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JAKARTA—To ensure immediate provision of reproductive health services in tsunami-hit Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, today allocated $400,000 to re-establish the provincial National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN).

The funds are part of UNFPA’s $8 million programme for the reestablishment of reproductive health services demolished by the disaster. They will be used to restore day-to-day operations of the BKKBN office and to provide a supply of contraceptives to allow easy access to reproductive health services for people made homeless by the disaster and for the Aceh population in general.

“Immediate provision of reproductive health and family planning services in Aceh is necessary,” said Bernard Coquelin, UNFPA’s Representative, “especially since reports indicate that the demand for contraceptives among people living in the camps has increased as they are trying to avoid unwanted pregnancies in this difficult period.”

BKKBN’s provincial office is one of the UNFPA’s partners in implementing its emergency reproductive health programmes in post-tsunami Aceh, targeting people of reproductive age, pregnant women and married couples. The office provides services related to family planning and safe pregnancy and childbirth, among others.

For further information, please contact:

Samidjo, tel. +62 (0) 812 847 0592,; or

Maria Endah, tel. +62 (0) 815 1157 6660,

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In all the countries affected by the 26 December tsunami, UNFPA is working to ensure that short- and medium-term humanitarian efforts address the special needs of women and youth. For more information, visit /emergencies/pacific/index.htm.

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Press Release
<p> <strong>JAKARTA</strong>—To ensure immediate provision of reproductive health services in tsunami-hit Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, today allocated $400,000 to re-establish the provincial National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN).</p>
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