Submitted by unfpa_root_user on

YANGON, Myanmar — More than 70,000 people remain homeless in western Myanmar two weeks after Cyclone Giri killed 45 people and destroyed 15,000 homes. As part of the coordinated humanitarian response, UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is providing health services to the affected population, in collaboration with the Myanmar Medical Association (MMA).

Protecting the well-being of affected mothers and newborns is a priority for UNFPA. The Fund estimates there are around 20,000 pregnant women in four severely affected townships in Rakhine State; approximately 1,000 pregnant women may require emergency obstetric care in the next four months.

UNFPA and MMA are operating two mobile health teams in Myebon, the hardest-hit township, in addition to supporting services in functioning health facilities. MMA will mobilize more medical teams in other townships next week.

The Fund has ordered reproductive health kits, including supplies for Caesarean section, assisted delivery and blood transfusion, for 12 hospitals, as well as midwifery supplies.

Dignity kits, containing women’s clothes and hygiene items, have been distributed in areas affected by the 22 October cyclone, along with clean delivery kits for pregnant women who may deliver outside a health facility.

UNFPA is coordinating its activities with various humanitarian partners involved in providing sexual and reproductive health services, and leads technical working groups at the state and central levels on reproductive health and protection of women.

To enable it to expand coverage and activities, UNFPA plans to apply for funding from the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund.


Contact information:

In Yangon, Pansy Tun Thein, tel. + 95 1 542 910,
In Bangkok, William A. Ryan, tel. +66 2 687 0118,


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Press Release
<p>YANGON, Myanmar — More than 70,000 people remain homeless in western Myanmar two weeks after Cyclone Giri killed 45 people and destroyed 15,000 homes.</p>
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