-natal, post-natal, emergency obstetric care, prevention and management of STIs, HIV/AIDS and sexual violence, as well as referral mechanism ensured;
  • Pregnancy Mapping activity is revised, strengthened and expanded;
  • ‘Body, Mind and Soul’ Concept on Youth initiated, integrated into RH programme and piloted;
  • Technical assistance on RH to the State Health Department [SHD] provided; Including technical assistance to SHD in setting up quarterly and yearly targets for Rakhine based on the 14 cohort indicators of FP2020;
  • Coordination with relevant stakeholders and NGOs strengthened; This includes activation of SRH TWG at Rakhine level as well as participation in the Health Cluster, Health Coordination Meeting of SHD, Maternal Dead Review Meeting of SHD, ICCG and relevant coordination bodies;
  • RH in humanitarian and development interventions in Rakhine monitored; Integration between RH and GBV response initiated;

Major Activities

Ensuring Quality of RH Services:
  • Ensure quality of ante-natal and post-natal care services provided by UNFPA's partners, including by the members of SRH TWG; Through field visits and review reports;
  • Initiate, review and update maternal death review meeting exercise of the State Health Department;
  • Contribute in RH services review [i.e.ANC, PNC, Family Planning coverage, management of HIV/STIs, sexual violence service coverage of the State Health Department;
  • Participate in regular meetings of Provincial HIV/AIDS Control Programme of Rakhine State;
  • Adopt and advocate the utilisation of Maternal Death Review Form;
Pregnancy Mapping Activity:
  • Review and finalise of Pregnancy mapping tools;
  • Review and finalisation of pregnancy mapping database;
  • Expand the pregnancy mapping exercise to other camps and villages;
Technical Assistance to the State Health Department of Rakhine:
  • Support SHD in setting up quarterly and yearly targets for Rakhine based on the 14 cohort indicators of FP2020;
  • Provide technical assistance to the health authorities in Rakhine regarding implementation of the Reproductive Health Five Year Strategic Plan (2014-2018), Five Year Strategic Plan for Young People’s Health (2016-2020) and the Costed Action Plan to meet commitments for Family Planning 2020;
Programme Management:
  • Support and review progress reports submitted by UNFPA implementing partners;
  • Conduct monthly review meetings with UNFPA partners;
  • Working closely with GBV Team to see potential integration between RH and GBV. A draft strategy of interventions to be produced;
Capacity Building:
  • Initiate and coordinate on-the-job training sessions on utilisation of RH commodities, including Emergency RH Kits to health personnel;
  • Initiate training needs assessment among health personnel working in health facilities in Rakhine;
RH Logistics:
  • Monitor utilisation of RH commodities, including emergency RH kits by health providers;
  • Assess and project RH commodities need for Rakhine State - for the period of 2016 (in accordance with the and the Costed Action Plan to meet commitments for Family Planning 2020);
  • Assess and recommend possible linkages between RH commodities in humanitarian and the regular Logistic Management Information System;
  • Adapt RH Assessment tools (including MISP rapid needs assessment tool) into local context;
Initiation of  'body, mind and soul' concept
  • Conduct initial assessment;

Monitoring Visits:

  • Monitor the implementation of RH project in Sittwe and northern Rakhine State;
  • Track and update the database according to findings from the monitoring check;

Coordination and Meetings

  • Represent and join any Joint-Assessment Team initiated by Area HCT, Health Cluster and other related coordination bodies;
  • Initiate activation of SRH TWG in Rakhine;
  • Participate in monthly Health Cluster meeting;
  • Participate and represent SRH TWG in the ICCG, GBV SS and other relevant meetings;
  • Liaise with OCHA, WHO, UNICEF and other relevant bodies on regular reporting requirements, such as 3/4Ws, SitReps, and etc;


  • Advanced university degree in medicine, Public Health, or relevant Social Sciences.

Knowledge and Experience:

  • At least 7 years of relevant experience in RH/HIV&AIDS programme development and management and preferably in an emergency context (eg: implementation of the MISP).
  • Field experience in complex emergencies, including humanitarian emergency response.
  • Ability to develop and coordinate RH/HIV&AIDS and /programs that target refugees, IDPs/returnees and their host communities.
  • Proficiency in English and in other official languages or the UN required/desirable. Myanmar language is an asset.
  • Initiate integration of youth and adolescence into the existing RH programme (both development and humanitarian) through 'body, mind and soul';
  • Initiate a pilot project of 'body, mind and soul' started in the existing MMA and MNMA;


Applicants with the required qualifications and experience should submit a written letter of application, a brief write up the interpretation of the TOR and the methodology that /she intends to use to carry of all aspects of this consultancy, a copy of curriculum vitae (CV), completed UN P11 form, relevant education certificates and the names and contact information of three references.

Applications should be addressed to UNFPA Representative. Attention: International Operations Manager, Room A07, UNFPA, No.6, Natmauk Road, Yangon.

For further details, please refer the attached detailed VAs and also at UNFPA website (

Only those candidates in who meet all qualifications and experience will be contacted for further consideration.

Type of contract
Job ID
Duty Station
Sittwe, Myanmar
Link to post
Workflow State
Closing Date