Submitted by Gill on

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While approaching the ninth year of the crisis in Syria, an estimated 11.7 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, including 5 million in acute need] and 6.2 million internally displaced. Nearly 1.4 million people have returned to their homes. The protracted crisis continues to shed its negative impact on the socio-economic conditions in Syria. Millions are deprived of their basic rights including access to proper shelter, food, health services and livelihood opportunities. All these factors have increased the risk of engaging in harmful coping mechanisms. Gender-based violence continues to be pervasive in the lives of women and girls both inside and outside their homes, with adolescent girls bearing the brunt of the crisis. 2019 HNO assessment has indicated that gender-based violence (GBV), particularly sexual harassment, early/forced marriage and domestic violence (including intimate partner violence and other forms of family violence against women and girls) continue to pervade the lives of women and girls in Syria inside and outside the home, resulting in very few spaces where women and girls feel safe. The length of the crisis and deep-rooted social norms, in conjunction with the mounting lawlessness in some areas, are normalizing this violence, resulting in the detrimental psychosocial wellbeing and continued erosion of women’s and girls’ rights. The fear of sexual harassment (including on the way to school, in the market, at distribution sites) as well as sexual violence, often associated with kidnapping, is a concern raised by consulted women and girls and contributes to psychosocial stress and limits their movements. The restriction on freedom of movement of women and girls also inhibits their access to services, humanitarian aid and ultimately curtails their rights. While expanding on provision GBV prevention and response all over the 13 of the 14 governorates, increase attention to medical and psychosocial support activities in Syria to respond to internal displacement is needed. Services should be put in place that ensure a “do no harm” approach and protection for survivors as well as survivor-centered principles. The protection concerns of individuals working to provide GBV-related services must also be prioritized.

Job Purpose

The inter-agency GBV Coordinator (referred to as “GBV Coordinator) will support the UNCT to develop strategies and priorities and to strengthen partner’s technical capacity through capacity building and monitoring activities. The GBV Coordinator will be based at UNFPA, under the supervision of UNFPA Representative. .

The GBV Coordinator facilitates and coordinates the development of GBV programming priorities and their rapid implementation, in accordance with the IASC Guidelines for GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Settings. GBV programming in humanitarian emergencies is multi-sectoral, involving multiple organizations and actors from the displaced and host communities, NGO and government partners, UN agencies, and other national and international organizations to engage in comprehensive prevention and response initiatives.

The GBV Coordinator’s duties include liaison and coordination with other organizations, capacity building, analysis of risks and priorities, including protection analysis, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation. The Coordinator will use the IASC Guidelines for Integrating GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Settings and companion materials  to support sectors in the integration of GBV interventions in their work and the Handbook for Coordinating Interventions in Humanitarian Settings to facilitate planning, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of GBV initiatives.


Advanced university degree in law, international relations, international law, human rights or

related field.


At least 7 years of experience, with progressive responsibilities, in humanitarian protection in complex emergencies.

Demonstrable experience in working in gender-based violence programming and/or coordination. Knowledge of

humanitarian emergency operations and roles/responsibilities of humanitarian actors.

Group facilitation skills and experience. Experience in conducting trainings.

Experience in conducting protection analysis in complex emergencies.

Commitment to a survivor-centered approach in the response to GBV

Diplomacy and assertiveness; the ability to respectfully and carefully confront and discuss

sensitive issues with a wide range of actors, groups and individuals. Sensitivity to and respect for a range of cultural beliefs.


Fluency in English, working knowledge of Arabic is highly desirable.

Other Desirable Skills:

Initiative; strong conceptual abilities; sound judgment; strong interest in development work, especially the mission of UNFPA; and dedication to the principles of the United Nations. Prior training in humanitarian protection and GBV in emergency settings.

Type of contract
Job ID
Duty Station
Damascus, Syria
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