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This Manual provides step-by-step guidance on how to apply a culturally sensitive, gender-responsive, human rights-based approach to programming in each of UNFPA’s three core areas of work: population and development, reproductive health, and  gender. It also covers how to apply such an approach in the context of a humanitarian emergency. This pdf includes a facilitator manual.

This Manual was designed primarily for use by UNFPA Country Staff, but will also be useful for UNFPA implementing partners and others working in the fields of population and development, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, gender equality and women’s empowerment.

In addition to serving as a standalone reference tool,  the Manual may also be used in conjuction with the accompanying Training Materials (Power Point) as a basis for conducting a training in human rights-based programming.

This Manual was produced through a collaboration between the Program on International Health and Human Rights, Harvard School of Public Health and the Gender, Human Rights and Culture Branch of the UNFPA Technical Division, with the involvement of UNFPA staff and outside consultants.


I. HRBA Manual in full

II. Checklist

III. Power Points

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This Manual, produced through a collaboration between UNFPA and the Harvard School of Public Health, provides step-by-step guidance on how to apply a culturally sensitive, gender-responsive, human rights-based approach to programming in each of UNFPA’s three core areas of work: population and development, reproductive health, and gender.
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Practical Information and Training Materials
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UNFPA and Harvard School of Public Health
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