Submitted by Khinshein on

Duration: 55 working days within the duration of 31 December 2020 (remote/mobility based on Bangladesh Govt. COVID19 office order).

Closing date: 31 August 2020 (5 pm Dhaka time)

Starting date: As soon as possible

Hiring Office:Gender Equity and Women’s Empowerment Unit, UNFPA CO, Bangladesh



Son preference and Gender Based Sex Selection (GBSS) is a harmful practice, and some Asian countries such as Vietnam, China, India and South Korea have outlawed or restricted the use of modern technologies and related practices for sex-selection, with clear punitive measures. 

Currently, in Bangladesh, there are no laws clearly prohibiting GBSS practices. Bangladesh has certain constitutions in place, which proclaim the women’s right to equality, make special provisions for women’s representation in local government and national parliament; Laws and policies regarding abortion, legality of Menstrual Regulation, Child Marriage Restraint, amongst many others – all of which, under proper implementation, are expected to discourage gender based sex selection in the country. However, there is no explicit mention of Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) or GBSS in any of the laws and policies, and therefore, no punishment/ penalty systems for persons violating SRB. These policies and laws put less concentration on the deliberate and consistent actions to eliminate one sex before birth, resulting in potential, long lasting and major demographic imbalances.

As GBSS is still a relatively new topic in Bangladesh, two research studies were undertaken to better understand the situation. The first one was to review the SRB situation in Bangladesh based on secondary data and the second one was to understand the socio-cultural drivers of GBSS using the primary data. Though no study report has come with a concrete conclusion about GBSS existence in Bangladesh, they clearly spelled out that all the preconditions exist. Therefore, there is a felt need of programmatic interventions such as in-depth knowledge on the issue, and capacity development of academicians and government level policy for further analysis and monitoring of country situation, creating mass awareness on GBSS and its consequences, and advocacy at policy level for the inclusion of GBSS data in national population census, BDHS etc. 

Though GBSS is not a burning issue in Bangladesh right now, the three preconditions exist strongly, and, therefore, it can be an issue at any time. As such, Bangladesh should be prepared with the knowledge and skills to tackle the situation so that GBSS does not become an issue in Bangladesh. There is a need for reviewing existing country; regional and global level communication and advocacy plans; and IEC materials of different countries that are implementing the GBSS programme, to prepare the necessary advocacy communication materials for Bangladesh. Hence, UNFPA CO is planning to hire a consultant to develop a communications and advocacy strategy and supporting materials to proactively address GBSS.  This activity is included in the approved WP of Gender Unit 2020.

The overall objectives of the current assignment are:

A.    Design a comprehensive social and behavior change communications and advocacy strategy to 1) raise awareness of GBSS and its drivers and prioritize efforts to proactively address it; and 2) change attitudes and practices that could lead to a skewed sex ratio at birth in Bangladesh.
B.    Develop/adapt and test advocacy and communication materials, guided by the strategy, that raise awareness and inspire action, including change in policies, attitudes and practices related to GBSS/son preference in Bangladesh. These materials may include print, multi-media, social media content, audio visual/pictorial/video, edutainment content, data visualizations, presentations, op-eds, etc.
The social and behavior change communications and advocacy strategy and supporting materials will target the following groups:

    Decision makers including Ministers of relevant ministries such as Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Women and Children Affairs, Education, high officials of those ministries, and parliamentarians. 
    Service Providers (i.e. health sector)
    Media
    Community

The consultant will work closely with the Programme Specialist for Gender, SRHR and Communication at CO level and with Gender Advisor/ Communications Consultant at APRO level, in carrying out the duties detailed above. 

The consultant will work under the supervision of Programme Specialist – Gender and technical guidance from Communication Specialist Country Office and Gender Advisor at APRO to carry out the activities mentioned above. S/he will be supported by the Programme Specialist SRHR and PPR as necessary. 

The scope of work:


1.    Review existing country, regional and global level communication and advocacy plans; advocacy and communication materials of different countries implementing GBSS programmes; and the Communication & Advocacy Guidance to Prevent Son Preference and the Undervaluing of Girls.
2.    Review the two studies, policy review documents, country profile and fact sheet, the MR policy of MoHFW.
3.    Design a comprehensive social and behavior change communications and advocacy strategy to prevent and address GBSS and son preference, possibly including but not limited to a situation analysis, stakeholder mapping, goals and objectives, target groups, key messages, tactics, monitoring and evaluation framework.
4.    Develop/adapt/contextualise communication and advocacy content applicable to Bangladesh. 
5.    Test attitude/behaviour change messages and content to ensure intended impact.
6.    Quality assurance of all products.



a)    Comprehensive social and behavior change communications and advocacy strategy to prevent and address GBSS and son preference;
b)    Share with UNFPA and incorporate feedback of UNFPA (CO and APRO)
c)    A set of advocacy and communication materials/products approved by UNFPA CO and APRO ready for use that promote the value of the girl child and reduce son preference/gender biased sex selection (number of products to be determined during strategy design phase); 

Expected travel: No travel outside Dhaka is expected 


 qualifications & experiences and competencies:

•    Advanced university degree (Master’s or equivalent degree, or higher) in Communication/ Media/ Social Science subject/any other related discipline;
•    Minimum 5 -7 years of relevant experience at an national level in the area of advocay and communication/social behavioural change/ communication strategy and materials development;
•    Well acquainted with the situation of women and girls/gender/GBV/harmful practices; 
•    In depth knowledge on  harmpul  prcatices and GBV ( GBSS/Son preferance/Child Marraige) 
•    Proven experinec to develop advocacy communication audi-visual and print materilas multi-level stakeholdres  in a creative/inovative way. 
•    Proven experince in developing advocacy and comuncation startegy 
•    Ability to leverage multi-disciplinary, institutional knowledge and experience of at national level to promote  women and girls issue in Bangladesh
•    Demonstrated track record in the preparation and review of documents, evaluation reports, etc;
•    Familiarity with ethical standards and values of the UN system and work experience with any UN agency will be an asset;


•    Excellent analytical, written and verbal communications skills in both English and Bangla;

The consultant will have access to all relevant available written/ web-based background information necessary for this assignment.  The consultant will also have the option to organize regular meetings (remote) with the UNFPA management if necessary.  

Remote/ mobility work though it will depend on COVID 19 situation of the country/location. But the total days will remain unchanged. Any adjustments within these days will not require any formal approval. It will be managed at the supervisor level and properly documented through email.

How to Apply

Applicants with the required qualifications and experience stated above (Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements) should submit a copy of curriculum vitae (CV), a cover letter and contact information of three references.

Please Send your application electronically to dedicated email inbox of Samah Majid ( )

Note: Only those candidates in who meet all qualifications and experience will be contacted for further consideration. Kindly note that incomplete applications will be automatically disqualified.




Type of contract
Duty Station
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Job Type
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date