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UNPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency Ensuring rights and choices for all





UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, works in partnership with governments, the UN system, communities, NGOs, philanthropy and the private sector to raise awareness and mobilize the support and resources needed to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. UNFPA is a field-based organization, operating in 155 countries and territories and employs 4,500 personnel globally.  UNFPA mobilizes more than $1 billion a year for programmes that protect the health and rights of women and girls.

Our strategic plan focuses on three transformative results: end unmet need for family planning; end preventable maternal deaths; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. We produce high-quality population data, which is critical to help end the invisibility of those left furthest behind.


We are hiring

The UNFPA Supplies Partnership is UNFPA’s largest thematic trust fund financed programme. It was established to ensure reproductive health commodities were available to women most in need in selected UNFPA partner countries. Over the last ten years, UNFPA Supplies has broadened its reach, expanded funding and undergone a series of reforms aimed at making it more efficient and even better value for money. According to its mid-term review, UNFPA Supplies has been successful in supporting countries to adopt good practices in reproductive health commodity security (RHCS) and family planning and has developed as a flexible funding mechanism to build capacity for RH service delivery. 

The Partnership is now on the point of entering a new five-year cycle and is once again, drawing on critical lessons learned and recommendations from the mid-term review to re-shape its objectives and remain fit for purpose in a changing global health landscape.  The Partnership is evolving to ensure that alongside the continued focus on expanding access to a choice of quality family planning commodities, countries and implementing partners also focus on building sustainable financing for critical reproductive health services and reposition reproductive health, especially family planning, at the heart of development.  The Partnership will expand choice and rights particularly through increasing access to commodities, sharpening its focus on last mile delivery, encouraging domestic resource mobilization for family planning and deepening sustainability especially through strengthening national commitment and national ownership. The Supplies Partnership will use its resources to identify opportunities to accelerate transformative action in countries with the greatest commitment to reproductive health services. Through its contribution to significant increases in Contraceptive Prevalence Rates and other improvements to key reproductive health indicators, the Supplies Partnership is poised to increase its catalytic role in the coming five year phase working in much better coordination with other partners, embracing effective development cooperation approaches and supporting national capacity beyond the health sector and advancing UNFPA’s contribution to universal health coverage and primary health care.


                                                 UNFPA invites you to apply for the position of


                                        Programme Leader, Supplies Partnership

                                                             at the P6 level


To find out more visit: (enter SRI address)


How to Apply

Please forward a copy of your application letter, CV along with relevant documentation in Microsoft Word, to Colm Ashe at on or before 2nd November 2020.  Applications are held in strictest confidence.


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New York, USA
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Closing Date