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UNITED NATIONS, New York — Women are half of all international migrants, but their rights and concerns are largely ignored, says a forthcoming report by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund. The State of World Population 2006, to be released on 6 September, just days before a major United Nations meeting on migration and development, stresses that migration can be a win-win situation, but only if women’s rights, health and needs are addressed.

UNFPA will also release Moving Young, a youth supplement to the report, featuring the stories of 10 young people whose lives have been shaped by migration.

The report is available in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish. 


Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and UNFPA Executive Director, Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, will launch the report at a press conference in London on 6 September. For information, contact Mr. Peter Robbs: +44 1480465328,, or Ms. Claire Hoffman, +44 2088925215,

In Berlin, Ms. Bettina Maas, UNFPA, will present the report at 12:30 p.m. at Pressehaus/0103, Schiffbauerdamm 40, jointly with the German Ministry for Development Cooperation. For more information, please contact Ms. Karin Heisecke, + 32 25501830,

In Brussels, Dr. France Donnay, Representative, UNFPA Pakistan, will present the report. Other key speakers will be Mr. Pierre Vaesen, Director of the Strategy Unit for the Minister of Cooperation and Development and Dr. Lieve Fransen, European Commission. The launch will take place at Palais des Académies, Rue Ducale 1, at 10:00 a.m. For more information please contact: Ms. Karin Heisecke, + 32 25501830,

In Copenhagen, Mr. Asger Ryhl, Chief, UNFPA Nordic Office, will present the report at a press conference at 12:00 to 13:00 p.m. at Eigtveds Pakhus, Room A. Minister for International Development Cooperation, Ms Ulla Tørnæs and Expert on Migration, Mr. Simon Turner will participate in the press conference. Contacts: Ms. Christina Juell Sundbye, +45 35467037,

In Geneva, Safiye Cagar, Director of the Information and External Relations Division, will present the report at a press conference at 11:00 a.m. at Palais des Nations, Room III. For accreditation or information, please contact Ms. Caroline Lugli, +41 229178571,

In Helsinki, Mari Simonen, UNFPA Deputy Executive Director, will present the report at 10 a.m. at the Department for Communication and Culture, Kanavakatu 3 C. Other participants will include Ms. Marjatta Rasi, Under-Secretary of State, Ms. Mervi Virtanen, Director, Ministry of Labour, and Ms. Anne Alitolppa-Niitamo, Head of Multicultural Affairs, Family Federation of Finland. Contact: Ms. Milma Kettunen, +358 9-160 56356 / +358 40 522 9869

Mr. Alain Sibenaler, UNFPA will present the report in Luxembourg (city) on September 6 at 10:30 a.m. The Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Direction de la Coopération au Développement, will host the press conference at 6 rue de la Congréation, Luxembourg. For more information, please contact Karin Heisecke, + 32 2 5501830,

In Oslo, Ms. Kristin Hetle, Chief, Media Service Branch, will present the report at 11a.m – 12:00 p.m. at Internasjonalt Kultursenter og Museum. Other participants include: Minister for International Development Cooperation, Mr. Erik Solheim, Ms. Libe Rieber-Mohn, Secretary of State, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion and Ms. Arezo Banafsheh, Contact Committee for Immigrants and the Authorities. For more information, please contact Ms. Sidsel Aas +4723010344 / +47 91347746,

In Paris, Mr. Yves Bergevin, UNFPA, will present the report September 6, 11 a.m. at a press conference at the Centre d'Accueil de la Presse Étrangère (CAPE). For more information, please contact Ms. Karin Heisecke, + 32 25501830,

In Stockholm, Mr. Bjørn Andersson, Chief, Office of UNFPA Executive Director, will present the report at 10:00 a.m. at Bella Venezia, Rosenbad. Minister for development Cooperation, Ms. Carin Jämtin and Minister for Migration, Ms. Barbro Holmberg will both be participating in the press conference. For more information, please contact Mr. John Zanchi, + 46 84055939 or Mr. Martin Sandgren +46 84053177

In The Hague, Mr. Kunio Waki, UNFPA, will present the report on September 6, 14 p.m. at a press conference hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Maxima. For more information, please contact Ms. Karin Heisecke, + 32 25501830,

In Warsaw, Ms. Siri Tellier, Director UNFPA Geneva, will present the report at the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency, PAIiIZ, at 11:00 a.m. Participants at the press conference: Mr. Hiromitsu Mori, UNHCR/Poland Representative, Mr. Wies?aw Tarka, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Interior and Administration, Mr. Kazimierz Kuberski, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Ms. Irena Dawid-Olczyk, Member of Board, „La Strada” - NGO dealing with women trafficking, Ms. Van-Anh Ton, a woman migrant from Vietnam. For more information, please contact Mariola Ratschka +48 501548444 or Karina Bednarska +48 501548508


UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV/AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.

UNFPA’s State of World Population report has been published annually since 1978. Each year, the report focuses on questions of current interest and concern for the future.

Short Title
State of World Population 2006
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Press Release
<p align="left"> <strong>UNITED NATIONS, New York</strong> — Women are half of all international migrants, but their rights and concerns are largely ignored, says a forthcoming report by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund.</p>
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