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UNITED NATIONS, New York—UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, warmly welcomed new contributions by the Governments of Germany and Norway to its ongoing efforts to assist the survivors of the Indian Ocean tsunami. The new amounts of $8.1 million from Germany and $2 million from Norway came in response to a $28 million tsunami-relief appeal issued by UNFPA earlier this month.

“UNFPA is deeply heartened by the generous German and Norwegian support to our efforts to help the survivors of the Asian tragedy,” said UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Ahmed Obaid. “These new funds would translate into more people – particularly more women and more girls – enjoying the health, hygiene, psycho-social and protection services that they are in dire need for at this time.”

The unprecedented contribution by the German Government is intended to reestablish reproductive health services in the tsunami-affected areas of Nangroe, Aceh, Darussalam and North Sumatra in Indonesia. It would also finance mental health services through psycho-social support centres for tsunami survivors.

The German contribution would also cover the entire cost of a UNFPA project to curb sexual abuse and gender-based violence, and help restore reproductive health services, in areas affected by the tsunami in Sri Lanka. The Norwegian contribution would shore up reproductive health services that were severely interrupted in both affected countries.

The new German and Norwegian responses to the UNFPA appeal followed other contributions of $5.5 million from the Government of Japan and $1 million from the Government of the Netherlands. The $28 million requested by UNFPA would help meet the immediate needs of displaced women and adolescent girls in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. UNFPA is particularly concerned with the well-being of more than 150,000 pregnant women in the affected areas, of whom 50,000 would give birth during the next three months.

UNFPA is already providing clean delivery medicines and equipment, as well as other life-saving reproductive health supplies, to the affected areas. In addition, the Fund is monitoring and addressing sexual abuse and gender-based violence and exploitation, which often increase during periods of crisis.


UNFPA is assisting governments and local populations in all the countries affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami. To support the Fund's emergency response to the disaster or learn more, please visit

Contact Information:

David del Vecchio
Tel.: +1 (212) 297-4975
Cell Phone: +1 (917) 518-7743

Omar Gharzeddine
Tel.: +1 (212) 297-5028

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Press Release
<p> <strong>UNITED NATIONS, New York</strong>—UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, warmly welcomed new contributions by the Governments of Germany and Norway to its ongoing efforts to assist the survivors of the Indian Ocean tsunami.</p>
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