Regional Situation
- With over 10.5 million confirmed cases, India continues to have the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the region and the second highest globally. Whereas transmission has reduced over the last few months, India still sees a significant number of daily new cases.
- The pandemic continues to spread across other countries in Asia and the Pacific. Iran and Indonesia are still seeing 5,000-8,000 new cases per day, followed by Pakistan and Malaysia, which each had around 2,000 new cases per day in December.
- In the past month, Thailand saw a sudden increase of cases following months with limited local transmission.
- Among the countries in the Pacific covered by UNFPA, COVID-19 has now been confirmed in Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Marshall Islands.
UNFPA Regional Results Highlights (January - November* 2020)
- 233,952 people trained on sexual and reproductive health (SRH), including the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for SRH in emergencies.
- 19,940 people trained on gender-based violence (GBV), including areas such as clinical management of rape.
- 4,307 youth facilitators, peers and volunteers trained on SRH and GBV.
- More than 43 million people reached with SRH/GBV information and awareness activities across the region.
- At least 1,794,611 women of reproductive age reached with SRH services across the region.
* Figures for December 2020 are currently being finalized.
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