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Regional Situation

  • With over 10 million confirmed cases, India continues to have the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the region and second highest globally. Whereas transmission has reduced over the last month, India still sees a significant number of new cases daily.
  • The pandemic continues to spread across other countries in Asia and the Pacific. Iran, Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh are still seeing sustained numbers of new cases per day in the second half of November 2020.
  • Exacerbated drought in Afghanistan is among the potential impacts of La NiƱa of particular concern. The Federated States of Micronesia may also experience increase in the frequency of Tropical Cyclones. 

UNFPA Regional Results Highlights (January - November 2020)

  • 128 Women-Friendly Spaces supported by UNFPA.
  • 15 adolescent and youth-friendly spaces supported by UNFPA.
  • 61 mobile clinics supported by UNFPA provide SRH and GBV services to remote and hard-to-reach areas. 
  • 149,200 Dignity Kits distributed. The majority of kits have been customised for the COVID-19 context with additional protective items and information on available GBV services.
  • 88 health facilities provide specialised GBV services, including clinical management of rape.
  • 167 health facilities provide Emergency Obstetric Care supported by UNFPA.
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