Submitted by Khinshein on

The Position:

The Programme Specialist, GE/GBV, position is located in Yangon, Myanmar. Under the overall direction and supervision of the UNFPA Deputy Representative and in close coordination with the Humanitarian Response Specialist, the GE/GBV Programme Specialist provides technical, operational and coordination support to UNFPA’s GE/GBV programming in Myanmar.

How you can make a difference:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.  UNFPA’s new strategic plan (2018-2021), focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices.

In a world where fundamental human rights are at risk, we need principled and ethical staff, who embody these international norms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full conviction.

UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained results; we need staff who are transparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who commit to deliver excellence in programme results.

Job Purpose:

UNFPA’s Fourth Country Programme Document (2018-2022) for Myanmar was approved by the Executive Board in September 2017. The Programme focuses on three key areas of intervention 1) sexual and reproductive health) 2) gender equality and women’s empowerment and 3) population dynamics. The proposed Country Programme is aligned with new UNFPA’s Strategic Plan (2018-2021) and the first United Nations Development Assistance Framework (2018-2021). Youth and adolescents as well as gender equality and related human rights, are mainstreamed throughout the programme.

UNFPA has partnerships with the government departments, UN agencies, INGOs and local NGOs, foundations and research institutions.  UNFPA has a presence in a number of priority states/regions, integrating development, peace building and humanitarian programming and coordination.

Advancing gender equality and promoting the empowerment of women is a key programme priority of UNFPA defined in the 4th Country Programme Document for Myanmar (2018-2022). This includes addressing gaps in gender equality, improving sexual and reproductive health services, responding to and preventing Gender Based Violence (GBV) and integrating gender equality and human rights perspectives into national policies, development frameworks and laws. The prevalence of GBV in Myanmar as a symptom of gender inequality in Myanmar, prompted UNFPA to establish of a multi-year and multi-donor Women and Girls First programme (2016 – 2018). Through the Women and Girls First programme, UNFPA is committed to leading the international community and supporting national stakeholders in addressing gaps in gender equality, improving sexual and reproductive health services, responding to and preventing GBV and integrating gender equality and women's human rights perspectives into national policies, development frameworks and laws.

The GE/GBV Programme Specialist will support UNFPA to develop strengthened capacities to formulate and implement multi sectoral, rights-based policies and interventions that prevent and mitigate the impact of gender-based violence across the humanitarian, peacebuilding and development nexus. This will require leadership to support strengthened access to quality multi sectoral GBV services and prevention programming across five states as well as supporting increased participation of women in the peace process, through economic and political empowerment.


Qualifications and Experience


• Advanced University degree in Gender Studies, Social Work or other Social Sciences,  Public/Community health, Law or other related discipline

Knowledge and Experience: 

• At least 7 years of increasingly responsible relevant professional experience, including experience on GBV related coordination, programme management, including large multi-sectoral projects, designing and appraising proposals and actively liaising with relevant and potential project partners;

• Demonstrated experience working on gender issues in development, particularly GBV, including relevant international human rights standards; and operational and advocacy experience  implementing UNSC resolutions on Women Peace and Security (1325, 1820, 1888, 1889 and 1960);

• Knowledge of sexual reproductive health and rights and protection issues across the development-humanitairan- and peace-building nexus including mental health and psychosocial support;

• Prior training in gender and GBV issues and their application in humanitarian, conflict, recovery and development settings;

• Experience in utilizing the following internationals tools: GBV Standard Operating Procedures; GBV Information Management System; IASC GBV Guidelines; IASC Gender Handbook; GBV Coordination Handbook; GBV Essential Services Package; and WHO Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Researching Gender-based Violence in Emergencies; and the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support. 

• Experience advocating for the development and implementation of gender and GBV-related policies at the national and sub-national levels; and 

• Field experience in complex emergencies, including humanitarian emergency response.


• Excellent written and verbal skills in English are required.


Type of contract
Job ID
Duty Station
Yangon, Myanmar
Link to post
Thematic Area
Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date