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CLOSING DATE:               16 October 2016  (5:00 pm Bangkok time)
DUTY STATION:                 Bangkok (Asia and the Pacific Regional Office)
DURATION:                        1 November 2016 - 10 February 2017 
                                            (estimated 60 working days,
                                             with a possibility of extension)
STARTING DATE :              1 November 2016 
Purpose of consultancy:
Guided by the 1994 Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) partners with governments, civil society and other agencies to accomplish its mission, which aims to promote the rights of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity and supports countries in using data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every person is free of HIV and AIDS and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.
The UNFPA Strategic Plan (SP) 2014-17 provides a framework for UNFPA programming at all levels of the organization. Under the current SP, sexual and reproductive health and rights has been placed at the centre of the work of the organization with the overall goal of achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health, the realization of reproductive rights, and the reduction of maternal mortality to accelerate progress on achieving the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) agenda. There are four key outcome areas under the SP related to increasing availability and use of integrated sexual and reproductive health services; increasing priority on adolescents in development policies and programmes; advancing gender quality, women’s and girls’ empowerment and reproductive rights; and strengthening national policies and international development agendas through evidence based analysis on population dynamics and their linkages to the SDGs.
Population dynamics is an important area of work for UNFPA. The support provided to the preparation and analysis of censuses and other population-based surveys and the integration of population dynamics in national development policies and plans is critical to ensuring that marginalized and vulnerable groups are at the centre of sustainable development.
A human rights-based approach and promotion of gender equality are principles that are expected to underpin and cut across all of the work of the organization. 
The Asia Pacific Regional Programme (RP) is as part of the corporate Strategic Plan 2014-17. It is aligned with the results framework of the Strategic Plan and designed to support country needs through thought leadership, advocacy and strategic partnerships; engagement in inter-governmental policy dialogue and with regional bodies and networks and civil society organizations; and capacity building including through technical and policy advice, knowledge generation and dissemination and South South and Triangular Cooperation.
In 2014, the ICPD Beyond 2014 Review reaffirmed the importance of the ICPD agenda.  It recognized the successes of last two decades as well as the need to accelerate progress in areas that were lagging behind, while responding to emerging challenges related to population and development. The Asian and Pacific Ministerial Declaration on Population and Development adopted at the Sixth Asia Pacific Population Conference in 2013 is a forward looking plan for the next 10 years and it articulates the unfinished business as well as the emerging challenges in this region. There are strong points of convergence between the 2030 Agenda and the ICPD Programme of Action across several goals, targets and indicators and commitment to universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as well as promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women.
Overall the 2013 review found that in Asia Pacific, deaths and poor health among women still remain unacceptably high. Poverty and gender inequality pose significant barriers to maternal health in the region - this calls for a more integrated and holistic approaches that aim to improve the quality, coverage and affordability of SRH services on the one hand, and target interventions that eliminate the barriers women and girls confront in utilizing SRH services and exercising their reproductive rights, on the other. This is critical to achieving the central pledge of the SDGs to reach the furthest behind first - and speaks directly to tackling the growing inequity as well as rising levels of intolerance and extremism in the Asia Pacific region.  
1. UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Programme 
Despite the central focus of UNFPA’s policy and programming work on the achievement of universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), the operationalization of the Strategic Plan outcomes and outputs has resulted a range of interventions supported under the current Asia Pacific Regional Programme that are not sufficiently well integrated.
The next Asia Pacific Regional Programme 2018-21 will need to take into consideration the 2030 Agenda and the shifts in the development and humanitarian paradigm.  It will be part of the new corporate Strategic Plan and aligned with the principles for the strategic directions, namely: responsive to the global development and humanitarian global commitments; focused and results oriented; and based on UNFPA’s comparative advantage. 
The next Regional Progamme will aim to respond to the unfinished business and the emerging regional trends and challenges including the impact of the evolving political and socio-cultural environment on securing SRHR. It will support interventions that help accelerate the implementation of the ICPD agenda at country level, while recognizing that diversity in the region among and within countries in relation of achievements and challenges. The Regional Programme will need to clearly demonstrate the relevance, value-added and complementarity of interventions vis-à-vis UNFPA supported country and global operations.
2. Regional Assessments and the Consultation Process
As the current Asia Pacific Regional Programme comes to a close in 2017, a number of assessments and background papers have been commissioned by UNFPA APRO to inform the process for determining the regional priorities and focus of interventions under the next Regional Programme, as follows:
  1. A comprehensive review of the status of SRHR trends and challenges in the region, including the socio-cultural and political environment and an assessment of regional activities supported under the current Asia Pacific Regional Programme. This review should help determine the priorities and focus of the SRHR regional interventions to address SHRH challenges at country level, which will guide the SRHR component of the next Asia Pacific Regional Programme;
  2. A report on the status of ICPD implementation since the adoption of the Asian and Pacific Ministerial Declaration on Population and Development in 2013 examining achievements, challenges and emerging issues in the region and the linkages between the Ministerial Declaration and the 2030 Agenda.
UNFPA APRO has also established an Asia Pacific Regional Programme Reference Group and SRHR Sub-Group to guide the development of the next Regional Programme, ensuring that the country contexts, regional diversity and emerging challenges are taken into account. Both groups consist of staff from the COs and APRO. In addition, all other country offices will be invited to engage in the process through the organization of webinars and creating a web-space for any comments and inputs. 
The Reference Group will meet virtually. Members will be invited to the APRO retreat in Bangkok on 7-9 December. The SHRH Sub-Group will meet virtually as well as face-to-face once in a retreat in Bangkok on 3-4 November. A concept note outlining the scope of inquiry and roadmap for developing the next RP has been endorsed by the Reference Group.
APRO is also organizing a consultation with key civil society actors in the region to inform the development of the next Regional Programme on 3-4 November 2016 in Bangkok.
3. Purpose
Support the development of the next UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Programme including the results and resources framework, through a consultative process with key stakeholders, in line with the concept note and roadmap as follows:
  1. Facilitate the analytical work related to population and development and sexual reproductive health and rights through engaging with the relevant institutions/ experts as needed;
  2. Help consolidate the key findings and recommendations of recent selected publications  (to be provided by APRO), including relevant research studies and thematic evaluations, to inform  the development of the next  RP;
  3. Ensure selected stakeholders, both internal and external, are engaged in and contribute to the development of the next RP and  provide critical thinking and  reflection on the strategic focus and interventions that would add value to UNFPA supported country operations as well as respond to the regional and global imperatives related to the implementation of the ICPD mandate; 
  4. Support the Asia Pacific Regional Programme Reference Group and SRHR Sub-Group, as needed and ensure their inputs feed into the development of the RP; 
  5. Advise on areas of strategic focus, prioritization and appropriately tailored modes of engagement under the RP that complement UNFPA supported country operations;
  6. Draft the next RP document including the results and resources framework, in collaboration with the RP Team and M&E Adviser and guided by the Reference Group, ensuring it corresponds to a clear theory of change and supports an integrated approach across the core thematic pillars and between humanitarian and development activities; 
  7. Oversee the development of a partnership strategy linked to the new  RP in collaboration with the RP Team;
  8. Liaise with relevant units of UNFPA headquarters to ensure that the RP is aligned with the new Strategic Plan and facilitate the approval process;
  9. Undertake other related tasks as may be requested by APRO senior management.
Scope of work:
  1. Summary paper of key finds and recommendations;
  2. Theory of Change paper ;
  3. The Regional Programme Document and Results Framework;
  4. UNFPA Asia Pacific Partnership Strategy linked to the Regional Programme
Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):
Soft copies of the following documents will be delivered by the deadline: 
  1. Summary paper of key finds and recommendations by 28 November 2016;
  2. Theory of Change paper by 3 February 2017;
  3. Regional Programme Document and Results Framework: 3 February 2017;
  4. UNFPA Asia Pacific Partnership Strategy by 3 February 2017
Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:
A monthly status report update no longer than 2 pages will be submitted to the Deputy Regional Director outlining progress towards the achievement of the deliverables as stated above. 
Supervisory arrangements: 
Under the overall guidance of the UNFPA APRO Regional Director and support of the Regional  Programme Team, the Strategic Planning and Programme Development Adviser provides guidance and helps coordinate the development of the next UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Programme (2018-21) through a consultative process involving with key stakeholders. The Adviser offers strategic leadership in priority setting and evidenced based programming for results related to accelerating the achievement of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development.
Expected travel:
There is no travel envisioned other than to the duty station of Bangkok, Thailand. 
Education and Experience:
  • Post-graduate degree in international studies, management, or relevant degree;
  • Relevant experience of not less than 10 years in planning and management, including demonstrable experience in taking a lead role in strategic planning and policy analysis;
  • Experience in developing a results framework and developing theories of change;
  • Familiarity with UN systems particularly the ICPD mandate and experience with UNFPA preferred;
  • Understanding of the Asia Pacific socio-cultural and political environment.
  • Conceptual and strategic analytical capacities;
  • Demonstrated track record of strategic planning;
  • Excellent research, analytical planning, organization skills;
  • Ability to plan own work and facilitate the work of others;
  • Cultural sensitive, strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner:
UNFPA APRO will provide office space, equipment and office services for the duration of the contract. 
How to apply:
Applicants with the required qualifications and experience should submit a written letter of application, a copy of curriculum vitae (CV), completed UN P11 form (, relevant education certificates and the names and contact information of three references to: by 21 September 2016.
Type of contract
Duty Station
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date