Submitted by Atieno on


In line with the 2017 decisions of the Specialized Technical Committee (STC- HPDC) for Health, Population and Drug Control of the Africa Union to undertake a ministerial review of the implementation of the Addis Ababa Declaration on Population and Development in Africa beyond 2014 (AADPD) and to contribute to the global review and appraisal of the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action by the United Nations Commission on Population and Development in April 2019, the 25th anniversary of the ICPD, the Africa Union Commission (AUC), with the support of UNECA and UNFPA, have agreed to a number of important milestones that will culminate in a continental expert and ministerial meeting from 2-5 October, 2018. 

At the national level, the 54 Member States of the AUC are expected to carry out in- country review processes that are multi-sectoral and consultative, and to submit national ICPD Review Reports no later than 30 April, 2018. The aim of these  national review processes and national reports is to review progress on the Addis Ababa Declaration on Population and Development beyond 2014 (AADPD), identify gaps and challenges, and ultimately to advance advocacy and policy change in order to achieve national development objectives and priorities in line with commitments reflected in the AADPD. Further, as recommended by the African Population Experts Committee (APEC), and decided by the STC- HPDC, these national reports will be based substantively on the Operational Guide of the Addis Ababa Declaration on Population and Development Beyond 2014 and the indicators contained in its Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (AADPD OG).

This tool (AADPD OG) should enable Member States evaluate the extent to which they have fulfilled the commitments reflected in the AADPD over the past five years, by providing data on an agreed set of indicators across various levels of change (input, process and output/ impact indicators). Further, the national report creates space for countries to highlight innovative polices, strategies and programs that facilitate the fulfilment of commitments and therefore the achievement of national priorities, as well as the challenges that limit the achievement of these priorities. The use of the operational guide alongside a set of common national report guidelines will streamline reporting efforts and enable comparability across countries, thus facilitating sharing of best practises and subsequent knowledge transfer.

Proposed Consultancy

This consultancy will focus on producing the National ICPD Review Report on the basis of the Operational Guide of the Addis Ababa Declaration on Population and Development and its Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (AADPD OG), and guided by the national AADPD plus five report guidelines.

The Addis Ababa Declaration on Population and Development (AADPD) is a key framework for addressing population and development issues in Africa. Its rich set of commitments and indicators can simultaneously support Africa’s efforts to harness a demographic dividend (DD), advance

human rights and meet sustainable development goals. Monitoring these commitments and reporting on the indicators in its monitoring tool, the AADPD OG, will contribute to the achievement of the DD, and the realization of “The Africa We Want” as per the Agenda 2063 commitments. It is also important to note that the indicators contained in the AADPD OG are aligned with the indicators in both Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development. In that vein, the National ICPD Review Report can contribute to national and regional reporting on the overarching Sustainable Development Agenda, while highlighting crucial national population perspectives.

The consultant, working with the UNFPA Country Office team, will conduct desk research to identify relevant policies, programs and strategies, and using national data, will populate relevant indicators identified within the AADPD OG, conduct necessary analyses and draft the National AADPD Review Report in line with the shared national reporting guidelines.

She/he will engage with national government officials across relevant sectors including the national statistical offices (NSOs) and line ministries such as Health, Gender, and Youth among others to validate inputs to the report.

With the support of the UNFPA country Office team, the consultant will contribute substantively to a government led national validation process, during which the report will be reviewed by a multi-stakeholder group that includes civil society- youth, women and other groups, academia and the private sector, and UN agencies, and he/she will be required to make presentations at, build on, and incorporate feedback received from the validation exercise, finalizing the report in time enough for government submission by the deadline (30 April 2018)

Given the significance of this work, and the limited timing within which a concrete product must be developed, this consultancy has been developed to provide the needed capacity and expertise and to fast track the development of a national AADPD Review Report for submission by 30 April 2018. 

During the course of the assignment, the consultant will work closely with the assigned UNFPA country office and regional office focal points, and through these will have  access to wider technical expertise within UNFPA HQ ( Division for Governance and Multilateral Affairs and Technical Division ), UNECA and the AUC.

Duties and Responsibilities

In close consultation with UNFPA, the Consultant will: 

  1. Conduct desk research on relevant policies, programs and strategies, data compilation in response to identified indicators, data verification with national statistical offices, analyses and report writing in keeping with the national reporting guidelines.
  1. Generate a first draft of the national report in keeping with the thematic focus in the AADPD, drawing on a pre-determined set of indicators that cuts across the six AADPD pillars  with a particular focus on achieving the demographic dividend and addressing the needs of population groups left behind since the ICPD in 1994–
    • Dignity and equality
    • Health
    • Place & Mobility
    • Governance
    • Data & Statistics
    • Partnerships & Cooperation
  2. Address critical gaps and challenges in the area of population and development that impede the realization of the demographic dividend on the continent including: the situation of women and young people, persistent challenges such as gender based violence and discrimination, child marriage, adolescent fertility, female genital mutilation among others; The consultant will identify relevant policy and programmatic change in these areas.
  1. Support the in-country government led validation exercise by presenting the draft report and findings and soliciting feedback from multi-sectoral stakeholders and partners including – civil society, academia, private sector, UN partners and other institutions, and with guidance and support from UNFPA CO, incorporate relevant feedback and finalize the national review report.

Expected Duration

  • This consultancy will be 42 working days over the period from 15 March 2018 to 30 April 2018.

Ultimate result of service

  • Final National ICPD @ 25 Review Report (AADPD plus five) delivered.


  1. First draft of National ICPD @ 25 Review Report (AADPD plus five) by 31 March 2018.
  2. Participation and presentation at the national validation exercise.
  3. Final delivery National ICPD @ 25 Review Report (AADPD plus five) by 30 April 2018.


The payment will be delivered in a lump sum after submission of the final product by 30 April 2018.

Qualifications and Experience:


  • The candidate shall be a recognized expert in Population and Development, with strong research and writing, conceptual and analytical skills and deep knowledge of the International Conference on Population and Development, including the 20 year review and its continental outcome in Africa (The AADPD).
  • Candidates should have an advanced/postgraduate degree in social sciences, public health, demography, or related fields and related research experience.
  • Background in Gender studies, SRH and reproductive rights, is highly recommended.

Work Experience

  • 15 or more years of proven experience in Monitoring and Evaluation, Report Writing, qualitative and quantitative data analysis and research in Population and Development is essential.
  • Sound record of publications, peer reviewed journals, UN publications.
  • Sound knowledge of the ICPD and the outcomes of the review conferences is an added advantage, particularly the ICPD beyond 2014 Review process.
  • Excellent analytical, research and writing skills in population, sexual and reproductive health and rights, youth and gender issues. Monitoring and evaluation expertise;
  • Knowledge and understanding of theories and concepts related to social science, public health, SRH, demography, the demographic dividend and integrated development issues as they apply to population; familiarity with the ICPD Agenda, the Addis Ababa Declaration, relevant continental frameworks, social development issues and human rights frameworks. 
  • Familiarity with population and development data, relevant databases, and data sources on the continent is a particular advantage.
  • Excellent analytical and writing skills, with the ability to draft/edit a variety of written reports, and incorporate relevant feedback and input from multiple sources in a timely manner.
  • Fully proficient computer skills and use of relevant software and other applications e.g. word processing and Internet research.
  • Good interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships and working relations in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.


  • Fluency in written and oral English and French is required.

Knowledge of Country:

  • Have record in working experience in Chad at least as short term consultant and knowing its socioeconomic context. 


  • Professionalism: Excellent analytical, research and writing skills in population, sexual and reproductive health and rights, youth and gender issues. Monitoring and evaluation expertise, Knowledge and understanding of theories and concepts related to social science, public health, SRH, demography, the demographic dividend and integrated development issues as they apply to population; familiarity with the ICPD Agenda, The Addis Ababa Declaration, relevant continental frameworks, social development issues and human rights frameworks.  Familiarity with population and development data, relevant databases, and data sources on the continent is a particular advantage.
  • Communication: Excellent analytical and writing skills, with the ability to draft/edit a variety of written reports, and incorporate relevant feedback and input from multiple sources in a timely manner.
  • Technological Awareness: Fully proficient computer skills and use of relevant software and other applications e.g. word processing and Internet research.
  • Teamwork: Good interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships and working relations in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.

Special Instructions

The National Report Guidelines will provide further technical detail.

Deadline for submission: March 12th 2018

Candidates must register in UNFPA Consultant Roster 

Type of contract
Duty Station
N'Djamena, Chad
Workflow State
Closing Date