Submitted by Khinshein on

Duration: 45 working days (maximum)

Duty Station: Home-based

Closing Date for Application:  12 November 2020 (5 pm Yangon Time)

Expected starting date of Assignment: November 2020

Note:  2  Consultants for Gender report and Migration report


With support from UNFPA, the World Bank and other partners, the Myanmar Government has undertaken an Inter-Censal Survey (ICS) with aim of ensuring availability of up-to-date socio-economic and demographic data for the use of planners and policy makers. The ICS is implemented by the Department of Population (DOP) in the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population. Data collection for the ICS was completed in February 2020 and the data is presently being processed. The provisional and main reports of Inter-Censal survey has been drafted. The provisional results have been launched in August 2020.

This support to Department of Population (DOP) in the development and finalization of thematic analysis is important for further guidance of policies and planning and is a practice related to key statistics, surveys and census operations across countries. This time, the conclusion of these thematic reports are more critical to help to establish the baselines that will support measurement of the impact of COVID-19, to better define the response and recovery plans in a comprehensive manner. According to the urgent needs of the policy recommendations to response the COVID-19 pandemic, the reports of thematic analysis on gender and migration based on 2019 Inter-Censal Survey have to be drafted by early 2021.


The consultant will work under the overall guidance and supervision of the Deputy Representative of UNFPA Myanmar and the day-to-day collaboration with the Programme Analyst (P&D). S/he will work directly with DOP technical team.
DOP will provide the necessary data and information to the consultant.


The consultant will be responsible to develop a high quality analyses and a thematic reports on the status of migration and gender based on 2019 ICS, in line with the international standards and procedures. Specifically, the consultant will undertake the following tasks for the thematic analysis on Gender or Migration; 
Develop/adopt theoretical/analytical framework to ensure that the research is policy oriented and relevant, especially in the context of population and development dynamics of Myanmar.

  • Provide a comprehensive but compact literature review highlighting status of research and knowledge (most up-to-date demographic and statistical methodologies and tools), and policy considerations in the thematic area. Give due consideration to past and current government policy frameworks and global development goals. 
  • Identify  outline and analyse key indicators in the each (gender and migration) thematic areas
  • Describe clearly the methods and procedures used. The methods must be internationally accepted or recommended.
  • Highlight aspects of the thematic report relevant to achievement of government policy framework such as Myanmar Sustainable Development Framework. 
  • Provide a comparative analysis of Myanmar and selected countries (in ASEAN, other developing countries, developed countries) where possible and applicable.
  • Provide forecasts (projections) of key indicators, where necessary/ possible. 
  • Provide adequate citations of all resources and published material used in the thematic report, according to internationally accepted conventions. Consultant is encouraged to use peer-reviewed material and published policy documents. 
  • Build capacity of the national staff who they are working with in their teams.


The consultancy will be undertaken for a maximum of 45 working days from November 2020 to February 2021 as follows:

For the thematic report (Gender or Migration), the workflow will be as follows.
●    Identify and produce required tabulations of ICS 2019 data
●    Analysis of findings and discussion with DOP and UNFPA
●    Produce draft report for review by UNFPA and the Department of Population
●    Produce final report based on the feedback on draft report

The consultant will have regular virtual meetings with UNFPA and DOP Technical Teams.  The consultant will provide regular updates to UNFPA management on progress. The Consultant is expected to prepare and submit the following key deliverables by February 2021;

●    Proposal including the methodological framework 

    The outline of the thematic report and list of tables required for their production 

    Thematic report (Analytical/Technical)

    Policy Brief 

    Analytical spreadsheets/models

    Presentation of the highlights

Remarks: Payment will be made upon the deliverables completion as follows:
70% with delivery of a draft thematic report (Deliverable 1,2,3)  (by 29 December 2020)
30% upon satisfactory completion of the rest of the deliverables and submission of final thematic report (2021)


An advanced university degree in the area of Demography and Population Studies, Sociology, gender studies or other related fields 

Knowledge and Experience 

●    At least ten (10) years of experience in the areas of Policy analysis, discussion and recommendations with the demographic techniques
●    Good analytical and report writing skills, especially analysis of census data and/or large (national) scale surveys.
●    Experience in working in developing countries with multicultural groups of people and highly sensitive cultural issues are an advantage.
●    Adequate knowledge of Myanmar context, including demographic, social and economics dynamics at national and sub-national levels.
●    Demonstrated ability to work closely with national counterparts and in complex environments. 
●    Have strong competency in written and spoken English.
●    Preferably, have experience working with UN agencies, international organizations, and government partners.
●    Dedication and belief in upholding the highest ethical standards and respect for data confidentiality;
●    Knowledge of census-taking in Myanmar and/or elsewhere. Previous participation in census or large survey data analysis in any developing country will be an advantage.
●    Familiarity with statistical and word processing software/packages.


●    Fluency in English is required.

Applicants with the required qualifications and experience should submit the application, which includes following documents: 
•    A written letter of application (please indicate the vacancy number and consultancy title that your application letter).
•    A curriculum vitae (CV),  
•    UN P11 form completed and signed by the applicant (, education certificates and the names and contact information of three references. 

Applications should be addressed to:  

Attention:     International Operations Manager,  
Room A07, UNFPA, No.6, Natmauk Road, Yangon 

UNFPA reserves the right to offer comparable assignment to those qualified candidates that may not have been selected for this consultancy assignment which they applied for. These offers will be based on the needs of the organization, appropriateness and relevance to the candidate’s educational backgrounds and work experience. Only those candidates in whose qualifications and experience the Office has further interest will be contacted for subsequent interviews. 
 (i) This vacancy is open to applicants of either sex. 
(ii) UNFPA does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status.  
(iii) UNFPA regrets its inability to reply individually or to attend to telephone queries on the above advertised post. 


Type of contract
Duty Station
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date