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Regional Situation

  • With over 8 million confirmed cases, India continues to have the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the region and second globally.
  • The pandemic continues to spread across Asia and the Pacific. India, Iran, Indonesia and Nepal continue to experience a steady increase in new cases.
  • Monsoon floods have impacted several countries in the region recently including Viet Nam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, India, China, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

UNFPA Results Highlights Jan - Oct 2020

  • More than 43 million people reached with SRH/GBV information and awareness activities across the region.
  • At least 1,794,611 women of reproductive age reached with SRH services across the region.
  • At least 67,421 safe deliveries assisted by UNFPA in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa and Vanuatu. 
  • At least 725,17 people reached with family planning services across the region.
  • 54,485 older persons aged 65+ reached with SRH services across the region.
  • 7,758 people reached with cash and voucher assistance in Bangladesh, Myanmar and the Philippines. 
  • At least 241,516 people reached with GBV prevention, risk mitigation and response services across the region.
  • At least 368,470 people aged 10-24 years reached with SRH services across the region. 
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