Submitted by Khinshein on

Duration : 364 days (Temporary Appointment)


The Position:

Under the guidance of the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator (RC/HC) for Myanmar and with direct supervision by the UNFPA Representative, the PSEA Coordinator is responsible for supporting and tracking progress of the implementation of the prevention of sexual exploitation & abuse (PSEA) Action Plan and the UN’s Zero Tolerance Policy and for the coordination and management of an in-country network on PSEA composed of both UN and international and national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) staff who work together to share good practices and harmonize procedures and refine capacity-building material. She will lead on engagement with the Government of Myanmar and other stakeholders, including donors, on PSEA issues. Continuity of such support for the UN system is particularly critical during the current COVID-19 pandemic given increased vulnerability faced by women and girls, in particular, as a result to movement restrictions and to impact on livelihoods and reduced economic opportunities.

How you can make a difference:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.  UNFPA’s new strategic plan (2018-2021), focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. 

In a world where fundamental human rights are at risk, we need principled and ethical staff, who embody these international norms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full conviction.

UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained results; we need staff who are transparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who commit to deliver excellence in programme results.

Job Purpose:

The PSEA Coordinator is hosted by UNFPA and co-funded by UNICEF.  The PSEA area of work in Myanmar is guided by the RC/HC and the HCT on behalf of the humanitarian community, and the Cooperation Partners Group (CPG) ensuring alignment of efforts on PSEA across humanitarian, peace and development pillars. The PSEA Coordinator acts as a resource person for PSEA Network member organizations and implementing partners’ organizations, including national NGOs, and the CPG. S/he will play an important role to advise and support the UN’s COVID-19 plans in Myanmar ensuring that protection for affected populations is at the forefront of all action. 

The PSEA Coordinator supports the implementation of the PSEA Action Plan and SOPs which are based on the Global Standard Operating Procedures on inter-agency coordination in Community-Based Complaint Mechanisms (CBCM), the IASC Principals- endorsed guidance on allegation and victim referrals in joint CBCM procedures. These SOPs are in turn based upon key PSEA global commitments, including the Secretary-General’s Bulletin on Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (ST/SGB/2003/13), UN Protocol on Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse involving Implementing Partners (2018); IASC Revised Commitments on Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) (2018); IASC Principals Statement on PSEA, including Minimum-Operating Standards on PSEA (2015); and the Statement of Commitment on Eliminating Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN and Non- UN Personnel (2006). 


Qualifications and Experience




Advanced University Masters’ degree in medicine, public health, international development, social sciences or other related field.

Knowledge and Experience: 

• A minimum of five years of relevant professional experience; 

• Work experience from a humanitarian setting with relevant professional experience in the field of sexual exploitation and abuse, protection, gender-based violence, staff misconduct and discipline, gender mainstreaming, and/or humanitarian affairs; 

• Previous experience working on prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse; 

• Experience working in the IASC or in other inter-agency bodies or processes; 

• Experience working in humanitarian emergencies; 

• Experience working in the Asia-Pacific region is an advantage. 


Fluency in English is required; Working knowlege of another official UN language is an asset.

Type of contract
Job ID
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Workflow State
Needs Review
Closing Date