Become a UNFPA Supplier

UNFPA is the lead agency within the UN system for the procurement of reproductive health commodities. UNFPA actively seeks to establish new relationships with suppliers of these commodities. Vendors wishing to do business with UNFPA should register with UNFPA through the United Nations Global Market Place (UNGM).

All UNFPA tenders are posted on the United Nations Global Marketplace. The bidding process is open primarily to manufacturers, or authorized representatives. Interested suppliers can respond to public notices issued throughUNGM. Please refer to the Quality Assurance page for information about the quality standards required by UNFPA.

Interested suppliers should also review the UNFPA General Conditions of Contract available in English, French and Spanish: 

Contractual Instruments


Supplier Eligibility

Code of Conduct

The United Nations Supplier Code of Conduct promulgated by the United Nations Procurement Division in May 2007 is fully endorsed by UNFPA. UNFPA expects that all suppliers who wish to do business with UNFPA will embrace this code of conduct, given that it originates from the core values outlined in the United Nations Charter which binds all nations

UNFPA shall communicate to suppliers during the registration phase, in the bidding documents and in the contract documents that all UNFPA suppliers shall adhere to the highest ethical standards, both during the bidding process and throughout the execution of a contract.


In order to ensure that UNFPA conducts business with suppliers who adhere to the highest ethical standards, reviews are undertaken for all potential suppliers prior to registration in the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) (see the UNGM Guidelines and other information from available on UNGM website). It is UNFPA policy to accept the suspended vendor list of other United Nations agencies or public international entities provided that the policy and practice of suspension of suppliers of these United Nations agencies or public international entities are consistent with UNFPA’ policy and practice. This shall be determined by the Chief, PSB. Before issuing contracts, UNFPA procurement staff will check the following:

  • If the supplier been suspended by another UN organization. If it has been, the UNFPA location shall contact the Chief, Procurement Services Branch, for advice before proceeding further.
  • If the supplier listed on the United Nations “1267 list”? If it is, under no circumstances a UNFPA contract can be issued to the supplier (Note: UN Security Council resolution 1267 has established a sanctions regime to cover individuals and entities associated with Al-Qaida and/or the Taliban. These are included on the United Nations “1267 list”).

UNFPA may conduct procurement activities with funds granted by the International Development Association or by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In such cases, a Memorandum of Understanding must be signed by UNFPA and the Recipient Country. The Memorandum of Understanding prohibits placing any purchase order to any supplier included in the World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms without obtaining in advance written authorization from the funding entity.

Supplier Protest

Suppliers perceiving that they have been unjustly or unfairly treated in connection with a solicitation, evaluations, or award of a contract, may complain to the UNFPA Business Unit Head indicated in the solicitation documents of the specific bid in reference. Should the protestor be unsatisfied with the reply provided by the UNFPA Business Unit Head, the protestor may contact the Chief of Procurement Services Branch at

Prequalification Programme

The UNFPA prequalification programme follows a systematic process consisting of a detailed technical review of required documentation, on-site factory inspections, and product testing. This process determines that the quality of products is in accordance with international standards and WHO/UNFPA specifications and guidelines.

The UNFPA Quality Assurance system has been harmonized with UN partner agencies and follows relevant product specific international standards, such as those covered under World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Click below to find out more information for specific commodities:

Prequalified Manufacturers

Here you can find lists of manufacturing sites that have successfully completed the UNFPA/WHO prequalification process. The process determines whether the applicant/manufacturer meets the minimum requirements detailed in the relevant ISO standards and WHO/UNFPA Specifications. Under review are product quality, safety, production and quality management.

Please note that all prequalified manufacturing sites are subject to re-qualification every three years for continuous quality monitoring. The lists are updated if there are any changes in the status of manufacturing sites, and when new manufacturing sites or products become prequalified. 

Frequently Purchased Commodities

UNFPA is the lead agency within the UN system for procuring contraceptives and related commodities for the developing world. Through this extensive experience and solid track record, UNFPA is one of the largest public sector procurers of these items. UNFPA also procures a number of other goods and services, aside from contraceptives and related commodities. Here you can find lists of other frequently purchased commodities

Please visit the Product Catalog for price information.

Major Suppliers

Here you can find a list of suppliers UNFPA is currently buying from under Long Term Agreements. For information on UNFPA contraceptive products and suppliers, please visit the UNFPA product catalog.

Procurement Notices

UNFPA bids are open to international competition and public procurement notices are posted on United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM), per UNFPA Procurement Procedures.
Note: UNFPA is now shifting to an eTendering system, which will be used to conduct, evaluate and award bids. Please see the UNFPA eTendering Manual for Bidders and the UNFPA eSupplier Connection document for more information. Click here to view the Video Demo for UNFPA eSupplier Connection

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