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JAKARTA, Indonesia—Responding to the second strong earthquake to rock Indonesia in three months, UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, has sent supplies to help ensure the health and hygiene of displaced people, particularly pregnant women.

The 28 March quake killed hundreds and left at least 2,000 people homeless and traumatized in the Nias and Simeulue islands, where it severely damaged infrastructure.

UNFPA staff, already working in the area to assist people affected by the 26 December earthquake and tsunami, were quick to react.

A team of doctors has been dispatched to Nias to conduct a rapid needs assessment, according to Philip Stokoe, UNFPA’s Director of Operations in Aceh, who coordinates logistics for North Sumatra. The affected people need water, sanitation, food and medical supplies.

On 30 March, UNFPA sent two truckloads of medical equipment and hygienic supplies to Nias, including 1,400 personal hygiene kits for women and 150 clean home delivery kits.

“Medical staff from various organizations are coming in to Nias, and an emergency medical care unit will be set up soon because the only hospital is seriously damaged,” reports Dr. Jyoti Reddy, UNFPA’s Programme Coordinator for the Meulaboh office who is currently on the island.

In response to conflicts or natural disasters, UNFPA works to ensure that the special needs of women and youth are factored into the design and delivery of short- and medium-term humanitarian efforts. In countries affected by the 26 December tsunami, its priorities are reproductive health, including safe childbirth, prevention of violence against women and girls, and psychosocial counselling.

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Contact Information:

Jakarta: Maria Endah, tel. +62 (0) 815 1157 6660,

Bangkok: William A. Ryan, tel. +66 2 288 2446,

New York: Omar Gharzeddine, tel.: +1 (212) 297-5028,

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Press Release
<p> <strong>JAKARTA, Indonesia</strong>—Responding to the second strong earthquake to rock Indonesia in three months, UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, has sent supplies to help ensure the health and hygiene of displaced people, particularly pregnant women.</p>
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