Submitted by Gill on

The UNFPA country programme for Haiti was approved by the Executive Board for a five-year period of 2017-2021 and covers 4 strategic areas: Sexual and Reproductive Health; Adolescents & Youth; Population Dynamics and Gender equality & women’s empowerment. The CPD is based on a total resource plan of USD 67m of which USD 18m regular resources and USD 49m to be mobilized. The CPD is aligned with the National Plan for the Development of Haiti; the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; the Haiti UNDAF 2017-2021; UNFPA’s global strategic plan; and the Montevideo Consensus on Population & Development. 

The proposed programme reflects the transition from humanitarian assistance to longer-term development efforts and contributes to a) maternal mortality reduction; b) adolescent pregnancy prevention by strengthening national capacities to deliver high-quality comprehensive maternal health services and expanding the supply of family planning services; c) support government efforts to reap the benefits of the demographic dividend; d) strengthening the multi sectoral response to gender-based violence; and e) strengthening the national statistical capacities for evidence-based decision-making, particularly through support to the Census. Advocacy and policy dialogue, capacity development, knowledge management and service delivery are key crosscutting intervention strategies. Women, adolescents and youth, people with disabilities and the elderly especially in humanitarian situations are the primary programme targets. UNFPA works for a society in which everyone counts and no one is left behind.

Haiti is the only country in the Latin America & Caribbean region classified in the “red category” due to its extreme levels of poverty (globally ranked 163 of 188 in terms of HDI) and high fragility and vulnerability due to the frequent occurrence of geological and hydro-meteorological disasters causing extensive emergencies that have kept the country in a close to constant humanitarian emergency situation since the catastrophic 2010 earthquake. Maternal Mortality levels are 9 times above LAC regional levels (529/100,000) and the country has undergone a series of political unrest waves that have kept the socio economic context extremely unstable and volatile. Since early 2017 a newly elected government has shown efforts to implement reforms to create a series of important opportunities with high volume funding for UNFPA, now managing the USD 40m 5th Population and Housing Census, as well as Health Programmes in the area of a national Midwifery Programme (USD 12m) and the management of an H6 Health Programme (USD 18m).  At the same time, the ICPD 25 agenda has increased the political scope and complexity of the CO political intelligence and overall programme advocacy work.  

The Communications and Partnerships Specialist is located in UNFPA Country Office in Port-au-Prince and reports to the Country Representative. S/he acts as Country Office focal point for all communications / media related matters of the country office.  Under the direct supervision of the Representative, the central focus of the officer’s performance is expected to be focused on consolidating and further strengthening the communication and advocacy for a relevant UNFPA presence in Haiti, especially the strategic and political dimensions of the IPCD Agenda, the overall political intelligence and the CO advocacy portfolio in Haiti


Post-graduate university degree in Communications, Public Relations or other related field.

Knowledge and Experience: 

2 years post Master’s degree of progressively responsible professional experience in the field of development   and       population        activities, including       communications strategy designing, implementation and management.

Demonstrated ability and experience with media (written, audio and visual press) relations in and outside Haiti.

Proven ability to lead and manage teams to achieve demonstrable results.

Excellent written and oral communication skills to foster engaged partnerships at a high level of representation and to maintain political partnerships.

Field experience in the countries with similar cultural backgrounds as Haitian is a strong asset.

Ability to work in a pressured / crisis environment with strict deadlines

United Nations and /or International NGOs experience is an added advantage.

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Duty Station
Port au Prince, Haiti
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